Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Have You Seen my Slave Pedro? Obama, Zucerberg, Buffett, Adelson, Gates, Slim, Dreamers for Illegal Aliens Cheap Labor and Stupid Citizens Illegal Aliens Illegal Immigration Oligarchy Obama Clinton Pelosi Reid Holder White House ObamaCare Putin Syria ISIS ISIL

Silicon Valley, led by Mark Zuckerberg's, has poured in millions for amnesty legislation to secure high-tech guest-worker visas even though America has a surplus of high-tech workers

The pro-amnesty Chamber of Commerce has spent $50 million over the last two years pushing for amnesty legislation. This is why many, tens of thousands, of small business owners have long ago pulled out of the Chamber of Commerce.  The chamber is big business and illegal cheap labor. 

Hotel and restaurant industry lobbies that want cheaper labor have also poured in millions. They want illegal, dumb and poor workers to clean their rooms and increase their profits. 

Moguls like Warren Buffett, Sheldon Adelson, and Bill Gates have called for an unlimited number of guest-worker visas. These rich bastards no longer care about America.   They don't want to hire Americans because Americans want a living wage and benefits.  You can work poor PEDRO for almost nothing for long hours without benefits and with free ObamaCare it means cash profits. 

Gates and his wife Melinda have donated millions to a scholarship program for DREAMers. Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, who owns a stake in the New York Times, has funded a program to help DREAMers get jobs in America. 

The Ford Foundation even chipped in $2.3 million in 2013, according to the Times, to help illegal immigrants received Deferred Action under Obama's 2012 temporary amnesty program that he instituted by executive fiat. Perhaps this is why Pat Caddell recently said that the Republican establishment refuses to circle the wagons to fight massive amnesty programs because they have to obey "higher orders" from "other masters."

Before the Senate left for its October recess, and Americans threw out Democrats in a midterm election in which 75% of voters, according to a Polling Company exit poll, disapproved of Obama's executive amnesty and another 80% of Americans did not want foreigners taking jobs from Americans and legal immigrants already in the country, Sen. Jeff Sessions called out the "Masters of the Universe" who were trying to rewrite America's immigration laws to suit their interests. He said he had a message to "to all the special interests, the global elites, the activists, and the cynical vote-counting political plotters that are meeting in secret at the White House."

"And the message is this: you don’t get to sit in a room and rewrite the laws of this country. Congress writes the laws," he passionately declared on the Senate floor. "You may not be used to people telling you 'no,' but I’m telling you 'no' today."

Sessions also told the American people that "you have been right from the beginning:"

You have justly demanded that our borders be controlled, our laws enforced, and that, at long last, immigration policy serve the needs of our own people first. For this virtuous demand, you have been demeaned, even scorned by the governing class. 

They know so much, this cosmopolitan elite. They want you to believe your concerns are somehow illegitimate. That you are wrong for being worried about your jobs, or your schools, or your hospitals, or your communities, or your national security. 

These elite citizens of the world speak often of their concern for people living in poverty overseas, yet turn a blind eye to the poverty and suffering in their own country. 

They don’t want you to speak up. They don’t want you to be heard. They don’t want you to feel you have a voice.

Sessions said the people's message against massive amnesty was "being heard," and he was "delivering that message to the Senate" by declaring that America is not an "oligarchy" where the so-called "Masters of the Universe" who do not want borders to get in the way of their multinational agendas get to rewrite the country's immigration laws.

High-tech interests did not appreciate it when Sessions called them out—Facebook board member Marc Andreessen said Sessions was "an odious hack" who was "clinically insane" and engaging in "outright slander" for defending American workers and suggesting that Facebook consider hiring the 18,000 American workers that Microsoft laid off even while it pushed the White House for more guest-worker visas for foreign workers.

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