Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Yes, Communism - Socialism - today represents a real and direct threat to America. Our democratic was of life is almost destroyed now. Obama - Pelosi - Reid - Hillary Clinton - Holder and many others have created a gigantic tyranny, choking the economy, killing veterans, trading Taliban for traitors, using powerful federal and centralized agencies of the government like NSA, CIA, DOD, BLM, EPA, FBI, IRS, HHS, DHS, and dozens more keeping you in check, watching, listening, recording and reporting.

Communism is America, Communism in your home town, Communism next door.  You don't have to worry about a Communist conspiracy any longer because the White House and Obama's Administrative Centralized Communist Style government has brought Communism to real life.  Are you in danger?  Do you work at some foreign embassy?  Will the president save you?  

There are subversive elements inside all the cabinet departments, proof was easy.  How many U.S. Veterans died because of the V.A. Veterans Administrations hospital or medical care waiting list, the death vine.  How many people, under Obama's direct control received cash bonuses because of two sets of books. 

To conquer America all they had to do was put a guy like Barack Hussein Obama in office and all hell broke loose.  Obama ignores Congress, which really means he ignores you, the voter and taxpayer.

Yes, Communism - Socialism - today represents a real and direct threat to America.  Our democratic was of life is almost destroyed now.  Obama - Pelosi - Reid - Hillary Clinton - Holder and many others have created a gigantic tyranny, choking the economy, killing veterans, trading Taliban for traitors, using powerful federal and centralized agencies of the government like NSA, CIA, DOD, BLM, EPA, FBI, IRS, HHS, DHS, and dozens more keeping you in check, watching, listening, recording and reporting.

Barack Obama has replaced your freedom with food stamps, welfare, Obamacare, section eight housing, free cell phones and other Communist gimmicks.  Millions of people will eat tonight because they receive food stamps.  Millions will work under 30 hours this week due to ObamaCare.  Maybe, thousands of U.S. Veterans have been killed due to the V.A. Hospital waiting lists.  The four Americans killed in Benghazi could have been saved, what about next time.  Iraq is at war again, Obama won't help them.  The Al-qaeda fields well organized armed thugs and their taking Iraq back into the stone age.  Iran most likely already has a nuclear weapon, only Israel seems concerned.  

So thanks to Obama and his friends, voters and donors the dictatorship has been established, replacing your freedom and justice with hatred, race wars, unemployment, government health care and inside every home their is a touch of terror for what's to come. 

The assaults against you have just started.  Putin in Russia saw the Obama coward for what he was and now Putin stands in the Crimea.  Iran pushed back and will build their nuclear weapons.  Put bluffed the Obama red line in Syria and now hundreds of thousands are dead.  The law and order of America is gone, the borders are open, the IRS is hunting, the NSA is listening and your local Sheriff's department is armed to the teeth in order to reign over the citizens.  

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