Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 12, 2014

ObamaCare, you remember ObamaCare, that Affordable Care Act that has already destroyed the economy, cost you're job, driving an older car but the deadly germ of Obama and his ObamaCare the rare disease that has been brought against the people of America to destroy you and your country has just started to develop. The great socialist and communist experiment ObamaCare is the dangerous experiment that will kill you, you already have the fever. Unemployment, underemployment, food stamps, section eight housing, contracting GDP numbers and that's just the beginning.

ObamaCare, you remember ObamaCare, that Affordable Care Act that has already destroyed the economy, cost you're job, driving an older car but the deadly germ of Obama and his ObamaCare the rare disease that has been brought against the people of America to destroy you and your country has just started to develop.  The great socialist and communist experiment ObamaCare is the dangerous experiment that will kill you, you already have the fever.  Unemployment, underemployment, food stamps, section eight housing, contracting GDP numbers and that's just the beginning.
The queerest of ideas, ObamaCare, forced down your throat by entirely made up facts, bribes and secret meetings, the mysterious ObamaCare is growing inside your family and it's so powerful that it will kill off hundreds of thousands of people, your neighbors, friends and family.
Large companies will not hire you and smaller organizations will only give you less than 30 hours.  Working under the guidance of an evil Obama centralized government your country, your future, your property and most of all you freedom and liberty has been removed. Uncle Sam cannot solve your problems but in November, you have one last chance, vote all the bastards out, kill the germs by voting them out of town and save your family.  It's your job to protect your children. 

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