Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, April 22, 2016

Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia - Executive Order - Illegal Actions for Hillary Clinton Swing Vote - DNC White House Smiling - No Comment from Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton Voter Fraud -

Obama Political Progressive Bomb Explodes in Virginia, Radical Progressive Governor, Democratic Governor, decided to break all the laws and rules and let convicted FELONS vote in Virginia, just in time for the November Elections. More than 200,000 convicted felons will be able to cast ballots (which is illegal) in the swing state of Virginia in November's (Hillary Clinton's) presidential election under a sweeping executive order by Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Friday that restores their rights to vote and run for office. The Democrat said his actions would help undo Virginia's long history of trying to suppress the black vote which was a very stupid thing to say as the FELONS will now vote as their told.  McAuliffe, lawless, smiles as he tries to explain.  

There are no worth-while pointers from McAuliffe as his actions, which he's very proud belong in the Soviet Union Russia, Iran, North Korea where men are not free.  The convicted FELONS can now vote which is voter fraud to help Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama continue their horror show against the American people.  The progressive radical McAuliffe kicked in some colored comments concerning slavery to cover his ass as he has not yet learned, like his new convict friends, have harmed society, hurt people, stolen property and cost the people of Virginia tens of millions of dollars as the cops catch them running drugs, running guns, stealing cars, working whores and other night shift work.

Governor McAuliffe has turned the peaceful streets of Virginia into nightmares as thousands of convicts, released on the streets, can not only vote but the criminals can now run for office, within the DNC Democratic Party of Clinton and Obama.

When the progressive socialist experiment of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Lynch, Lois Lerner, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel and others end you will see blood on the streets, slaughtered lives of innocent people, welfare double then tripple, taxes up a thousand percent, shame and misery and your constitutional rights burning like Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia and other 3rd world communities of the progressive liberal left Democratic strong holds.

These power-mad dictators like McAuliffe, Obama, Holder, Clinton and others live with luxuries and wealth as the working citizen struggles to survive the progressive socialist party with streets filled with criminals, illegal aliens Islamic Jihadist Radicals,  and now voting convicts.

It's clear that McAuliffe, Obama and Hillary Clinton stand against us and our bill of rights within the U.S. Constitution. There is no repair kit for Obama, Clinton or McAuliffe, they are simply broken radicals running on bald tires as the conquered peoples (us) are about to raise up with Donald Trump and take the country back under the law.

These same convicts that will be voting are on probation, welfare, eat by food stamps, sport a free Obama phone, use ObamaCare free medical care, live in section eight housing and are criminals running loose with girls, drugs, guns as 75% of them will be in jail or prison again, after they vote for Hillary Clinton.

If you don't speed you won't get a speeding ticket.

If you break in a home and steal a compute you go to jail and give up your rights which includes the right to vote with the honest people.  Why would any sane man give criminals power over the people that were shot, robbed or abused?  He's a criminal too!

The governments centralized crankcase called Congress is full of socialists, progressives, communists and other radical groups.

Re-Alignment and re-build starts in November.

The essential tool needed to maintain our country is the honest vote, somebody tell the nut job radical McAuliffe of Virginia, he's way out of line.


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