Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Shut The Hell Up - Climate Change is Back - Shut Your Mouth or Go To Jail? Who is Eric Schneideman? Who is Kamala Harris and why would you care. ClimateGate Barack Obama John Kerry Hillary Clinton Global Warming Monopoly Game

The Climate Change inquisition brought about radical progressive Barack Hussein Obama is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Speech Control is Thought Control and Barack Obama cannot complete his fraud against the American people without Climate Change Authority.
Climate Change is a theory based on many assumptions brought about by Climate Science that is also based on theory and assumptions.

Now, the progressive socialist centralized government of Barack Obama and people like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Al Gore want to punish people that talk against, write against, inform people about other opinions concerning the many assumptions and theories about Climate Change.

Barack Obama, the proven idiot that made it to the White House does not accept critique about anything so Climate Change is on his otherwise long list of absolute, infallible decisions that we can no longer critique.  Just like the religious views of Islamic Jihadist Radicals the Climate Change community, mostly paid by the government, have decided that Climate change is real and are now targeting companies that challenge their climate change religion.
The Climate Jihadists have a great deal of motive so they are now on a witch hunt because they are sure Climate Change is real just like the Barack Obama Hillary Clinton John Kerry Red Line in Syria.

Some Attorney General Eric Schneideman, New York State, speaking at some government funded press conference deemed that Climate Change is real just like keeping your doctor under ObamaCare.
He also states in some legal speak that he'll hunt you down or otherwise pursue you using the fullest extent of the law, which he obviously went to night school.
This guy Eric Schneideman, is going to punish the bastards and offer up some jail time, property confiscation, some cash fines and in some severe cases torture you with another press conference if you don't stop arguing against Obama Clinton Soros Climate Change.
Eric thinks if enough dumb people combine, the power of many dumb people will overcome the peoples constitutional rights to argue against the new Climate Change Economy designed by progressive radicals.
Now when you combine the power of all these Attorney Generals from places like the Virgin Islands, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia you should quickly seek immediate shelter underground.
If you don't believe in this unproven guesswork or in their terms the scientific theory of Climate Change consider yourself threatened with legal action.  To think, some people are worried about Donald Trump and a wall to keep wetbacks out of America when we now have these Democratic Progressive Socialists trying to strong arm the nice lady down the street that has a coal furnace or the man across the street burning wood in the winter.
This Schneiderman and some chick Kamala Harris, representing the great states of New York and California have already used taxpayer citizen funds to launch investigations against ExxonMobil, the bastards, for allegedly funding anti Climate Change research as they question the theory and the results of government sponsored socialist ideas and policies.
Now the oil people say that the Climate Change Advocacy groups are making false accusations but good citizen Al Gore is praising the attorney generals as doing important work, like anybody cares what Al Gore thinks.
After Al Gore got divorced and after he invented the internet, and after he was Vice President, and after he was accused of sexual assault he stepped up to save the world and his financial ass as he sold Current T.V. to the Muslim's Al Jazeera owned by the Qatari Royal Family owed him millions.  Al has a few problems but he's trying to save the world, from heat.  You might remember the Climate Change movie An Inconvenient Truth that was praised around the world but not so much today as the world has determined it was a base for the Ponzi Scheme called Climate Change today.
Al Gore has no real attachment to the truth and these radical AG's are not going to stop the scientific debate unless you are a Climate Guru on the government payroll to come up and support Climate Change or what was called Global Warming.
Climate-gate emails suggest conspiracy

“The 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory - a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science...emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organized resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more should be the target of these Attorney Generals wanting you to shut the hell up and start paying up for bogus Climate Change. 


1 comment:

Donald Trump Rank and File Reporting said... stands against Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration and the progressive socialist government, outside of the Constitution.

Over 50 Years Old, and it's members, in the majority, cannot accept the progressive socialist government of Barack Obama,Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

As the country struggles the progressive socialists in government, continue to commit fraud against the American people.