Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Professionals Agree - Barack and Hillary are sadist as they enjoy causing mental and physical pain to other people - They have both suffered at the hands of other people

You might now understand that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton share many traits, step by step the professionals have confirmed that Barack and Hillary are sadist as they enjoy causing mental and physical pain to other people.
A sadist gets pleasure from inflicting pain on other people and the professionals have reached their conclusions.
They have both suffered at the hands of other people, think of Bill Clinton having sex with every girl that moved and how it affected Hillary Rodham Clinton over the many years.  Think about Barack Obama being deserted by his Negro father to stay with his White Mother and being raised as a devote communist as a blend of White and Black.

They are tormented and gain pleasure by tormenting other people so imagine Hillary Clinton lying to the parents of the Bengahzi Terrorist Victims with a straight face or maybe Barack using drones to kill innocent people all over the world as he plays golf.
Barack favors the Muslims because he thinks they suffered or experienced violence by the early Christians so therefore Christians must be punished.  Hillary takes revenge against the women that were sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton, including rape.  Both Hillary and Barack administer pain on other people which releases the guilt they hold inside.  After whipping the White Middle Class in America Barack Obama feels purified of his past sins of sexual abuse, drug use, revolutionary and radical thoughts and actions.
Both Barack and Hillary Clinton would have been slaves in the past because they have no respect for a God above them and feel superior and cruelly want you to be a helpless slave.  It makes them feel better.
In ancient times there is no doubt that Barack Obama would be a slave because he's an African Dark Continent Negro but Hillary Clinton being White would have been used for popular sex by a greater class of person.
You see the criminal tendencies of Barack and Hillary and their jungle patterns of behavior are very telling.  Most civilized and intelligent leaders would not release Islamic Jihadist Warriors from GITMO onto the battle field in the Middle East but Barack Obama does and Hillary agrees with him.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are violent but can act pleasant and kindly when they feel a threat to their individual power.  They fake it until they make it but deep down they would truly kill your mother by taking the last drop of water.
Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton must be made to submit by applied force.  The Supreme Court saying no to Barack Obama and his illegal alien plans is a force of law being used against him.  The FBI criminal investigation is a force against Hillary Clinton because of her secret underground computer email server.
The trio of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has a relationship built of greed, pride, influence, wealth and absolute power and should be punished. 
Like masturbation the Clinton Obama thrill is to apply pain to you and titillate your rights by use of executive force against you.
Yes, you can resist, you can resist frequently by simply saying no to illegal aliens, saying no to open borders, saying no to national debt, saying no to Black Lives Matter, saying no to centralized government power, saying hell no to Islamic Radicals found inside America known as CAIR or the Muslim Brotherhood.
You say NO by voting.
Call the tormentors bluff.
You are not in an isolated caravan you are surrounded by millions of honest citizens that agree with impeachment for Barack and federal prison for Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Their brutality is planned so therefore your response should be planned in the same way and with the same force. The idea is to have you crawl to the government for food, shelter, protection, healthcare and more.
This is called slavery.
This is called serfdom.
We may have to revolt again per the U.S. Constitution or realize that we will become the willing slave of government.
You must refuse to bow down to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama and other radicals.
Yes you are unhappy, unemployed and broke because their obsession is to torment you through government and regulations.
A wise and kindly man sees the unraveling of the Barack Obama government and the dark ideas of Hillary Clinton.
In your subconscious mind you know it's time to fight back and you also realize that you will be punished by a powerful government that is now god-like.  They already use the I.R.S. to intimidate you but Lois Lerner is retired and spending her taxpayer pension when she should be in prison. 
You remember Jonathan Gruber the greatest liar for ObamaCare but did you hear about his indictment?  No, and you won't until you take your government back from the rulers.  Eric Holder a Black National Radical has no fear of Congress but he can be jailed tomorrow by an honest DOJ but Loretta Lynch is a Black National Radical under the spell of Barack Obama.

A great step forward, say no.

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