Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rejigger with Barack Obama. The B-Rock has decided to end his presidential career by going full radical, regardless of the stated laws on the books or the Supreme Court. As the stock market crumbles the Rejigger plan of Barack Obama has been discovered. The Panama Papers, leaked documents concerning hidden cash of the rich and famous has revealed secret and linked accounts of top U.S. Government Officials. The company name "ReJigger" is a tax shelter scheme owned and operated from White House Operatives. Which Rejigger account gave money to the Clinton Foundation?

Rejigger with Barack Obama.  The B-Rock has decided to end his presidential career by going full radical, regardless of the stated laws on the books or the Supreme Court.  As the stock market crumbles the Rejigger plan of Barack Obama has been discovered.  The Panama Papers, leaked documents concerning hidden cash of the rich and famous has revealed secret and linked accounts of top U.S. Government Officials.  The company name "ReJigger" is a tax shelter scheme owned and operated from White House Operatives.  Which Rejigger account gave money to the Clinton Foundation? AP News Story Rejigger.

The end game is land ownership. The endgame is our own government in a nation within a nation. Okay. So we claim the states of Louisiana, we claim the states of Mississippi, we claim the states of South Carolina, we claim the states of Alabama, and we claim the states of Georgia.

We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.

For now, however, Omowale says the goals are more short-term:

There is no way that we can totally separate ourselves in the United States of America and we are aware of that. We know that we are owed land, we are owed monies, we are owed restitutions and we are owed reparations. That’s going to be a continuing process. What we are saying right now is we want to control the economics in our community. We want to control the black dollars. The money that goes in, the money that goes out.

We want to control the politics in our community. If a politician is not bringing anything to the table for the betterment of that community, we are not going to vote for these particular people. And we most definitely want to control the education. What our people are learning in what we call the public fool system, not school system, where they are teaching and misrepresenting the true history of the black man here in the United States.

The Huey P. Newton Gun Club says on its website it is seeking to “develop over time to a regimented Black Army.”

“Our mission is to educate the masses of black people on the necessity of self,” states the website. “That includes self-preservation, self-defense, and self-sufficiency through militant culture.”

“We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.”

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