Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

White House Last Night Barack Obama Secret Service Barack Obama sat around the Oval office late last night before he yielded to his own selfish needs and lit up a another cigarette as Michelle got up and left the room in protest. The elections were over and his friends had lost their ass. Obama wasn't sure he cared anymore so he smoked a lot and drank a lot, always the solution, always.

Barack Obama sat around the Oval office late last night before he yielded to his own selfish needs and lit up a another cigarette as Michelle got up and left the room in protest. The elections were over and his friends had lost their ass.  Obama wasn't sure he cared anymore so he smoked a lot and drank a lot, always the solution, always. 

There is a move to Arrest the President of the United States. 

His bitter pungent smoke made her cough and she tossed up her right hand and waved goodbye and good night to the President of the United States and his cultivated gang of socialists.  They looked like a bunch of drunk college kids sitting around the Oval Office and she wondered when and if she could ever divorce the father of her children. 
"Whew!"  "Glad that bitchy girl is gone!"  Barack said as he looked just a little wild as he took a pretty good sized gulp of his taxpayer bourbon.  Barack had his shoes off and leaned way back in his office chair looking up at the Presidential seal on the ceiling.  
The acrid smoke made Michelle cough and Barack could hear Michelle complaining about the smoke until she closed the Oval office door.  He wondered why she hated cigarette smoke so much but would hang around a camp fire for hours.  Barack really didn't understand people and he had married the one he understood the least.  He remembered chasing her but he really didn't want to marry a black girl but his handlers told him to lay off the white chicks.  If he wanted to play the national game he would have to be married, have kids, become a Christian and stop the damn smoking. 
True enough, the GOP Republicans had kicked his ass tonight and he had lost the Senate but his experiment in socialist government wasn't finished yet.  He got a call from Soro's, Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Sr, Al Sharpton, and Axelrod and they all told him to relax that the sun would come up like normal. 
He took a long drag off his cigarette and the insidious, poisonous fumes made him cough so he dropped the still burning cigarette into his bourbon glass watching it die like some creature drowning.
His will-power was gone now so he breathed in a little fresh air and lit another cigarette.  Nancy Pelosi tried to breath but surrendered to the smoke and moved to the other end of the couch and sat next to Harry Reid and Eric Holder.
Nancy watched Barack Obama launch and expose his idiot power and his larger than life ego clamored for more booze and attention from his friends.  Barack had already invited Congressional leaders to the White House this coming Friday as he planned to mingle with the GOP delusional winners of the mid-term elections today.
Harry Reid was no longer Senate majority leader and his false glamour was removed by the voters so Harry just sat around with that old man dope-dazed look that was always his companion.  Harry picked up his stale coffee as he passed the time listening to Barack Obama bitch and moan about everything not important.
For some odd reason Nancy leaned over and kissed Harry as she was just about stripped naked of all her inhibitions as she was helping Barack drink expensive alcoholic drinks brought to her by the presidential staff.
Eric Holder watched Nancy Pelosi kiss Harry Reid on the mouth and change her voice into some kind of drunken bar fly and touch Harry's dope-dazed face and smiled.  "Not to worry Harry."  she said as she found Harry very passive noticing that Harry didn't seem just right.
"It was Benghazi and the IRS." Barack said "and those god damn Congressional investigations."
Barack Obama was on a dark path now and Nancy, Harry and Eric was waiting for the horrible language to get loud.
Barack Obama had always been on the road to self-destruction, caring little about America or the citizens but when he was stone drunk or high they were no rules.  The investigators were getting close to the Obama corrupt White House and now with the Republicans controlling the House and Senate his companions were running away like a bunch of road-house whores.  Barack was also worried that the investigators would learn all about the rumor moving around Washington D.C., the  seventeen-year-old girl that he had been visiting, many particularly wondered if the President was having sexual relations while his wife was traveling.
Barack always worried about the truth leaking out to the world because as a community organizer Barack Obama knew that poverty, crime and welfare was his political leverage as the Negro's were hooked and the Latino's would follow the same trail.
Barack has made welfare easy.  You just show up and get what you want so what happened to the damn voters?  Obama was known as the Menace of Society now and a negative to the entire society of America.
You could smell and taste the revolution coming but Obama hadn't found that one alarming situation just yet.  He had hoped that EBOLA and Illegal Immigration would be the trigger but the voters held their cools and just voted and left their pistols at home.
Barack has always been criminally inclined and that's one reason they took his license to practice law from him.  The Senate and House would never fix the inadequate laws that would allow full slavery restitution now because of their ignorance. 
The State Department of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry appears to be on the verge of letting Iran get a nuclear bomb with nothing in return.  The terrorist bastards ISIS, ISIL, TALIBAN and all the rest were spreading their destructive drug of Islam but Obama was tired of talking about it.
The elections were over and his socialist addicts had lost with him so everything had gone wrong. 
Barack looked at the three on the couch as he called them "camp directors" and wondered about the peculiar group that always follows his orders, no matter what.
Barack was really drunk now as his mind wandered into some erotic sexual appeal like in some porn movie with Nancy which thwarted his idea for Michelle later on.
Barack Obama was on the verge of a total mental collapse which always led him to his insane need for marijuana and his lust for masturbation of socialist ideas until the sun came up.

Barack hadn't even noticed Hillary Clinton creep into the room even though she had a lime green set of clothes wearing white shoes.  That bitch had blackmailed him for a job and now she wants to be President, just another peddler. 

who really knows, the fictional life of Barack Obama

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