Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton gets the shaft, We're going to bitch and complain, but adults must do the hard work. Grab a picture of your mother and get in the basement. It's going to be a long way to November. Vote Trump Vote America Vote for Freedom

Are you unemployed?  Are you on food stamps?  Are you spending your savings account? 

Do you need new tires on your old car?  

Thank Barack Obama and his progressive socialist agenda that has destroyed the American Economy as the middle class drowns.  Now we have Hillary Clinton, the dumbest of the dumb peddling her Vagina as the reason she should be president.  Hillary runs about with Huma Abedin and the FBI's file on her Muslim ass is a lot bigger today.  The Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) got all the ugly Muslim words removed from the U.S. Government and now they kill innocent citizens, who's plan was this:  Iran?

President Clinton was impeached, remember.

Hillary, a close up

Hillary Clinton, one crazy bitch

Negro Economics, White slaves pay

 Middle Eastern War, including Russia

The missile defense shield won't hold Vladimir Putin

Israel, gone.

Oprah went Negro first and now she goes Women, a lot of thought there.  

The reason you're broke and on your ass is that radicals Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and others brought you massive government long term debt bumped against zero economic growth, well, really 1.55% over the 7 years since Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama has been President. 

Hillary Clinton is a progressive nut job and an old fashioned criminal that is on the FBI hook for Treason but B-Rock Obama will cut the line.  Hillary Clinton believe in expanding the power of the government and make sure the government reaches inside your house and your wallet.  Hillary will bump taxes up within 90 days while at the same time play tough with out Muslim friends murdering people around the world.  Barack Obama won't talk about his destruction of the U.S. Military and the fact that the U.S. Naval Forces couldn't push back China if they had too.  Why do you think B-Rock went to Japan and wants them to beef up their Naval forces.  America needs help.  Vladimir Putin is pushing West in the Ukraine and he owns the Crimea so Obama and Clinton slapped some sanctions on his ass that didn't change anything.  Obama drew the red line in Syria and they crossed it and killed people in Orlando Florida.

Barack Obama beat out the socialist bastard FDR and the radical LBJ giving away stuff to the Negro's to grab up their worthless votes, giving them long lasting political power.  

Hillary is doing the same thing now, promise now, vote now, and keep power.

America is in hospice care, we're dying standing on our feet.

Putin knows it and the Islamic Radicals in Iran know it.

China is so sure of our weakness they're expanding and holding ground.

Vietnam is scared.

Japan is scared.

NATO is worthless.

Islamic Radical Jihadist are everywhere, look under your bed.

Hillary promises more of Obama, that's great.

Hillary will tax the rich.

Hillary will remove the borders.

Hillary will owe the FBI big time.

The economic stagnation is just starting because the jobs are gone and the factory's are boarded up and the malls are about empty, but it gets better, ObamaCare will have a double digit increase this year and you cannot keep your doctor.  Cuba will get GITMO back and the battlefield will get some needed warriors to join up their ISIS ISIL jihadists.

Barack Obama is a complete failure and Hillary will continue the trend.  Islamic Radicals are inside every city, town and village so keep your eyes open, count your ammunition and canned beans.  You'll have to defend your family because calling the FBI did little good concerning the Florida massacre.

The young people think Sanders and Clinton will pay off their college debt and college will be free next year.  We'll all drive electric "VOLT" cars down to the old coal mines and drop stones into the flooded shafts as Disney World hires foreign agents, anchor babies and others to make new alligator signs.

Sure, your unemployed, maybe working part-time 29 hours a week but in spite of all the facts the borders are open, we have millions of illegal wetback aliens that live in section eight housing, use free internet and phones, buy beef steaks with food stamps, free lunches at school as they sport around with cheap bus rides and we're approaching negative interest rates, middle eastern all out war, the defeat of Israel and don't forget a nuclear Iran.

We're going to have budget cutting surgery and it's going to hurt like hell.

We're going to clean out government, even the Republicans.

We're going to bitch and complain, but adults must do the hard work.

Grab a picture of your mother and get in the basement.

It's going to be a long way to November.

Vote Trump

Vote America

Vote for Freedom

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