Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, June 30, 2014

FBI BARACK OBAMA Barack Obama has always thought he was out of reach of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. Their accusing finger could never finger him for anything, unless she betrayed him. He found Michelle's wedding ring on the table and he knew that this double edge sword marriage was quickly going bad.

Barack Obama has always thought he was out of reach of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Their accusing finger could never finger him for anything, unless she betrayed him.
He found Michelle's wedding ring on the table and he knew that this double edge sword marriage was quickly going bad. 

Barack Obama has always thought he was out of reach of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. Their accusing finger could never finger him for anything, unless she betrayed him. He found Michelle's wedding ring on the table and he knew that this double edge sword marriage was quickly going bad.

Barack Obama has always thought he was out of reach of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Their accusing finger could never finger him for anything, unless she betrayed him.
He found Michelle's wedding ring on the table and he knew that this double edge sword marriage was quickly going bad. 
Michelle in her own way was holding Barack hostage and left unguarded she could be a problem. She knew everything and a federal grand jury was on the hunt for anybody behind the scenes that could help them bring Barack Obama to trial.
He also knew that when Eric Holder resigned under pressure from Congress the back door to the White House was wide open and the new Attorney General shifted the entire plot to transform the United States.
Eric Holder was a diehard radical like Barack Obama and his double-life, hopefully, would never be uncovered.  Their joint treachery concerning Benghazi, VA Veterans Administration, Fast & Furious, ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act, Syria red line, Iran nuclear bomb, Crimea and BLM Bundy Cattle Ranch raid but, 

Barack Obama Claims Sharia Law and not the Constitution as the Central Power of the New World Order - CIA NSA FBI Agencies to be defunded and closed, The Islamist extremist group ISIS has formally declared the establishment of a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control. Barack Obama claims his birth right as a Muslim of a Muslim and demands a change in the U.S. Constitution allowing Sharia law in the U.S. Courts. Eric Holder claims that Barack Obama has extended Muslim rights under Sharia law and the Congress cannot confine him under the illegal U.S. Constitution that does not foster true freedom.

The Islamist extremist group ISIS has formally declared the establishment of a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control.  Barack Obama claims his birth right as a Muslim of a Muslim and demands a change in the U.S. Constitution allowing Sharia law in the U.S. Courts.  Eric Holder claims that Barack Obama has extended Muslim rights under Sharia law and the Congress cannot confine him under the illegal U.S. Constitution that does not foster true freedom. 

War Warning America Civil Unrest Barack Obama Many People are wondering what to do? Many people are Warning of Wars These weird whispers and ordinary messages are the amazing and mysterious true life story of you and every other human being on earth today, yesterday and tomorrow. Without the embarrassment of sounds made by the tongue and without the need of an ear to hear the whispers these messages have always been delivered directly and is your secret weapon once you truly understand. Thanks to research over thousands of years there is a new chapter to your fantastic history. Your original story may always be a mysterious adventure but mankind has discovered many things and competent scientists, researchers, investigators, examiners, and even college professors can help any good person untwist the whispers and the ordinary messages from the maker of you and the designer and initiator of everything inside you.

247 Secrets of Mankind
Weird Whispers and Ordinary Messages
Terrifying - Terrible - Terrorizing
The Provocation To Civil War
Tiny Pushes, The Obama Annoyance
by Gregory Bodenhamer 2014
The whispers inside your mindthose little messages from some invisible supernatural place that fills your mind is from your creator.  Traveling inside your mind at the speed of light, without the embarrassment of any sound where others could hear is your maker talking to you. It's time that you learn the 247 Secrets of Mankind and the God that made you. 

THE TEA PARTY, What can I do?  What can you do?  How can you help?  Learn everything you can and then share with everybody you know.  Do not delay.  Join the Tea Party, get educated and get going.  You must teach other people about Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Obama doesn't want you know many things.

Obama controls the largest and most powerful government in the world,
and it is corrupt.

You can no longer simply watch,
You are not a visitor,
You are here and it is now,
Join the Tea Party

Get The Message

What is it?  Have you heard it?  What did it tell you?  Did you understand the whispers from the paradise that many simply call heaven, the place of that supernatural being that has created you as another perfect being. Automatically you hear the messages when you're wide awake and when you're sound asleep. From the beginning of time, before mankind could ever understand, men and women have been given messages direct from their creator. 
Many people wonder what to do?
Many people are looking for help?
Many people are Warning of Wars
These weird whispers and ordinary messages are the amazing and mysterious true life story of you and every other human being on earth today, yesterday and tomorrow. Without the embarrassment of sounds made by the tongue and without the need of an ear to hear the whispers these messages have always been delivered directly and is your secret weapon once you truly understand.
Thanks to research over thousands of years there is a new chapter to your fantastic history.  Your original story may always be a mysterious adventure but mankind has discovered many things and competent scientists, researchers, investigators, examiners, and even college professors can help any good person untwist the whispers and the ordinary messages from the maker of you and the designer and initiator of everything inside you.
There is nothing more fantastic than the perfected internal instructions running inside your mind this very second.  You can easily put aside the myth's and spectacularly start living a new life this very day. 

Any competent person can learn about the tidal waves of thoughts perfected by your creator that produce the urges, desires, impulses, inclinations and longings that every human being feels from the bottom of their soul.
At the atomic level, these mythical messages and fabulous communications are very real.  Anywhere on earth, every person walking around has the ability to switch on these enormous waves of messages.  In a matter of hours, you can change everything. You know these messages are real because the mist of these messages cannot be wiped out and every inhabitant on earth hears the whispers but not every person can untwist them into ordinary messages. 
Messages are not colorless as you have colors that make you feel a certain way.  Messages are not odorless as a certain smell makes you feel wonderful and others may disgust you and you're not alone.
These messages from the creator are received by you automatically as you have no choice.  These messages do not evaporate in time because time does not really exist. These messages fit very neatly into your mind and life because these significant resources available to you are yours to believe or not but,  you can never toss them away.  
Nothing can wipe out these important and vital messages that are essential for your survival, stability, success and significance as a human being, which is the motivation and explanation for their existence in the first place. 
Your very survival depends on these messages and the reality of your life will be determined by your ability to appreciate that they exist, comprehend their meanings, and identify ways that you can use these silent messengers to grasp your own history and future on earth.
Many people, millions and millions of people do not believe that every human being actually has an architect beyond their mother and father as their physical creator. Millions of people believe in DNA/RNA genetic material sciences, gene's and chromosomes but cannot grasp or believe that there is something tremendous living inside you, offering every human being even greater power that moves beyond luck and daylight understanding.
There is ample reason to believe in a GOD but it's not required to learn about the Weird Whispers and Ordinary Messages that can change your life forever.  Science cannot detect these messages even though they can prove that they exist, live and survive from one human being to another.  They (messages) (whispers) continue living because humans continue to live and to stay alive these whispers and messages must make sure you stay alive. With advanced sciences and technology the experts can see your mind activate and set other thoughts and ideas into motion.
Like a giant magnet your mind receives these voiceless messages that activates your own private internal operating system.  Your internal operating system holds millions of years of information and experiences in reserve and stockpiled away for your future use.  These weird whispers and ordinary messages are not invading your mind as your mind has been designed to receive these messages.  You have no defense against them and you have nothing to fear from receiving them.  You receive millions of whispers and ordinary messages every second even though no one can say for sure. 
Eventually, almost always, every human being on earth comes to a point when they realize that they hear voices without noises inside their own mind.  Eventually, these persistent messages help people understand that the weird whispers and ordinary messages are not a result of their imagination alone.
Remember, words were invented by man.  You must have a thought to communicate before you convert that same thought into a series of words.  Mankind has always had internal whispers and ordinary messages that we call thoughts today.  It took a silent thought (a internal silent voice whisper) to invent the language you use to communicate (a ordinary word voice message)  your internal thoughts to the outside world.
To spread knowledge we had to learn to listen to our own internal whispers and in time we all realized that humans possessed some kind of knowledge that lesser animals did not.  Many men thought we all lived inside of some glass dome and if we didn't follow the rules of the GODS we could become a target and burst into flames. 
If you want to start learning, anywhere on earth, you can learn to use your internal forces, to stop things, to start things, to operate your life faster or slower and even change directions.

They are 247 Secretsdebated through the centuries, some scientists know it's real, you decide if you want a crisp new life filled with prosperity and opportunity. 

Bill Ayers, the American born terrorist, bombed many American government sites. Bill Ayers had a rich father and per-say adopted a young negro by the name of Barry Soetoro - Barack Obama and funded his education, including Occidential College. The black kid, raised by domestic terrorist wanted to rule the world but settled as President of the United States, the same thing. The Ayers family, very wealthy, the son Bill Ayers very radical wanted to kill 25 million Americans. Occidential College cannot release the Barack Obama college records, because it shows the financial connections of the Ayers family and the radical Barack Obama, who lied about everything, and does so today.

Bill Ayers, the American born terrorist, bombed many American government sites.  Bill Ayers had a rich father and per-say adopted a young negro by the name of Barry Soetoro - Barack Obama and funded his education, including Occidential College.  The black kid, raised by domestic terrorist wanted to rule the world but settled as President of the United States, the same thing.  The Ayers family, very wealthy, the son Bill Ayers very radical wanted to kill 25 million Americans.  Occidential College cannot release the Barack Obama college records, because it shows the financial connections of the Ayers family and the radical Barack Obama, who lied about everything, and does so today.  Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground American Terrorist Group wanted to destroy America, at any cost.  

Sunday, June 29, 2014

THE TEA PARTY, What can I do? What can you do? How can you help? Learn everything you can and then share with everybody you know. Do not delay. Join the Tea Party, get educated and get going. You must teach other people about Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

THE TEA PARTY, What can I do?

What can you do?  How can you help?  Learn everything you can and then share with everybody you know.  Do not delay.  Join the Tea Party, get educated and get going.  You must teach other people about Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Hillary Rodham Clinton.