Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ukraine Crimea Poland Lithuania Estonia NATO CIA NSA White House Ducks for Cover Obama plans on letting Putin run wild over Poland, Lithuania and Estonia seriously. President Obama, between movies, decided not to worry about Putin's threats of protecting ethnic Russians in Poland, Lithuania and Estonia. Obama is in a panic and the Democratic Progressive Communist Socialist party leaders will be replaced in America in a few short months. Putin - the Soviet Union KGB Operative made his plans around U.S. elections. Move before the voters in America remove the opportunity that was offered up by Obama and his American Czars.

Obama plans on letting Putin run wild over Poland, Lithuania and Estonia seriously.  President Obama, between movies, decided not to worry about Putin's threats of protecting ethnic Russians in Poland, Lithuania and Estonia.  Obama is in a panic and the Democratic Progressive Communist Socialist party leaders will be replaced in America in a few short months.  Putin - the Soviet Union KGB Operative made his plans around U.S. elections.  Move before the voters in America remove the opportunity that was offered up by Obama and his American Czars. 

Polish citizens are taking Vladimir Putin's threats that he will use the military to defend ethnic Russian minorities in Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia seriously. "Poles are watching Russia’s movements the way Texans might watch a Category 4 hurricane that has formed in the Gulf," he writes, noting that he has not perceived any panic but that Warsaw residents are not naive about the possibility of being left alone in the event of a Russian invasion.
"Local friends are renewing their passports," he notes, while others "are filling out U.S. visa applications that only a couple of weeks ago seemed too long and burdensome to bother with. Some are withdrawing their money from banks in the fear that instability will spread and they will be left stuck in long ATM lines, as witnessed in Crimea. Their bags may not yet be packed, but euros pad their pillows."

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