Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Putin Plans on Killing Millions with China's Help, Mr. Franklin has another idea to stop him. High Altitude Skyjacking Mr. Franklin had One Pistol and Six Shots, The Russian Bastards were not to be trusted, He would take his best shot, to save the world.

Mr. Franklin, usually decked out in a professor looking suit decided he would go along with the plan.  He didn't like the checkered shirt and rolled up blue jeans but Rosie was right, he looked like everybody else. If you wanted to kill the Russian bear, you had to get close, twenty feet close. 

She handed him the pistol, six shot revolver, already loaded and a hand full of extra cartridges.  He looked the part of a peddler and he just stood there for a while, not knowing what to do next.

"Remember Mr. Franklin, a pressurized cabin at high altitude, according to Boeing engineers, can sustain one hole, but not six"

"If you have to stop him, the best place is on the ground"  Rosie turned and simply imagined all the guards and agents that were paid to stop him.  She knew the thirty second gunfight would happen in the air, above the Soviet Russian protection squads except the dozen or so traveling with Putin. 

"Don't worry about the vital control linkage Mr. Franklin"  "The Russians have assured me that the woman will be there"  Rosie didn't trust the Russian bastards, smuggling was her game and it always played on the ground, not at thirty five thousand feet.

Mr. Franklin knew that the cockpit was bulletproof and almost invasion proof and this flight would be carrying armed guards, it wasn't going to be easy.  He looked in the mirror, he guessed he was ready for the short ride to the Crimea airport.

Russia has long complained about Estonia's insistence that its large Russian minority in the country should learn to speak Estonian. But recent remarks by Russian diplomats that, for example, Russia was "concerned by steps taken... in Estonia as well as in Ukraine" to use language to "segregate and isolate groups" is giving rise to fears that Estonia is one of the countries on Vladimir Putin's list to be invaded in order to protect Russian citizens. 
Estonia has a centuries-old bitter history with Russia. People today vividly remember that Josef Stalin's Red Army reoccupied Estonia in June 1940 and made it part of the Soviet Union. On a one-night operation, June 13-14, 1941, thousands of Estonians, mostly women and children, were deported to Siberia, while tens of thousands of men were forcibly relocated to Russia to fight in the army. This period of bloody Soviet rule left a deep mark on the Estonians, and so when the German Nazis invaded later in 1941, they were greeted as liberators. The Nazis were just as brutal as the Soviets, but when the Red Army returned in September, 1944, some 70,000 Estonians fled the country and formed a diaspora throughout Europe and North America. After the war, Stalin's Soviet brutality continued by forcing ethnic Russians to relocate to Estonia to dilute the Estonian population. Estonia only became independent in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. 
Today, as Estonia is well into a new generational Crisis era, it is haunted by ghosts of "Nazi sympathizers" who opposed the Soviets, and a substantial Russian minority, mainly descendants of Russians whom Stalin had forced to relocate to Estonia after the war, who consider themselves to be victims as well. 
There are several countries that separate Russia from the European Union, and many of them have sizable ethnic Russian minorities who consider themselves to be victims. Many of these countries, including Estonia, are members of Nato, meaning that if Russia invades, then Nato will be required by treaty to fight the invasion militarily. 
Russia as a whole, and Putin in particular, are becoming increasingly nationalistic, and it's possible that Putin will conclude from the experience of annexing Crimea that Nato won't respond militarily even after a Nato country is invaded but will simply adopt new sanctions such as making it illegal for Russian politicians to visit Disneyland. Similarly, the Chinese may conclude from Russia's experience in Crimea and their own experiences in the South China Sea that they can continue annexing other people's islands and territories with impunity. But that would be a mistake on the part of the Russians and Chinese. From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, nationalism is going to surge on all sides in this generational Crisis era. 
It's true that there's a "new normal" today that permits Russia and China to annex foreign territories with impunity. But actually it's the same "old normal" that existed in 1938 when Britain allowed Nazi Germany to annex Sudetenland with impunity. As nationalism increases on all sides, which always happens in a generational Crisis era, sooner or later the "new normal" gives way to military force, and a new war, which has been the "real normal" since time immemorial. 

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