Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bergdahl Barack Obama Taliban Hagel Charged as Enemies Against The State Traitor Bergdahl and Secretary Hagel will be sharing the same prison, some say. The Obama administration took the credit but will not take the blame for the traitor swap with the Taliban. It's Hagel's fault says the cowards inside the White House, but are you really surprised. Barack Obama was putting his moves on the mother of Bergdahl, some say he was feeling her up, right in front of the cameras. Hugging too close and too much pissed off Michelle but she has other problems, the white kids are fat, the black unborn kids are being killed by Planned Parenthood and taxpayer money and thousands of brown eyed illegal alien children have invaded Texas and now other parts south.

Traitor Bergdahl and Secretary Hagel will be sharing the same prison, some say.  The Obama administration took the credit but will not take the blame for the traitor swap with the Taliban.  It's Hagel's fault says the cowards inside the White House, but are you really surprised.  Barack Obama was putting his moves on the mother of Bergdahl, some say he was feeling her up, right in front of the cameras.  Hugging too close and too much pissed off Michelle but she has other problems, the white kids are fat, the black unborn kids are being killed by Planned Parenthood and taxpayer money and thousands of brown eyed illegal alien children have invaded Texas and now other parts south. 

House Armed Services Chair Buck Mckeon (R-CA) told ABC, “They indicated [it was] Secretary Hagel [who made the final call].” He continued, “It was the president of the United States that came out with the Bergdahls and took all the credit and now that there’s been a little pushback he’s moving away from it and it’s Secretary Hagel?”
Last week, Hagel told the BBC that the decision to deal with the Taliban Islamist terrorist group was unanimous within the ranks of top White House cabinet officials. “It was the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of National Intelligence, Attorney General,” he said.
Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) of the House Intelligence committee revealed startling information about who was ‘in the know’ about the Bergdahl exchange. “They made it clear that there were 80 to 90 people who knew ahead of time about the Bergdahl release. There was a sense of anger that members of Congress didn’t know about this. Obviously, if there is secure information -- members of Congress knew about the capture of Osama bin Laden -- and yet 80 to 90 staff in the White House knew about this,” she said.

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