Julia Hiatt-Steele - Willey's friend and neighbor - used the machine to change her story.
Producers Michael Radutzky and Trevel Nelson courted Willey to tell her story on 60 Minutes and a key selling point was the changing story of Julie Steele, who was (they believed) being pressured by the White House into changing her account in her affidavit in the Paula Jones case, which was drafted with help from the president's lawyers. There was apparent pressure concerning Steele's adoption of a boy in Romania, whether the procedure was handled properly. Radutzky and Nelson had shown up at Steele's house, and when they raised the adoption issue "she really freaked," says her lawyer, Nancy Luque.
Newsday.com 9/6/00 AP "…..A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit against a Newsweek reporter accused of disclosing a source's name in stories about a woman who claimed that President Clinton made an improper sexual advance against her. The source, Julie Hiatt Steele, alleged that magazine reporter Michael Isikoff broke his promise not to print her name. Steele's suit contended that Steele, at the behest of her friend Kathleen Willey, lied to Newsweek in early 1997 by saying Willey had confided that she had been the victim of an unwanted sexual advance by Clinton. Steele said she later told Isikoff that she had lied and said her conversations with Newsweek were "off the record" - meaning her comments and her name were not meant for print. …… In 1998, Steele sued Isikoff, Newsweek, and The Washington Post Co., which owns the magazine, citing breach of contract and emotional distress, among other claims. ….."
8/7/98 Freeper report on CNN Julie Hiatt Steele "On Larry King Live, Julie Hiatt Steele appeared to attack Kathleen Willey, Newsweek and Michael Isikoff. During her appearance she disclosed the OIC is currently persuing her for Contempt of Court for not disclosing details related to the picture of Kathleen Willey she sold to the National Enquirer and also gave some hint as to a possible reason why she (Steele) betrayed her friend to protect Clinton. Ms. Steele also disclosed that the adoption of her child may not have been legal. Apparently the adoption was "fixed" so she's not worried about any problems (any more, at least).."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...When the White House saw that she was corroborating Willey's story, officials began asking questions about the legality of her adoption of a Romanian child.... VULNERABILITY: The adoption...."
www.judicialwatch.org 7/29/99 98-1991 (WBB) Browning v Clinton Motion "...Plaintiffs wish to question Ms. Steele on the reason(s) she changed her story about Kathleen Willey's having confided to her the details of Clinton's sexual assault, first stating and then denying that Willey told her about the incident immediately after it happened. Additionally, Plaintiffs also want to ask her whether former United States Trade Representative, Commerce Secretary and longtime Clinton operative Mickey Kantor threatened her to change her story by questioning the conditions surrounding the adoption of her child. Finally, Plaintiffs want to inquire about her friend, Mary Earl Highsmith's, recent testimony in federal court that Steele told her she was "afraid it would be to her detriment" to take a position against Clinton. In her May 11, 1999 interview on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Kathleen Willey stated that 60 Minutes Producer Michael Radutzky told her that Mickey Kantor had threatened her friend, Julie Hiatt Steele, to change her story. "[T]hey told me that -- that my friend, Julie Steele, had been approached by a very high ranking member of the Clinton [A]dministration questioning her about the -- the conditions of her adoption of her child." Willey said that Radutzky told her that Kantor pressured her friend, Julie Steele, to change Steele's corroboration of Willey's encounter with Clinton: MATTHEWS: . . . But its your belief that the [A]dministration used that child as - as a hostage, in effect, to get her to turn around? WILLEY: That's what I was told. . ..MATTHEWS: By whom? WILLEY: Well, by - I was told it was Mickey Kantor that went and threatened her with that. MATTHEWS: Who told you that? WILLEY: Michael Radutzky at "60 Minutes." The next day on Larry King Live, Willey explained that it was this act of intimidation by the White House that motivated her to do the 60 Minutes interview last year: WILLEY: That's what turned me. I didn't go on "60 [M]inutes" to talk about the incident in the Oval Office. I was so outraged that they had - supposedly, that the White House had sent one of their minions to intimidate Julie with this adoption; I thought, well, regardless of what she'd done to me, regardless of how she had said that I had asked her to lie, I just thought that no mother should be threatened with her child. . . .KING: "60 [M]inutes" misled you. They were going to do a story about Julie Hiatt Steele and lying, and they did a story instead about groping? WILLEY: Yes. KING: So why then do you believe them on Kantor? WILLEY: Because I think that's they way the White House operates. I think they try to intimidate people and scare them. They tried to scare me...."
Los Angeles Times 8/12/99 AP "...A former defendant in one of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's prosecutions has lost a legal battle to have the government pay her attorneys' fees. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton rejected the arguments of Julie Hiatt Steele that Starr's case was "vexatious, frivolous and in bad faith." In an Aug. 3 ruling, Hilton said the government won't have to pay costs and attorneys fees for Ms. Steele because "the evidence was sufficient for a reasonable trier of fact to find the defendant guilty." A federal jury on May 7 deadlocked 9 -3 in favor of convicting Ms. Steele ..."
townhall.com 6/2/00 Brent Bozell "……..... Time, however, has a way of unraveling yarns. In the last few weeks, the media's verdicts have very silently collided with court rulings. For example, on May 19, Steele, who joined a lawsuit alleging Ken Starr pressured her to offer false testimony, was rebuffed by a federal judge. Associated Press reported that U.S. District Judge John Nangle found "absolutely no evidence that (Starr) ever directly or implicitly asked her to lie." In the entire national media, only The Washington Post showed up on this story. …….. Steele first struck the media's fancy when she betrayed her former friend, Kathleen Willey, by recanting her corroborating testimony. Instead, she insisted Willey had urged her to lie to Newsweek about Willey being groped by the president. Steele's media supporters, starting with Geraldo Rivera, championed Steele's plight at the hands of "investigative terrorist" Ken Starr. Steele's attacks on Starr were also carried on the usually apolitical "Dateline NBC." On Nov. 27, 1998, Jane Pauley theorized that "Julie Hiatt Steele is a woman whose 15 minutes of fame was an unwanted consequence of doing a favor for a friend, and it could land her in jail ... She believes Kenneth Starr wants to hear her say something and will do almost anything to get her to say it." It would be foolish, however, to expect these White House mouthpieces at NBC and CNBC to apologize and retract their Starr-trashing "exposes" at this late date. Arriving at the truth is not the point. The point is that Clinton made it through the crisis, and the facts no longer matter. ......"
Susan Coleman - rumored (suicide 7.5 months pregnant)
Washington Weekly 11/30/98 Marvin Lee ".. Another case involving Jack Palladino was that of Susan Coleman. While opposition researchers supportive of President Bush were checking out an allegation that she had an affair with her law professor Bill Clinton at the time of her suicide, the Clinton opposition research team got wind of the investigation and decided to strike a pre-emptive blow. Jack Palladino used CBS reporter Eric Engberg to attack opposition researchers David Bossie, Jim Murphy and Floyd Brown of harassing the Coleman family. Thus, in an attempt to pre-empt negative publicity, it was the Clinton campaign itself that aired the Susan Coleman allegations to the American people through CBS News.."
Eleanor Mondale
New York Post 11/23/97 ".Ron Perelman spends his nights bonding with Eleanor Mondale and his days in court trying to sever his bonds with wife No. 3, Patricia Duff......" 1/6/98 "In Palm Beach, the haven of the most black-ties per square mile for New Year's, Revlon billionaire Ron Perelman threw the only casual bash in town at his lavish home. . Though his current squeeze, Eleanor Mondale, was conspicuously absent." 3/2/98 ".Revlon's boss Ron Perelman seems to be using the White House as the firm's private recruiting ground. Though "Zippergate" headliner Monica Lewinsky was cut from the Revlon roster after news of her alleged affair with Bill Clinton broke, the Manhattan-based company did find a spot for another White House alum, Tracy Davis. Sources say Davis landed a public relations post in Revlon's ad division, Tarlow Advertising, in early January, around the same time the cosmetics conglom was deciding whether to take on Lewinsky
Benazir Bhutto
The Hindustan Times 12/28/98 AP-Karachi ".Pakistani authorities today stopped former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto from going to Dubai, saying she cannot travel abroad because of ongoing corruption cases against her. "They (authorities) showed me a written order that I can't go abroad because there are (corruption) cases against me," Mrs Bhutto told reporters at the Karachi airport as she wiped her tears with tissue paper. Mrs Bhutto was going to Dubai to celebrate new year with her three children who are studying there.."
ABCNews Bios 12/29/98 reports that Benazir Bhutto went to Harvard and Oxford
8/22/98 Karachi ".Opposition leader Benazir Bhutto said on Friday the United States was within its rights in attacking guerilla camps in Afghanistan. The former prime minister was speaking to Reuters in an interview in Karachi while across the city demonstrators held rallies, burning the US flag and effigies of President Bill Clinton. Anti-US protests erupted after Friday prayers in several cities of the country.."
6/15/98 Islamabad AP ".In letters to US President Bill Clinton and members of the United Nations Security Council, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto warned today that South Asia was "dangerously close to war". With India and Pakistan-now proven nuclear powers-regularly lobbing mortars and firing artillery at each other, Ms Bhutto said the key to peace is a settlement of the Kashmir dispute. Economic sanctions will only exacerbate an already volatile situation, she warned. Instead Pakistan's twice-elected Prime Minister, Ms Bhutto urged ouick intervention by the UN Security Council, and the United States in particular, to resolve the Kashmir dispute. In her letter to the Security Council, Ms Bhutto urged the industrialised nations to "put aside (your) punitive measures- sanctions will not put the nuclear genie back in the bottle-and assume a pro-active, constructive and positive role in the worsening South Asian crisis." To US President Bill Clinton, Ms Bhutto asked that he "chair a peace process on Kashmir." This process, according to Ms Bhutto, should include China Russia and Britain. She suggested it be fashioned along the same lines as the Irish peace talks and subsequent accord.."
Hillary Clinton
NY Post 3/11/99 Deborah Orin "…Hillary Rodham Clinton is boycotting her husband's trip to Central America because she's furious with him and won't even sleep in the same hotel room, it was reported last night. "I don't want to be in the same room with him, let alone the same bed," Mrs. Clinton was quoted as saying, according to the Fox News Channel report, which cited unnamed sources close to the First Family. The report adds Mrs. Clinton decided to skip the four-nation goodwill trip because she felt she couldn't get a separate hotel room from her husband without people finding out. …The Fox News report says the big blowup between the Clintons came during their Utah skiing vacation a few weeks ago with daughter Chelsea - a trip from which they abruptly returned a day early. The two had a shouting match that ended with Hillary Clinton storming out of the room and saying she wanted her bags, it added. …"
Reuters 3/9/99 Paul Majendie "…Monica Lewinsky says she feels she has been more humiliated and damaged than Hillary Clinton by her affair with President Clinton that almost toppled the most powerful man on earth. ….``I was a lot more humiliated than Mrs. Clinton was,'' Lewinsky, on a media blitz around Britain publicizing her biography, told the Daily Telegraph. ``I don't want to characterize the reasons why she might feel humiliated but I think I have had so many different aspects of life exposed, much more than she has. And I think it has been more damaging to me too.'' …"
Drudge Report 3/10/99 "…"This is more than a fight, but they have gone through a separation like this before," one former Clinton adviser who has remained close to the couple tells the DRUDGE REPORT. "They always come back to each other... however, this time, it looks damn serious." The development comes after First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton hit total anger over Juanita Broaddrick's rape charge. "She was humiliated, he can't keep doing this to her," said one Hillary supporter inside of the White House. "He promised her over and over again that this rape story was not going to amount to anything. It has caused a serious breakdown" in their communication…."
The Washington Times http://www.washtimes.com/ Freeper A Whitewater Researcher 3/12/99 "…EXCERPTS: "It was the screech heard around the world. Connubial bliss may be in short supply at the White House if one hair-raising report is true....Wednesday night, the Fox News Channel went public with the details of a mighty row between Bill and Hillary Clinton during their family ski trip to Utah last week...."The two had a shouting match that ended with Hillary Clinton storming out of the room and saying s he wanted her bags," the Fox report said....The story broke even as Mrs. Clinton ponders a brave new life as a U.S. senator. She meets Friday with New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who has encouraged the first lady to run for office....The Utah tr ip was indeed cut short by a day...unnamed insiders...are the sources of the Fox report...."I don't want to be in the same room with him, let alone the same bed," Fox reported Mrs. Clinton had said, adding that she refused to go on the trip because she co uldn't get her own bedroom...."We had good sources, and more than one source on this story," said…"
AP 8/2/99 Sandra Sobieraj "...Her husband gave it a ``generally favorable'' review. Her critics called it a lunge for the sympathy vote. All part of the plan, said her strategists. While Hillary Rodham Clinton talked, from the pages of a new magazine, about Bill Clinton's famous infidelities, Washington buzzed: Why dredge all that up now? ..."
The Washington Post 8/3/99 Gene Weigarten "...An open letter to my wife: Dear Sweetie, Gonna be home late tonight. Don't wait up. Gonna get me some sex with another woman. The reason I haven't done this before is that I would have felt guilty. What a knucklehead I was! It turns out that when a husband cheats, it's not his fault. I learned this yesterday from Hillary Clinton....."
Susan McDougal
AP 3/11/99 Pete Yost "… For the first time, prosecutor Kenneth Starr's office alleged today that a fraudulent $300,000 federal loan taken out by Susan McDougal in the mid-1980s was used to help pay off an earlier loan taken out in President Clinton's name for the Whitewater land venture. In testimony at Mrs. McDougal's obstruction of justice and contempt trial, FBI agent Mike Patkus made the first link between the fradulent federal loan and a possible benefit to Clinton, who at the time of the 1986 transactions was Arkansas governor…. But Patkus testified that he discovered a $27,600 loan from Madison S&L to Clinton taken out in 1982 while pouring through microfilm records of the failed thrift. And he then traced for the jury a series of complex transactions that showed how the 1982 Clinton loan came to be reimbursed through the $300,000 loan Mrs. McDougal took out from a SBA lender four years later. Patkus, an accountant, said Whitewater real estate agent Chris Wade paid off most of the $27,600 loan in Clinton's name and then was reimbursed from proceeds by another bank loan Mrs. McDougal took out. Mrs. McDougal then took the proceeds from the fraudulent $300,000 loan and paid off the bank loan used for Wade…."
Conservativenews.com 4/24 Chris Vlasto Investigative Reporter ABC News "…"I know where all the bodies are buried." Those were the words that Susan McDougal said to me long before any pundits decided to call her a martyr, something likely to continue after her scheduled appearance today in front of the Whitewater grand jury in Little Rock… It took three years and a felony conviction for her to agree to do an interview. It came suddenly. She called in August 1996 and said she was ready to tell all. She wanted to come to New York without her lawyer’s knowledge to be interviewed by Diane Sawyer. She flew up to New York alone. We met at the Essex House bar to discuss the areas we were going to cover in the interview. The conversation was off-the-record, but at the time she promised she was going to answer all the questions on television. Overnight, everything changed. After the arrival of her brother, Bill Henley, and her fiancé, Pat Harris, in the wee hours of the morning, Ms. McDougal began singing a different tune. With the cameras rolling, Ms. McDougal was constantly interrupted by the two men when Ms. Sawyer asked her sensitive questions involving President Clinton. She couldn’t get a word in when Ms. Sawyer asked her whether Mr. Clinton knew anything about the illegal $300,000 loan she received from David Hale. The president has denied under oath knowing anything about that loan. Here’s how the interview went: Ms. Sawyer: "Did Mr. Clinton know anything about your loan?" Ms. McDougal: "That’s probably something that my attorney would not want me to talk about." [To Messrs. Henley and Harris: "I hate that, guys!"] "God, I hate this, Diane! Sorry!" Ms. Sawyer: "Did he?" Mr. Henley: "That’s a perfect answer." Ms. McDougal: "Jeez, I hate that though!" Mr. Henley: "That’s the only answer you have." Ms. McDougal: "That’s the only answer I have." I was confused by her silence. I knew she was angry at Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, but we at "Prime Time Live" weren’t the prosecutors. I asked her fiancé why she wouldn’t answer the questions. He said "we have to save something for the prosecutors, we have to give them something." I concluded that she must know something incriminating about Mr. Clinton, and reluctantly accepted her silence. Ms. McDougal went back to Little Rock to face the federal grand jury. Five days after the taping of our interview, she was cited for contempt of court. I watched Ms. McDougal outside the courthouse stridently declare she wasn’t going to answer Mr. Starr’s questions, which got her 18 months in jail. I know she met with her attorney Bobby McDaniel and talked with Alan Dershowitz after our New York interview. But that Wednesday in Little Rock, I saw a completely different Susan McDougal. She no longer told her intriguing tales. After countless conversations, there was silence. Did someone get to her, or was she playing a game with me all along? …"
Reuter via NewsEdge Corporation 3/15/99 "…An FBI agent testified Monday that the only evidence linking President Clinton to an alleged 1980s loan linked to the Whitewater land deal is testimony from a convicted felon who died last year. ``The only thing that connected Bill Clinton to that loan was Jim McDougal's testimony,'' agent Michael Patkus said at the trial of McDougal's ex-wife, Susan, who is charged with obstruction of justice for refusing to testify to a grand jury called by independent counsel Kenneth Starr…. Before he died in prison last year, James McDougal had begun cooperating with Starr and had told investigators that he had made a $27,600 loan to the president when Clinton was governor of Arkansas, reversing testimony he had given at another trial….. Starr deputy Hickman Ewing, prosecuting the case against Susan McDougal, based his allegation on earlier testimony from Patkus that James McDougal had called the check a loan to Clinton….."
Newsmax 3/24/99 "…Newsweek's Michael Isikoff reports a juicy little tidbit that should be of interest to those following Susan McDougal's current criminal contempt trial, according to the advance word on his upcoming book, "Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story". It seems St. Susan's persistent silence before Ken Starr's grand jury had to do with sex, at least in part. She feared that Whitewater prosecutors would question her about her suspected liaison with then-Governor Clinton; one that would have coincided with his alleged efforts to steer an illegal SBA loan her way. Before McDougal's Sept. 1996 grand jury appearance, legal gadfly Alan Dershowitz reportedly advised that she'd have to answer the sex question if prosecutors posed it…. This January, onetime White House campaign-guru Dick Morris told FOX News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" that Clinton himself was worried that the Whitewater-sex connection would be exposed. Morris revealed that the President asked him how he should respond if prosecutors raised the issue during his April 1996 Whitewater trial testimony….."
Washington Weekly 3/29/99 L D Brown "…"It was his (Jim McDougal's) idea to get the horse." Susan McDougal was referring to the goofy television advertisement for one of the many money making escapades launched with her husband Jim during their glory days in Arkansas. Much to the amusement of the assortment of journalists, Susan recalled this and other events as she sought to explain away refusing to answer prosecutors questions at her trial for criminal contempt in Little Rock. I remember Bill Clinton and I watching that commercial one day at the Governor's Mansion in Little Rock. As Susan sat astride her mount she delivered a pitch for Maple Creek Farms, at the time a McDougal real estate project. "She looks good in those riding pants doesn't she?" Bill asked me, knowing I would agree that the then-trim Susan cut an attractive figure. Relevant to the trial subject matter scheduled for this week, Bill added, "She looks even better out of them!" …"
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...VULNERABILITY: Unknown. Did she hold a candle for Clinton? Or was this a Joan of Arc complex?..."
Female Secret Service
NY Post 3/11/99 Richard Johnson Jeane MacIntosh Kate Coyne Freeper Prince Charles "…PRESIDENT Clinton survived his impeachment trial, but might not be out of the woods yet. His next scandal is expected to be the allegation that he had the hots for three female Secret Service agents. Confidential FBI files, according to Star magazine's ace reporter Richard Gooding, reveal how ''three female agents told colleagues of presidential hanky-panky - including one who is said to have filed a complaint that he frequently 'hit on her,' sources say. That agent later withdrew the complaint when her request for a transfer was granted.'' The FBI files - kept under lock and key by Congress - were said to be the deciding factor for several wavering House members who ultimately voted to impeach…."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...One agent is said to have been sexually assaulted by the president and two others to have been sexually involved with him...."
Freeper Gary Aldrich 6/11/99 reports "...My sources close to the Secret Service tell me that there is something to the claims that at least one female Secret Service agent is in hiding, sheltered in a position where she will get maximum protection from Clinton friends, and a curious media who are on to the story. I have more details on this, but I see no point to exposing the story when there seems to be no interest on the part of any Secret Service agent to protect their own against this kind of outrage. In my opinion, there is a limit to what a federal employee (even an SS agent) should put up with. I read my oath the other day, and it clearly states that I take my oath to the Constitution.....not to any man, not to any group. I'm fairly certain that SS agents take that same oath........Is there one patriot among the bunch of them? I guess we shall see...."
14 Year Old
NewsMax.Com 3/10/99 Carl Limbacher "…Of all the Jane Doe leads described to NewsMax.com, one was more shocking than all the others put together. And because of its sensitive nature, Rick Lambert stressed that he had but one witness account to substantiate the story. Still, it was the case that troubled him the most. This Jane Doe was just 14 years old at the time of her Clinton encounter. And, according to the witness in whom she confided years later, she had attended a 1984 party co-hosted by Arkansas bond daddy Dan Lasater and Clinton's brother Roger. Both would later serve jail time on drug charges. As told to Lambert, the girl was rendered unconscious by a deliberate overdose. And when she came to she was half-naked, with the governor of the state of Arkansas on top of her. Beyond that single sourced account, the evidence to back up the story is circumstantial. Lasater was, for instance, convicted of "social distribution," based on allegations he used the lure of free cocaine to get wayward young women to entertain his male party guests. Other corroboration comes from Roger Clinton's then-landlady, Jane Parks, who has spoken on the record about the wild parties Roger threw attended by his older brother, the governor. Parks says marijuana and cocaine were the intoxicants of choice and the women came and went at all hours of the day and night. Sometimes the female company was "surprisingly young," according to Parks. Her office shared a wall with Roger's apartment and she was able to hear as well as see quite a lot. In 1997 Parks told the London Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard that she could clearly distinguish Gov. Clinton's voice through the ventilation duct when, on at least two occasions, he had sex with the party girls. Parks' assistant told Evans-Pritchard she thought that some of Roger's female guests were perilously close to underage, "probably 17, 18 years old." According to Lambert, the young assault victim fled Arkansas when Gov. Clinton won the 1992 Democratic presidential nomination. Lambert and several reporters traced the girl, now a woman in her late 20s, to California. But she remained elusive till the end…."
Bobbie Ann Williams
NewsMax 11/11/98 Carl Limbacher ".Lucille Bolton is a very brave woman, perhaps more brave than even she knows. As the aunt and onetime guardian of the president's reputed son she sits on a powderkeg of information that could make the Monica Lewinsky scandal pale by comparison. She shared some of that information with NewsMax.com in a story reported last week.. "Can I ask you a question?" Bolton inquired in the midst of relating her story. "What are you trying to do to the man?" I told her that I agreed with Bolton's sister, Shirley Howard (Danny Williams' current guardian), who told Bolton she wanted the president to take a paternity test in the interest of establishing the truth. At that, Danny's aunt insisted that there wasn't any doubt about the boy's paternity in her mind. The exchange was telling. Plainly, Bolton has no political ax to grind by coming forward. And in fact, like many African-Americans, Danny's aunt remains loyal to the president. But for this decent woman, the truth about her nephew's plight took precedence -- and so our conversation continued. Lucille Bolton may not have realized it at the time, but getting Danny's story out now could be her best protection against things to come. She says that just two days before she spoke to NewsMax.com, two visitors showed up at Danny's current home. When Howard answered the door, the two men identified themselves as FBI agents.Both Bolton and Howard believe the visit was a ruse perpetrated by reporters chasing the Danny Williams story. What Bolton couldn't explain was why reporters would advise her sister to hire a lawyer. Moreover, as any good reporter would know, impersonating a federal agent is a felony..When apparent G-men visited Danny Williams' house just weeks after local police shot his aunt's dog, was someone trying to send Lucille Bolton and her sisters a message? Do the threatening letters from the LRPD have anything to do with Danny's alleged dad and the likelihood that he couldn't survive another shoe dropping so close on the high heels of Monicagate? Lucille Bolton doesn't think that's the case. But if she's wrong, the more of Danny's story that gets out now the safer he and his aunt will be."
Drudge Report 1/1/99 Matt Drudge ".**World Exclusive** "I just want to know who my dad is." He's been told all of his life that Bill Clinton is his father, and late last month, 13-year old Danny Williams of Arkansas underwent a DNA test to find out the truth! ..The results from the DNA test are not known as this transmits.. The Williams DNA will be compared to Clinton DNA results that were previously obtained, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned..The current DNA cliffhanger is not the first time that Gooding has hit a gusher on the Clinton scandal front. STAR's Gooding caused pandemonium back in 1996 when he exclusively exposed Dick Morris' relationship with a prostitute.."
New York Post 1/3/98 Maggie Haberman ".A 13-year-old Arkansas boy whose mom claims he was fathered during a paid sex encounter with the President Clinton is taking a DNA test to prove it, a new report says. Danny Williams -- whose mother, Bobbie Ann, has claimed for years that she bedded Clinton and her son was the result -- took the genetic test after he signed on with Star magazine, a source told The Post. "It's the stained dress allover again," cybergossip Matt Drudge, who reports the story on his Web site, quotes a source saying. "We've been here before." ..Star investigative reporter Richard Gooding made the initial contact with the Williams family, and has been "building the story for some time," Drudge reports.. Williams reportedly claims the two had several steamy sex-for-money meetings, including once with a female friend. Williams reportedly passed at least one lie-detector test about her charges. The president has denied ever meeting her.."
N.Y. DAILY NEWS 1/3/98 Rush&Malloy "..The 13-year-old son of a former Arkansas prostitute reportedly has undergone DNA testing to see if his father is President Bill Clinton. Star magazine reporter Richard Gooding tells us that Little Rock teen Danny Williams is cooperating with the tabloid to find out if he was conceived during an alleged sex encounter with ex-hooker Bobbie Ann Williams..Gooding emphasizes that if the results don't match Clinton's, "there's no story." ."
Newsmax 01-03-99 Carl Limbaugher "..Official Washington is swooning over the New York Post's front page revelation that a pending DNA test arranged by STAR Magazine may prove that 13-year- old Danny Williams is indeed President Clinton's secret son. The New York Daily News, The London Times and C-Span have also picked up the scent, spurred on by the high profile New Year's weekend reporting of internet ace Matt Drudge. NewsMax.com readers have known for months that Danny's family is now interested in establishing his paternity. And it was this news that caught the eye of STAR sleuth Richard Gooding, reviving his interest in the story and propelling him down to Little Rock. .."
USA Journal Online 1-4-99 Jon Dougherty ".Never mind that Bill Clinton is the world's biggest hypocrite because he might have fathered an illegitimate child, abandoned that child, then advocated tougher new federal laws that crack down on so-called `deadbeat dads.' He won't go to jail for this and that's okay because fathering children isn't an illegal act. But if it's true, I can't imagine what sort of undignified label I could use to describe Clinton that would do justice to the act he committed against the woman in question and her [his] son in question, as well as his own child and his wife. For all of Hillary Clinton's flaws - and ideologically speaking, in my opinion there are many - her personal behavior is nowhere near as demeaning and despicable as is her husband's..."
BBC 1/4/99 ".The White House is bracing itself for another potentially damaging story about President Clinton's private life, just as he faces an impeachment trial in the Senate. The boy's mother is a black prostitute, Bobbie Anne Williams, who has alleged for some time that the president is the boy's father. She used to work the streets near the Governor's mansion in Little Rock at the time Mr Clinton was state governor. She says her son boy is the product of a $300 sex session with him..He denies ever meeting the woman, although her son, called Danny Williams, is said to resemble Bill Clinton as a boy..."
Drudge 1/5/99 "..And now the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, preliminary DNA test results in the Danny Williams/Bill Clinton paternity showdown are expected as early as today! He's been told all of his life that Bill Clinton is his father, and late last month, 13-year old Danny Williams of Arkansas underwent a DNA test to find out the truth. The STAR magazine and ace investigative reporter Richard Gooding hope to determine Danny Williams' true paternity by matching the teen's DNA with information made public in the Starr report -- information that traced the president to Monica Lewinsky's dirty dress. Phil Bunton, editor of the STAR magazine, said late Monday: "It could be a 13 year-old hoax, we don't know yet." But the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal that lab runs on DNA samples provided by Williams and his mother have now been analyzed and are being compared to Bill Clinton's genetic code outlined in information publicly released by the United States Congress. It is not known if and when the STAR will make the results known. There is also tremendous intriguing surrounding tuition payments made to a private school in Arkansas that Williams has been attending. But details on what information Star and Gooding may have regarding those payments were sketchy Monday night. ."
London Daily Mail 1/8/99 ".BILL CLINTON'S impeachment trial began yesterday, but the President's thoughts may be focused instead on the corner of 17th and Main Street in Little Rock, Arkansas, which may soon become one of the most famous places in U.S. presidential history. Behind a bush there, hidden from view, Bill Clinton allegedly had sex with Bobbie Ann Williams, a local black prostitute. He was Arkansas's governor at the time and had paused for ten minutes in the midst of a jog, paying Williams $200. His privacy was ensured by three Arkansas state troopers, two of whom are prepared to testify that the incident took place. 'He confessed to Bobbie Ann he had a thing for black girls,' says Lucille Bolton, Williams's sister. 'He said she wasn't his first black prostitute, nor would she be his last.' Thirteen years later, President Clinton awaits the results of a DNA test that may prove he is the father of Danny Williams, Bobbie Ann's teenage son, allegedly conceived during either his first encounter with the prostitute or one of the 12 other meetings during the subsequent three weeks...White House sources say that if Danny Williams is the President's son, pressure on Clinton to resign will become more intense because he has never paid child support to the boy, despite Bobbie Ann informing Clinton ten years ago the child is his..AND IF the sex did take place, the site of the tryst with Williams would be an appropriate place to memorialise the horrors of Clinton's presidency. Visible from 17th and Main is the Camelot Hotel, where Clinton allegedly raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978; the Excelsior, where he propositioned Paula Jones by dropping his trousers in 1989; the Hilton, where he had sex with Gennifer Flowers in 1984; and the Governor's Mansion, where Clinton planned to become president while allegedly involving himself in drugs, illicit sex and a series of suspect financial deals. .. 'Bobbie Ann used drugs; she always used them with guys she went with,' says Bolton. 'She had two parties with Governor Clinton where he took cocaine.' The link between sex and drugs in the Bobbie Ann Williams story is strengthened by respected Chicago businessman Steve Denari. In 1991, he was chairman of Ross Perot's presidential campaign team in Illinois. On the eve of the presidential election, Denari received a dossier from an anonymous source. It laid out all Clinton's dealings with Bobbie Ann Williams. There was a photograph of Clinton with Bobbie Ann at an Arkansas night-club,' he says. 'There were also cancelled cheques that showed Bobbie Ann had been given money by Clinton for Danny's education and to keep her quiet. There was a statement in her hand confessing she had supplied Clinton with cocaine.' Denari was a Democrat before Perot burst on to the American political scene, and he returned to the Democrat fold in 1992. His first reaction on receiving the Williams dossier was to offer it to the Clinton campaign staff. 'I didn't want to influence the presidential election result at that late stage. I certainly didn't want the Williams affair to allow George Bush to win at the last moment,' says Denari. Clinton's senior adviser, George Stephanopolous, handled Den-ari's approach and assumed Perot's assistant planned to publish the file as a last-ditch effort to embarrass Clinton. 'Stephano-polous insulted me over the telephone,' says Denari. 'He told me the story could not be true, that all the rumours of Clinton's affairs were false, part of a Rightwing conspiracy against the President.' When Clinton won, Denari put away the file, until Bobbie Ann Williams resurfaced last week. Now he is planning to publish the pictures, along with the cheques, in a book he is writing, which is expected to appear in April. 'If Danny Williams is Clinton's son, from what I have in the dossier, I don't see how Clinton can deny the drug use,' says Denari. 'He may not have inhaled marijuana, but he will not be able to deny snorting cocaine.' Several of Clinton's associates from Arkansas have been imprisoned for drug trafficking, including Dan Lasater, a close friend of the President and his brother Roger, who is a recovering drug addict. Lasater was jailed in 1986 for cocaine possession but later pardoned by Clinton. According to L. D. Brown, Lasater supplied the cocaine Bobbie Ann Williams used during her orgies with Clinton..." [NOTE: Reports indicate DNA tests prove Danny Williams is NOT Clinton's son]
1/9/99 Time.Com ".Bill Clinton has been dogged for years by the rumor that in Arkansas he fathered a child of an African-American prostitute. In 1992 the tale was flogged by the tabloid Globe.. Using the Starr Report's FBI analysis of Clinton's DNA as its reference, Star paid former prostitute Bobbie Ann Williams, the source for the Globe article, and her 13-year-old son for their story and blood samples. And the result: "There was no match. Not even close," says a Star source. (The Starr Report contains sufficient data to make a valid DNA comparison to rule out paternity.)."
www.drudgereport.com 1/10/99 Matt Drudge ".He had been told all of his life by his mother that Bill Clinton was his father, but late this week, 13-year old Danny Williams of Arkansas learned the truth: He is not.."
NewsMax.com 9/16/99 "....Earlier this year, STAR magazine reported they had investigated rumors that 13-year-old Danno had been fathered by Bill Clinton. The magazine said they had obtained a DNA sample from the boy, and compared it to Clinton's DNA identified in FBI documents provided to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. Starr had investigated whether a semen stain on Monica Lewinsky's dress had come from the president. The story was considered dead after the supermarket tabloid said there was, in fact, no DNA match. NewsMax.com also asked several reputable laboratories to examine FBI documents that referenced Clinton's DNA. Contrary to STAR's claim, all laboratories said the FBI had not provided Clinton's DNA markers - only the type of tests that had been used by the Bureau to make the analysis. All said no determination of Danno's paternity could be established based on the FBI documents made public by Kenneth Starr. Trooper Patterson also believes the story needs further inquiry..... Williams has stated that in the mid-1980s then-Governor Clinton had encountered her at her home, near the governor's mansion, while out on a morning jog. The two had sex on several occasions and had also used cocaine, she said. Patterson said he cannot confirm any sexual relationship between Williams and Clinton. Patterson joined the governor's security detail in 1986. Still, Patterson, in More than Sex, reveals he became suspicious about the boy's parentage when he was ordered by Clinton to deliver Christmas gifts to the boy at his home in 1988 or 1989. "On at least one, maybe two occasions, Christmas eve, we delivered Christmas gifts to [the Williams'] house." According to Patterson, Clinton did not buy the gifts he gave to the boy, but had swiped several gifts that were to be given to Chelsea from friends of the Clintons. Patterson said, that in addition to the gift giving, he became "really suspicious" in 1992, during the presidential campaign, when the Williams' home was burglarized. The only items stolen were two photographs of the child, one of which had appeared in the Globe, a supermarket tabloid, alleging Clinton had fathered the child. "This is a simple house burglary," Patterson explained, yet it set off alarm bells in the governor's mansion. Patterson learned the burglary received priority attention from Clinton because Captain Buddy Young, who headed the governor's security detail, assisted the local Little Rock police in their investigation of the case ...."
NewsMax.com 3/3/99 Carl Limbacher "...Many of the Jane Does interviewed by Paula Jones investigators Rick and Beverly Lambert were reluctant to be dragged into the high-profile case and chose not to come forward. For one prospective Jane Doe, it was a physical impossibility. Kathy Ferguson was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head just five days after Jones filed suit against President Clinton. Kathy's ex-husband, Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, was named as a co-defendant. Her death was ruled a suicide by local police. With Kathy unavailable, the Lamberts interviewed her friends Sherry Butler and Sam Houston, who both worked at Little Rock's Baptist Memorial Hospital. Their names were submitted into evidence in the closing weeks of the impeachment trial as part of a supplemental witness list in the Jones case. Butler was a licensed practical nurse at Baptist Memorial. She and Houston, the hospital's urologist, were just two of several co-workers in whom Kathy had confided about her own unwanted encounter with Bill Clinton. In 1994, NewsMax.com's executive editor, Chris Ruddy, reported on the incident: "Houston had said he once asked Kathy if she had ever been harassed by Clinton when her former husband served on the governor's security detail. She responded with an account -- which is consistent with what other personnel at the hospital say Ferguson told them on separate occasions -- of having been 'blocked in the kitchen' of the governor's mansion as then-Governor Clinton made unwelcome advances on her. "Sherry Butler said that Ferguson, in speaking of that same incident to her, had said that Clinton 'shoved her against a counter' and wouldn't let her leave the kitchen. "Butler added that Ferguson had been firm in her belief in Paula Jones' testimony. 'That girl is telling the truth,' Butler remembers her friend saying about Jones." (Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Nov. 4, 1994) Rick Lambert confirmed to NewsMax.com that Kathy Ferguson was the reason Butler's and Houston's names were on the Jones witness list: ..."
The New York Observer 3/29/99 Christopher Hitchens "...Michael Isikoff was the guileless Candide of the Clinton scandal. Things kept happening to him. Alas: "In working on it, I had gotten in touch with Cuomo's staff to seek some backup material and ran across Cuomo's new press secretary, somebody I knew from an earlier incarnation. It was Karen Hinton, the woman who in 1994 had described to me the unpleasant sexual overture Clinton had once made to her 10 years earlier."..."
Washington Post 6/13/99 Bob Woodward Page A1 "...Robert S. Bennett, leaning close to his client in the private study off the Oval Office, announced his suspicion in an aggressive baritone. "Mr. President," he said, "I find your explanation about one of the women frankly unbelievable." ....Bennett believed, he had smoked out the real liability - Marilyn Jo Jenkins, a beautiful marketing executive whom Clinton had known for more than a decade. Jenkins was a longtime employee of the Arkansas Power and Light Co. Her name had been linked to Clinton in published reports, but only in vague references. She had met with Clinton in his basement office in the Arkansas governor's mansion four times in the less than three months between his election in 1992 and his inauguration in 1993. Three of the meetings took place about 5:15 a.m. or 5:30 a.m. Phone records showed that from 1989 to 1991 Clinton had placed 59 calls to Jenkins's home or office. Arkansas state trooper Danny Ferguson had brought gifts from Clinton to Jenkins. Clinton had denied to Bennett that he had a sexual relationship with Jenkins. Bennett was not buying it. He noticed that Clinton reacted differently when Jenkins's name came up. The president paused in a forlorn and wistful way. Bennett couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Clinton's manner seemed to be a definite tip-off....."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...As the Washington Post reporter who broke the news that banking regulators had referred the Whitewater inquiry for criminal prosecution, she was seen as media enemy No. 1. The first lady ordered the White House legal team to make a study, at taxpayer expense, of supposed bias in her reporting. The study found no such thing, said those who saw it, and press secretary Mike McCurry refused to make it public. Schmidt later co-wrote the piece breaking the Monica Lewinsky story. Yet at the height of the impeachment debate, she disappeared from daily news to write a book....."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...As Clinton's secretary, she was pressed into duty as an arranger for the relationship with Monica and even collected evidence from her and hid it under her bed. Clinton twice coached Currie on how he wanted her to testify. VULNERABILITY:She was an employee..."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Former head of the Saline County Drug Task Force, she worked with a federal grand jury until she dug too deep, said John Brown, former detective for the Saline County Sheriff's Department. State officials began undercutting her, and tried to frame her with trumped up allegations that were thrown out of court. She has left the state and is teaching school in Texas. VULNERABILITY: She was outnumbered...."
Capitol Hill Blue 6/9/99 "...Now serving a 31-year sentence for minor drug offense (selling a half ounce of marijuana and $100 worth of an amphetamine) at the women's prison at Tucker, Ark. She got to know then Gov. Clinton through brother Roger and attended toga parties where she said the governor used coke. She testified in 1990 to a grand jury that she had seen Bill Clinton using drugs, and when her testimony leaked out, she fled the state for fear of her life. She later returned, it is said for a family funeral, and was arrested for the drug crime, despite having been a top informant for drug enforcement. Sharlene was my best informant, said Jean Duffey, former head of the drug task force in Saline County. "They couldn't silence her, so they locked her up in jail and threw away the key. That's Arkansas for you." Her prosecutor, Dan Harmon, was also her ex-boyfriend. He is now in prison for drug-related crimes. VULNERABILITY: Wilson's record of illegal activities..."
http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover.shtml 7/27/99 Carl Limbacher "...An Arkansas parole board has recommended early prison release for Sharlene Wilson, the onetime Little Rock drug dealer who told a federal grand jury in 1990 that she witnessed then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton use cocaine on multiple occasions. ....Wilson has been incarcerated for most of the Clinton presidency as part of what many believe is a political vendetta by Clinton allies in his home state, who fear she knows too much about the Mena drug-running scandal. Wilson now resides at the Grimes-McPherson correctional facility in Newport, Arkansas. The federal drug probe witness testified that she began selling cocaine to Clinton's brother Roger as early as 1979. Wilson has told reporters that she sold two grams of cocaine to Clinton's brother at the Little Rock nightclub Le Bistro, then witnessed Bill Clinton consume the drug. "I watched Bill Clinton lean up against a brick wall," Wilson revealed to the London Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in 1995. "He must have had an adenoid problem because he casually stuck my tooter up his nose. He was so messed up that night, he slid down the wall into a garbage can and just sat there like a complete idiot." Wilson also described gatherings at Little Rock's Coachman's Inn between 1979 and 1981, where she saw Clinton using cocaine "quite avidly" with friends. An Arkansas Police video shows Roger Clinton telling one cocaine dealer, "Got to get some for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner."...."
Newsmax 11/8/99 Carl Limbacher ".... Despite Saturday news reports that Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had commuted the prison sentence of Sharline Wilson to time served, she remained in jail over the weekend and doesn't expect to get out anytime soon, a source close to Wilson told NewsMax.com Monday afternoon. Speaking on condition of anonymity Wilson's friend revealed that an unexpected development has delayed her release. "We found out over the weekend here that Sharline has to go back before the parole board, which is really odd, seeing that she's already been approved, which is why the Governor made his own approval based, in part, on their recommendation. So, now they're saying that it may be another two months before she's out." ....."
ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE 11/6/99 ".... Gov. Mike Huckabee on Friday commuted the sentence of Sharlene Wilson, 45, former girlfriend of ex-prosecutor Dan Harmon. Wilson's 31-year sentence for two counts of delivery of a controlled substance was shortened to the time she already has served. Wilson was arrested in Hot Spring County in 1992 while Harmon was prosecutor for the 7th Judicial District, which included Saline, Grant and Hot Spring counties. Wilson was convicted in 1993....... "
Freeper HAL9000 11/6/99 adds "...In a related matter, Dan Harmon was disbarred from practicing law by the Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday. In a one-page order, Harmon was barred from practicing law on the recommendation of the Committee on Professional Conduct, which regulates the practices of lawyers in the state....."
Drudge Report 11/6/99 "….Sharlene Wilson -- the talkradio and underground video sensation who tells an incredible tale of using coke with Bill Clinton -- will finally be freed from her jailhouse shackles, it was reported on Saturday! Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has commuted Wilson's 31-year sentence for delivery of a controlled substance after having served nearly seven years behind bars -- spanning the entire Clinton White House years. The 45-year old AM and shortwave star has spent endless hours doing radio interviews from the solitude of her jail cell, and has also appeared in underground videos telling her amazing story of doing coke with Bill Clinton….."
www.kiev870.com THE GEORGE PUTNAM SHOW 1/3/00 "….....SHARLINE WILSON, Arkansas Whistle Blower on Gov. Bill Clinton's Cocaine Use in Arkansas ...who was thus jailed to guarantee her silence...is at long last FREE. A friend of hers called into KIEV 870 AM's ( www.kiev870.com ) GEORGE PUTNAM SHOW today...to share that a now Free SHARLINE WILSON had called him on Saturday to inform him that she had been held in Jail up to the very last day of 1999 and was then released. She is now resting with her Mother and 2 children...."
NY POST (Page Six) 1/9/00 "….SHARLINE Wilson, the drug dealer who told a federal grand jury she saw President Clintonsnort cocaine, was finally released from an Arkansas jail on New Year's Eve after serving six years of a 32-year sentence…. She claimed that then-Gov. Bill Clinton was not only present during one transaction, but that he snorted some of her coke and reeled backwards into a garbage can. Born-again while in jail, Wilson told NewsMax.com she hopes to start a new life as a drug and alcohol counselor……"
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