Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Every criminal hides their face unless they know the piercing eye of the law will never look their way. The Andy Ledger FBI Story Murder she wrote or maybe just another sad story

As the story goes, kind of,  Hillary looked up and down the street as the minutes passed and the deserted side street remained silent.  She was waiting for the FBI investigator as she slouched a little lower in the back seat of her black limousine. In one hand she held a 9 millimeter pistol and in the other a small box wrapped in brown paper.  The story goes that she was farting in the back seat which drove Cheryl wildly nuts so she was forced to roll down the window. 
Hillary and Cheryl had waited over an hour now and Hillary's temper was being magnified a hundred times over.  The highly explosive information inside the little brown box would end the freedom of Bill Clinton her intended victim and set her free upon the world with two billion dollars of foundation cash. 
Hillary lived her life on top of a time bomb by the name of Bill Clinton and if she was going to be president she had to escape his wrath so she stepped up and took the FBI up on their top secret deal.  They had enough evidence on Bill to send him to prison but they needed that eye witness and who better than Hillary.  
If she did what she was told she could escape the FBI and DOJ indictment sitting on Loretta's desk waiting on a single signature. Hillary planned to get away with her crimes without a scratch but Bill Clinton, the once impeached President of the United States would be in federal prison and eating two hots and a cold for the rest of his life. 
His life would be shattered into fragments but the horny bastard deserved anything they tossed his way.  Bill had wanted the private email server and his fingerprints were all over the illegal actions but the girls would do him in she always knew.  Him and his little teenage girlfriends had been documented and the billionaire friend was also making deals with the feds. 
Loretta told Hillary to give up Bill and Barack could walk away but she had to hurry, within 72 hours the indictment against her would be signed.  Barack didn't want anything to do with a Secretary of State in Federal prison, he could turn away if she did what she was told. 
The FBI laboratories had all the evidence they needed to put Hillary and Bill Clinton in jail so the crime fighters were raising hell with Jim Comey, the director of the FBI.  The field guys wanted to know why she was free as a bird and not a jailbird. 
The astonishing piece of evidence against Hillary had to disappear so the $500,000 in the brown box should solve the problem plus a few secret documents that would bury Bill for twenty years to life. 
The FBI has had Hillary Clinton under a magnifying glass for almost three years now and nothing was too faint, they found everything.  They had help from the NSA CIA around the world so she couldn't hide anything.  She had been busted years ago but they kept waiting and gathering more and more information. 
They had tire prints, fingerprints, chalk marks, thousands of photographs from undercover FBI agents, voice records, bank records, emails, top secret documents, cashed checks, but they also had the retrieved computer server that held every lie she ever told, she was caught and she was pissed.  She had trusted Bill to take care of Donald Trump and now look she was laying flat in the backseat of a car waiting to bribe the FBI to clear up a few problems. 
What she didn't know was while she was waiting this very moment for the FBI investigator she was being filmed by the CIA with the help of the NSA and the Department of Homeland Security.
The storekeeper down the street, making his donuts was a CIA operative and the street janitor was his partner watching Hillary Clinton.  A total of nine agents were on scene but out of sight as images were being recorded and voice prints being made.
The gleaming eye of the camera would again catch Hillary Clinton bribing a police official and the miniature cameras placed along the street would capture everything else.  The snapshots of Hillary would convict her as the whole deal was a hoax to catch her bribing the FBI.  Hillary fell for the hoax because she was the real target and even Congress had approved the secret operation, some say all the way to the White House. 
Bill Clinton was also quick to take up the FBI on their deal making.  Help them gain a conviction on Hillary and he could walk free, he would have to admit wrong doing, but no prison time.  Bill knew a deal when he saw it and jumped on the deal to frame up Hillary and box her in and then jail her.  She was a pain in the ass anyway.
Bill Clinton has never been innocent, he was always guilty.
Hillary was sitting in her car, the driver just waiting with her but Cheryl was used to late night meetings.  Bill had come home late three nights before, Bill was drunk and abusive and threatened her again and made it clear that he could have her locked up and she had sworn that would be the last time.  Bill gets drunk and starts his late night dating with young women as Hillary plays the loyal wife on T.V. news programs. 
The FBI's report stated that there was a struggle and the women in the black car was accidentally shot.  The district attorney had little choice but to hand the case over to the feds, it was their crime scene.  Most likely an accident.
The FBI agent maintained that the lady in the car pointed the loaded pistol at him so he pulled his weapon and shot her, he shot her dead. He swore he had no idea it was Hillary Clinton, until he opened up the door and took a closer look.  There were a lot of Clinton's in the county and they all kind of looked a like due to their breeding habits so he could only guess about the real identity, besides it was dark. 
From inside his mansion Bill Clinton watched CNN and then FOX and then back again so he didn't really hear the screen door open, he had been drinking and messing around with the maid, maybe just a little, it was just another Secret Service Agent making his rounds, why would he really notice.  They came in and went out 24 hours a day.
It wasn't the Secret Service, and it was proven at trial that the shooter inside the mansion was one of Hillary's attorneys and Bill Clinton was lucky that the bullet missed and hit the picture on the wall just inches from his head.
They had mapped out all the crisscrossing of the bullets and proved that more than one shooter had entered the mansion.  Time and Time again Bill Clinton had walked away from political death but the recovered bullets in the wall proved it was Hillary's gun but the prosecution failed to prove the shooter was guilty of attempted murder.  The forensic ballistics and Secret Service agents sworn statements said clearly that the shooter was shooting at an intruder thus giving Bill Clinton his freedom and life.  The shooter had saved Bill and not tried to kill him.  Many thought it was a hit job from gangster friends maybe because of some drug deal gone bad or maybe a mad father concerning his daughter?
Bill had no scars or wounds, every bullet missed him but the documents found during the investigation would be kept for evidence against him. Bill had given permission for the cops to look around, mostly because he was drunk and didn't know what he was saying most of the time. 
Recently, Bill Clinton had been giving speeches for the Clinton Foundation and stumping for his wife running for President.  The Clinton's were always surrounded by underworld characters but the police found canceled checks paying for pickpockets and union thugs to work the crowds at Bernie Sanders many campaign events.  The FBI and local cops had heard it all concerning the Clinton's so they rushed the reporting and just chalked it up to some pissed off somebody taking some shots.  
These undesirables were known to the local police and nabbing them up would have to wait.  Bill had filed a life insurance claim on Hillary for $20 million dollars but their detectives joined the police and stopped any payments until further notice.  Life insurance companies had a lot of Clinton files so they had to be sure if the Hillary was per say the Hillary on the insurance documents.  Clinton was an old name and thousands of them lived within 100 miles, they had to be sorted and God had nothing to do with it. 
In a matter of days the Cops were back behind the walls of the Clinton Mansion. Physicians examined the body and found only a few minor bruises but the yard laborer insisted that Bill Clinton fell out of the attic window.  He had been drinking and shouting from the upper floors or maybe chasing the maid but in any event he went out the window feet first, which was kind of an odd way. 
On Sunday morning the Newspaper reported the Clinton's would be buried in the backyard of their mansions after Chelsea requested the special permits.  Chelsea was also a common name with the Clinton's just like Webb was popular so the local papers screwed up most of the news.
The heavy equipment began digging the graves as the media was unaware that the Clinton's would be buried on the very day Chelsea gained the permits, in their residential backyard, right next to the bean poles and tomato plants that Bill would tend with his gardener.  They used the bean poles as standards and placed ribbon around them to block off the grave sites so it didn't look too cheaply done. 
Always in the public eye it was odd that the graveside services would be private and held behind the mansion walls.  It was also odd what the hidden FBI cameras were filming as one set of images revealed Hillary and Bill Clinton were standing next to their own graves smiling at each other with Chelsea hugging Webb Hubbell over by the old oak tree.
As the Clinton's looked up at the silver winged airplane zigzagging around above they didn't know it was looking down as the National Enquirer got their pictures. After the Ted story the Enquirer needed another story so Donald gave them the idea about trying to get pictures of the private funeral, it should be good for laughs.
The aerial camera snapped thousands of still pictures as the digital movie camera caught the live action of both Hillary and Bill Clinton. It was hard to believe.  Bill and Hillary Clinton standing right next to their own graves, something was wrong and weird but it sure would sell a lot of pulp fiction. 
Picture after picture proved that the Clinton's were alive and well as the sky hunt had paid off.  The paper had proof that the Clinton's were alive and simply avoiding federal prosecution by the DOJ FBI investigations and indictments.  The story gets a little different and was never fully published as the pilot with all the film took off with the evidence, many expected she sold the stuff to the Clinton Foundation. 
The lady flying the plane and operating the cameras was discovered two days later slumped over on the beach with one arm removed and a revolver being held by her only hand, she had been dead for hours.  A digital camera was in her beech bag and the sim card was removed. 
Resting in the sand her limply single hand held the pistol that had been used in the Clinton mansion shootings that had almost killed Bill Clinton.
The lifeless hand told the story, the fingerprints matched and the FBI lab proved it was the same gun that took the missed shots at Bill. It was the second shooter that the cops could never find.  The sheriff was pleased and the local police department let the FBI know the case was kind of solved. 
The FBI and local cops wrote it up as suicide but the missing arm was clearly missing from any of the official reporting.  Right next to the dead woman you could clearly see the outlines in the sand of another person that had been sitting by the dead woman's body the FBI had calculated.
Hillary and Bill Clinton went sailing together and left in the middle of the night as the boat was being sailed by an experienced Englishman as they headed apparently to Brazil when the Clinton's got into another quarrel that forced the Englishman to tie up Hillary to the masthead as they dropped the sails and motored into the remarkable harbor of Rio.
The Englishman had kept the dead woman's arm in the boats freezer because one of the Clinton's lawyers told him to ice the bitch down.
Later in court the Englishman's story was proven true and he was guaranteed an acquittal if he would testify against the living Clinton's.
The National Enquirer could not publish the pictures because they had snapped pictures of the wrong Clinton's.  Impressed with the story they made up some fictional story like the Ted girlfriend stories and their sales went up but when their pictures were blown up for a closer look none of this was about the famous Bill and Hillary Clinton of Washington D.C. fame.
There is hope that further justice should come concerning the real Bill and Hillary Clinton but this whole story, is a false positive but there was a sail boat spotted by sheer chance with the body of a woman tied to a masthead and a white sail on fire at her feet.
Every criminal hides their face unless they know the piercing eye of the law will never look their way. 
This story pays tribute to fiction and should be a very potent aid to young writers of pulp fiction or maybe the New York Times editor, surely always on the side of law and order.

Good sailing, November sailing  is just around the corner and its going to be cold.

Murder she wrote,


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