Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Drudge knows about taxes, a lot more than the over paid, over educated Jesse Lee inside the White House, The intern quality White House aids, staff and butlers don't know anything about taxes, small business or how to create jobs and profits. We each know that Obama has never done anything but, he has hired a White House full of people that have never done anything. The Media President, The Pop Culture B-Rock Obama is surrounded by dumb asses that have internet.

Drudge knows about taxes, a lot more than the over paid, under educated Jesse Lee inside the White House,  The intern quality White House aids, staff and butlers don't know anything about taxes, small business or how to create jobs and profits.  We each know that Obama has never done anything but, he has hired a White House full of people that have never done anything.  The Media President, The Pop Culture B-Rock Obama is surrounded by dumb asses that have internet. 

What I didn't expect was for them to declare their own astonishing ignorance of how business works by calling Drudge a liar.
But that is exactly what they did. Jesse Lee, Director of Progressive Media at Barack Obama's White House, Talking Points Memo, The Huffington Post, an employee for the National Journal… All of them, full of their own sanctimonious indignation, couldn't wait to accuse Drudge of lying. Huffing and puffing, they incorrectly told their readers and/or Twitter followers that  Drudge had to be lying because there was no ObamaCare penalty last year.
Not a single one of these outlets was aware of the widely known fact that some small business owners pay quarterly taxes in advance.
These are America's Thought Leaders. These are the outlets whose editorials shape media coverage.  These are the outlets that supply talking heads to America's many media outlets. But they have spent so little time in the real world that they had no idea that small business owners are ALREADY paying the ObamaCare tax.

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