Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama - Who fires the first shot? The Obama Administration does not Vladimir and as the White House staff watches the rebirth of the Soviet Union the President of the United States watches movies and spreads the word about ObamaCare, his very own Communist objective.

Who fires the first shot? The Obama Administration does not know Vladimir Putin and as the White House staff watches the rebirth of the Soviet Union the President of the United States watches movies and spreads the word about ObamaCare, his very own Communist objective. It became clear that the sanctions against the 7 Russians were political.  Obama sanctioned more Russian, after a long delay.  He gave people enough time to move their money, sell their stocks, close and open new accounts, move billions and billions of dollars from harms way.  Where is George Soro's?  What did Obama whisper to Vladimir Putin on the open mike?  Russian billionaires sold their company stock, reduced their ownership, opened and closed banking accounts just in time to avoid all the Obama sanctions.  What about that?  Obama gave them time.  Obama gave them the time to hide their money.  Why would Obama give Putin more time?  

The liberal progressive left in America; Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Barack Hussein Obama and thousand of Centralized Government CZARS hidden from public view struggle with reality.  

The Soviet Union Russian invaded another country, the Ukraine.  Sent tens of thousands of Russian troops to hold the ground and kill the citizens if they chose to fight.  Ukraine and Crimea is gone to the world forever, Obama just watched. 

This Vladimir Putin was not playing their Obama global game, all the rules had been broken and KGB Putin was moving his army taking over the Crimea and it's warm water ports for the Russian Navy.  Putin took a major part of the world, fired no shots, took no flack from the U.S. Government.  He knew all about Obama.

The Soviet Union Putin

Vladimir Putin looked for East German spies years ago who had a plausible reason to travel abroad, such as professors, journalists, scientists and technicians, for whom there were acceptable "legends," or cover stories.  These Soviet Union Russian spies were to invade America, quickly and remain silent for decades.

The Putin KGB spies are now on Wall Street, Inside the White House and even standing on street corners in your home town.  Putin won the war with Barack Obama years ago as Obama was standing silent in the Senate, planning his moves.  Obama is a deceptive planner, faking to the right, moving to the left, he plays basketball.  Putin puts men and arms in danger, willing to fight, knowing blood will flow, he never changes direction. 

These Putin KGB spies would enter America and go underground and become part of the scene.  They would rent their apartments, pay their phone bills, enroll in American schools and accept American Capitalist jobs.  

The KGB spies would mate with CIA, FBI and DHS operatives but keep their distance.  The Russian spies would report about Americans cultural collapse, the weak dollar, the poor, unemployment and all the pain the Americans were accepting from their new president Obama.  The time was right. 

These KGB agents were secret and they remain underground today just in bigger and bigger numbers.  The Soviet Union has never died it just changed names like Obama's ACORN that was driven underground by the fire of truth.  

Some honest Americans that believed in George Washington and the founders of independence warned the public, fought it out in presidential debates but the corrupt U.S Media frowned and looked away from the truth.  

The Soviet Union was alive and the Russian bear was on the prowl but nobody told Americans. The media corrupted the news, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC promoted the Olympic games at the exact same time Putin was signing marching order for his 30,000 man force to invade the Ukraine, Obama played golf and divided his nation. 

As Obama wasted billions of dollars on ObamaCare and solar power making his friends rich, Michelle Obama traveled the world doing nothing but spending borrowed Chinese money. Moscow was planning a war and Obama didn't notice. 

The powerful NSA and CIA were proven weak again, nothing on the radar, no intelligence reported to Washington as Putin moved men and materials.  

The legend (cover story) was often a business trip, during which the KGB agents could covertly link up with other spies permanently stationed in the West. Putin still smiles today about his work and results.  

Putin shakes the hand of the radical president Obama and understands that there is no match.  The United States grows weaker daily and Putin grows stronger.  

He knew if Ukraine was taken the black radical would just make another speech, raising his voice but never raising his army. 

Obama was no George Washington and would sit on his hands and do nothing.  

Obama was a pop culture president, a left radical and progressive and did not have the substance to be strong.  Obama's values were weak and based on self promotion, he didn't care about America so Putin would take anything he wanted.  Europe will not move, too little oil, too many economic connections, Syria had WMD weapons, Iran was only weeks from going Nuclear, Israel had it's finger on the trigger, everything was wrong. 

According to German intelligence specialists who described Putin's task, the goal was stealing Western technology or NATO secrets. Putin had to make sure that NATO was fractured and would not fight.  He needed to assure that their American sponsored tanks didn't move and the U.N. United Nations remained silent. 

Putin played in Syria and watched Obama crumble as Syrian leadership killed tens of thousands of Syrian citizens, chemical weapons were on the move but Obama stood still as the Russian backed Syrians crossed every red line.   Iran was winning the Nuclear game as Obama feared Putin and Israel went crazy watching the American Communist play games with the millions of lives at stake. Obama had the nerve to threaten Israel the only friend so far away that wasn't afraid. 

A newly revealed document shows Putin was trying to recruit agents to be trained in "wireless communications." But for what purpose is not clear. Put knew the NSA and CIA was watching but he was fast.  He could take Ukraine while they watched. 

Now everything is clear.  NASA cannot put a man in space without the Soviet Union Russian Bear and Putin makes the rules.  The U.S. government spends billions of dollars with Russia, Americans pay for everything.  Putin tells Obama what to do and Obama does it and Putin smiles as the sanctions are only words.  The billions and billions of dollars were converted and moved before Crimea.  Putin knew what Obama would do, the only thing Obama could do, economic sanctions. 

Putin defends the Soviet-era intelligence service to this day. 

In recent comments to a writers' group in Moscow, he even seemed to excuse its role in dictator Joseph Stalin's brutal purges, saying it would be "insincere" for him to assail the agency where he worked for so many years. The KGB kills people.  The KGB never died they just went deep all over the world. 

Fiercely patriotic, Putin once said he could not read a book by a Soviet defector because "I don't read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland." 

 Putin believes in Russia.  Obama believes in nothing.  There is no match and Putin has Obama in a corner and Obama knows the truth.  Obama is not ready to fight except with words so Putin sleeps well at night.  Obama puts baby sanctions of Russian wealth holders, hardly noticed. 

Putin has many evil friends; North Korea, Syria, Iran, Iraq and they will surface now and threaten the left radical punk they call Obama.

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