Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Barack Obama riding around with a pistol carrying Felon, The Felon became afraid so the Secret Service kicked out President Obama, The Felon could not be around Barack Obama because it would break his probation. He asked to be let off at the next floor

The epidemic of Ebola is not the concern of the Secret Service but fun loving pistol toting elevator passengers are bound to cause more and more White House scandals. 

An armed felon was allowed to get “within arm’s reach” of President Barack Obama on an elevator in Atlanta early this month, a serious breach of Secret Service protocols, according to sources familiar with the incident.  

The gun-toting traveler could have nailed the president but the ingenious and slow moving Secret Service Agents took countermeasures and kicked the picture taking criminal off the elevator.  Obama, the chronic whiner about the Secret Service wondered why the guy had a bulge, maybe the shoulder holster triggered the still sober Secret Service Agents? 

The White House 

Barack Obama failures are the epidemic that scares the world.  Imagine Barack shanghaied by the elevator gunfighter and held hostage for some kind of political blackmail.  

The personal approach by the Secret Service seems to be a joke and you have to wonder if ISIS or ISIL operatives are paying off a few of the government behavioral screening agents?  Would it be possible to bribe your way closer to the President?  Sure, it's done daily.  If you send Barack Obama money you get a seat at the dinner table.  

The Secret Service no longer has the behavior-detection skills and talents to do the job and just remember they're the best of the best.  Don't think DHS can protect you.  Don't think that DHS, CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, DIA etc can guard the border because you can count their failures by the millions.  

Millions of illegal aliens surround you, some have guns, a few have drugs, many are gang members, many carry around diseases but, nobody helps you.  Barack Obama doesn't even take the time to attend national security meetings because he's a lazy low life high score golfer, some may say. 

If the Secret Service Agent is the best man standing just imagine how poorly international passengers are screened by the TSA at your airport.  A suspicious character with a gun, a convicted felon just took a ride with the President of the United States.  Another guy, just a couple of days ago jumped the fence and got deep inside the White House, surrounded by armed guards, special agents, snipers, dogs and weapons.  Hey boy, you don't have a chance.  The government cannot protect you.

The gun-toting elevator passenger decided to cooperate, what if he didn't decide to be nice?

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