Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, June 6, 2016

CNN REFUSES TO PRINT OPINION - Hillary Clinton DNC Socialist White House Attempt Socialism is not the lazy man's dream, it's a nightmare and it always ends in death.

Socialism is slavery and Hillary Clinton is progressive Socialism and she will become the first woman ever to lie and cheat her way as the Socialist Democratic nominee of the DNC for President of the United States of America.  CNN has already written the glowing and flowing B.S. about Hillary Clinton and that fake glass ceiling, but American's, honest and legal American's will have the last word, they always do!
The heartless Hillary Clinton is perfect for the hard left Socialist movement inside the United States to replace the Liberal Progressive Socialist Negro Barack Obama. "It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgment, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee's clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer," Sanders campaign manager Michael Briggs said in a statement Monday. "Secretary Clinton does not have and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination. She will be dependent on superdelegates who do not vote until July 25 and who can change their minds between now and then."

With 95 million men and woman not working, 50 million living within poverty and almost 50 million eating dinner tonight thanks to SNAP food stamps the heartless Hillary Clinton has no plans on changing anything, simply making it worse.
Her standard off-the-shelf Socialism will always sell well with the colored un-educated, under-motivated, welfare ridden Negro's, Latino's and all the rest including the millions of illegal aliens.
Hillary Clinton is simply a wind up political doll and money winds her up as she sold out America and gathered hundreds of millions of dollars from Dictators and Islamic Extremists from around the world, safely stuffed inside the Clinton Foundation.
You can be sure Barack Obama will endorse her which means that all the evidence in the world that Comey FBI presents to the DOJ Loretta Lynch, nothing will happen.
Hillary Clinton will have many problems, economically the U.S. economy has failed and the terrorists live inside America as the borders remain open, more are coming.
The sexual bandit Bill Clinton will again ply his trade of sexual abuse inside the White House and the robot dolls around him will hide but never tell the story.
Round-the-clock socialism and civil unrest across the United States will be the new normal, it will no longer be science fiction, a nuclear Iran.
Bill Clinton will be distracted by pretty girls and the press will never tell the sleazy story of sexual abuse.
Hillary Clinton devoid of all sensibility will cling to absolute power and Huma Abedin as the sophisticated and deadly Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) will be inside the White House.
We can plan on turning down the thermostat this winter as coal mines and coal fired plants will be closed and only expensive energy will be available.
Our Naval ships and fighter pilots will be turned back from the South China Sea as China pushes us further back to our home shores.  Our proud sailors won't be able to hold the Islamic Muslim Bastards back as too few ships will be available to guard the Persian Gulf and crude oil flow.  There will be no U.S. oil shale fracking, but it doesn't really matter, a barrel of oil will sell for $150 within 90 days of Hillary stepping inside the White House.  Vladimir Putin will surge West and take Ukraine but that will only be the beginning, NATO will tremble and then fail.  Syria, Iran and Iraq, joined by Islamic Turkey and Libya will create the Caliphate that will cost a million dead soldiers to reverse as Israel will fight alone and thousands will be killed every day, every month and every year.
No this is not fiction, just like a traffic light turning red at some point Hillary Clinton will roll over only playing the proper tough woman for her liberal media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and at last FOX news.
There is no romantic conclusion for a Hillary Rodham Clinton White House unless you're a queer or a lesbian woman with the LGBT flag over the White House.
As a woman shaped man Hillary Clinton will come out but everybody already knows then we will all know her spoken words never meant anything, people are whispering now.
The factory work is gone forever with a Clinton White House and the Coal miners are buried in the false hope of more borrowed Chinese money to help them learn something new.
The mind and hands of blue collar workers will lose their way and their new environment of welfare, section eight housing and cheap bus rides will cripple the nation for a 100 years.
The high radiation environment of Israel will stop the entire Middle East and millions will lay on the ground, passing every faded red line that Clinton draws in the Sand Iran will challenge Saudi Arabia and win as nuclear plants turn out dozens of nuclear bombs for Allah and dangerous liquids of mass destruction will arrive in American ports and hundreds of thousands will die as the iron bars of American prisons are opened and a half million felons are turned loose.
Old woman will be gathering eggs in the country side but urban citizens will waste away in food lines trying to use their ration cards for food, fuel, water and even shelter.
The plodding Washington D.C. Socialist government and all the Hillary Clinton corrupt cousins will be plotting against the conservative, outlawing guns and private transportation and property but the liberals will be punished and jailed as these human like robots think too much, protest too much and they will be angry looking for the Clinton promise.
Young attractive women and young ladies will be raped and the police will never show up as the streets will be too violent and crime ridden to answer the calls.
Manipulators called Governors, Mayors and Supervisors will tow the line and crush individual freedom to maintain their power and income.  The more ticklish task of abortion will be automated and the Negro population will be cut in half and be replaced with hard working brown people, no one will cry out as the rattles of the bones will be hidden.
Robotic Clone Helicopters will patrol every city, town and village and land based military soldiers will make the arrests and jail the free men wandering outside of their authorized living and working zones.
NASA will lose satellites to China and Russia as Hillary Clinton rolls and wiggles to avoid any questions.  The men and women poking around will be killed, by lack of food, water and shelter but if need be a bullet.
The T.V. will no longer scan, only three or four government stations and the sensation of living will be dead. You internet will be limited like a controlling valve only a trickle.
Think before you vote.
Donald Trump may be provocative but he is not a wind-up man and he's very real because the Socialist Democratic Radicals have hit a pop up ball.. so stop all the pooh-poohing about Donald Trump and catch the ball, or the game is over.
Hillary does everything by reward or punishment.  Every citizen will be in the punishment column because that's how Socialism really works, you become property of state.
Hillary gave Russia and Vladimir Putin a goof button to play with  but you're going to get an empty cookie jar and a shoe box full of promises and a 90% tax rate.
Socialism is not the lazy man's dream, it's a nightmare and it always ends in death.
Tutors and confidantes are murdered as proven by Socialist history.  Baby-sitters are raped and the children are dressed like little robots waiting for their childish orders.
You'll be able to walk to the field and pick corn but you won't be able to talk because you're being punished for picking too slow.  The college graduates that owe all the money will resemble turtles on their backs, no jobs, no skills and they'll owe everything to Hillary including the food and fuel they need every day so they will do what they're told.
You will have only one electrical outlet and it will have a timer to restrict your use, and the roads will be uneven and full of potholes as there will be no money for roads, bridges or schools.
As Hillary Clinton voters and supporters are blindly flying without controls their plane full of ideas will end with a radically induced disaster, leaving them hopeless.
You will look at the mouse and wonder if you should eat it as you hear the soldier behind you, "keep you corn picking hands off my dinner"  and so the seesawing of history will continue until such time that Patriots rise again and stake everything and burst out in some makeshift attempt to gain their freedom back.

The corrupt inspired bugaboo Hillary Clinton belongs in  federal prison so perhaps society should search their souls and control their inherent fears and make America Great Again.


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