Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Meg Whitman Mitt Romney Lost their power base, Hitler and Mussolini understood absolute life and death power, Whitman and Romney only understand financial power, Not enough to kill Socialism - Donald Trump has the entire financial and political power of the people, the way the founders wanted it, the trickle up of power

The Republican Elite Establishment and the deep pockets continue to fail the people as they cannot understand that the actual people, the little people, want their country back, based on our founding fathers and constitution.  

Vote Donald Trump
Get Your Voice Back

Mitt Romney had my vote but Mitt Romney is failing again as he cannot hear the people due to his own voice.  Donald Trump is bold and brash, often times wrong and never politically correct, like most of middle class America.  Mitt Romney and his trickle down comments is the perfect example, he's branding our choice in the negative, trying to be our father and not a leader of the people.  Now the stupid bitch Meg Whitman compares Donald Trump to Hitler, his pal Benito Mussolini and others to make some abstract point that her money will not buy her power and influence any longer so she's pissed off and now pissed on.  

She should stop her comments because it will truly effect HP Hewlett Packard and its performance. Mitt Romney pussy footed his way through the election with Barack Obama and his lack of courage helped cause the downfall of America.  It's comical to see Mitt Romney so manly and bold now when it doesn't matter and how rash old girl Meg can be when she doesn't get her way.  Meg, please, vote for Hillary Clinton, most losers will. 

One of the Republican Party’s biggest financial backers on Friday reportedly suggested she may endorse Hillary Clinton for president instead of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Meg Whitman was among those attending a closed-door summit held in Washington, D.C., by former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, and others at the event told reporters afterwards that the billionaire businesswoman expressed reservations with regards to supporting Mr. Trump’s White House bid.

“She posed the question, ‘Is it not reasonable to support Hillary Clinton?’ given all the awful things Trump has said,” said John Chachas, a GOP donor who attended Friday’s event, ABC News reported.

In discussing Mr. Trump further, Ms. Whitman reportedly compared the presumptive GOP nominee to both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, attendees told Politico on condition of anonymity.

Speaking with ABC News after the event, however, Ms. Whitman fell short of full-on endorsing the presumptive Democratic nominee for president over Mr. Trump.


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