Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The welfare minority urban city centers have been socialized by the progressive socialist DNC democratic party which is why Hillary Clinton Barack Obama George Soros wants to eliminate the electoral college. These major urban welfare city centers, without the electoral college could gain and control power over the entire nation thus plunging the entire nation into socialism. Hillary Clinton is a disgrace and follows in the exact same corrupt foot steps as Barack Obama. The political power is spread all across the United States.

The welfare minority urban city centers have been socialized by the progressive socialist DNC democratic party which is why Hillary Clinton Barack Obama George Soros wants to eliminate the electoral college.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote as the came from urban centers, welfare and crime ridden cities.

These major urban welfare city centers, without the electoral college could gain and control power over the entire nation thus plunging the entire nation into socialism. 

Hillary Clinton is a disgrace and follows in the exact same corrupt foot steps as Barack Obama. 

The political power is spread all across the United States.

Yet the same people who own more than the bottom half of the world’s population are also the same people who tout progressive, globalist philosophies championed by the very people who claim that there is income inequality.
Here are the eight people who made the list:
1. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Net worth: $75 billion. Gates leads the list with a total net worth of $75 billion, but his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, spent $170 million to create and implement Common Core standards, and said socialism was the only thing that can save us from climate change.
2. Amancio Ortega Gaonathe Spanish founder of the fashion company Inditex, best known for its oldest and biggest brand, Zara. Net worth: $67 billion. Ortega keeps a low profile compared to most of the people on this list, but his foundation, Fundacion Amancio Ortega, promotes funding for many social programs.
3. Warren E. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. Net worth: $60.8 billion. Buffett may be one of the richest people on this list, but he isn’t against greater regulations for businesses and higher taxes. Yet despite his personal convictions, his business, Berkshire Hathaway, received $95 billion in TARP funds during the banking bailout.
4. Carlos Slim Helú, the Mexican telecommunications magnate. Net worth: $50 billion. In addition to dominating the Mexican telecom industry, he is also the largest investor in the New York Times and is part owner of the historically liberal paper. He is also a fierce proponent of amnesty for illegal aliens in the United States.
5. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Net worth: $45.2 billion. Bezos is owner of the Washington Post, which penned an editorial saying that foreign workers should replace Americans. His company Amazon is also working to cut labor costs by hiring robots to help ship packages.
6. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s creator. Net worth: $44.6 billion. Zuckerberg has been very vocal about his support for progressive, globalist policies, publicly praising Germany’s open-door refugee policies as “inspiring.” He has also reprimanded those at Facebook who crossed out “Black Lives Matter” in favor of “All Lives Matter.”
7. Lawrence J. Ellison, the founder of Oracle. Net worth: $43.6 billion. Ellison, like Zuckerberg, supports comprehensive immigration reform. His company is also one of the biggest users of H1-B visas, which have been criticized for replacing American workers with foreign replacements.
8. Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York and founder of the media and financial-data giant Bloomberg L.L.P. Net worth: $40 billion. Bloomberg may be one of the richest men in the world, but he also was the mastermind behind New York City’s ban on large containers of soda and spent $50 million funding the gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety.

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