Obama says YES to Cash and No to Illegal Alien Immigration Border Visit, The coward of the White House, won't look at what he's done to millions of Americans.
If one person gives Obama one thin dime they should be charged with Treason. As Obama REX84 plan cranks up with FEMA camps Obama refused to protect and close the border. Michelle Obama will have to change her grassroots White House backyard menu to serve the little Wetbacks a proper diet. Maybe Barack was right, his cook puts crack cocaine inside the presidents food. Most thought it was a joke.
As Obama, must report, all contributions and his donors, every American, God Loving citizen should find the donors and exploit (story tell) their support of the worst president in the history of the United States.
Obama, refuses to go to the Mexican American Texas border.
Barack Obama does not want to see the absolute third world border problem he created in Texas and all the other bordering states with Mexico as the Wetbacks flood the United States.
The little Mexican children, some rented by older invaders, are being transported across the nation, providing food, shelter and medical aid. Some of the Mexicans are diseased and they're all very poor.
Obama has lied again.
He says more money for the Border Patrol equals fast deportations of the little bastards. Not true, they're here and here to stay. Many communities are fighting back but they should be warned, SWAT teams, armed and ready, simply wait for order like they received concerning the BLM Bundy Cattle Ranch invasion.
Illegal Aliens, spies, guns, drugs, whores, infections cross the border by the tens of thousands every month.
Obama - Clinton - Holder stand still with their dic. in their hands counting their money, fundraisers only and not taking an eyeball look themselves at whats going on at the border?
If one person gives Obama one thin dime they should be charged with Treason. As Obama REX84 plan cranks up with FEMA camps Obama refused to protect and close the border. Michelle Obama will have to change her grassroots White House backyard menu to serve the little Wetbacks a proper diet. Maybe Barack was right, his cook puts crack cocaine inside the presidents food. Most thought it was a joke.
As Obama, must report, all contributions and his donors, every American, God Loving citizen should find the donors and exploit (story tell) their support of the worst president in the history of the United States.
Obama, refuses to go to the Mexican American Texas border.
Barack Obama does not want to see the absolute third world border problem he created in Texas and all the other bordering states with Mexico as the Wetbacks flood the United States.
The little Mexican children, some rented by older invaders, are being transported across the nation, providing food, shelter and medical aid. Some of the Mexicans are diseased and they're all very poor.
Obama has lied again.
He says more money for the Border Patrol equals fast deportations of the little bastards. Not true, they're here and here to stay. Many communities are fighting back but they should be warned, SWAT teams, armed and ready, simply wait for order like they received concerning the BLM Bundy Cattle Ranch invasion.
Illegal Aliens, spies, guns, drugs, whores, infections cross the border by the tens of thousands every month.
Obama - Clinton - Holder stand still with their dic. in their hands counting their money, fundraisers only and not taking an eyeball look themselves at whats going on at the border?
Last year Obama gave Planned Parenthood over $500 million dollars to abort Negro's, that's killing Negro's in case your lost but allows Wetbacks in by the millions.
There is a problem and the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's of the world don't care, because they get paid as Planned Parenthood confirms that they set abortion quotas.. how many killed per quarter?
Ask the Girls Scouts if they knew?
Pacheco stated that for years, illegal immigrants
have been turned over to ICE by the Border Patrol only to be “released into the
community,” and also reported “this has been going on for years.” He characterized the release of illegals by
ICE as “backdoor amnesty, de-facto amnesty.”
He added that the handling of the influx of illegal
immigrants is being directed by officials at the Department of Homeland
Security, and stated that decisions regarding the response to the crisis are
“no longer at local, our local leadership here, they don’t have a say,” adding
“we’re getting direction from DHS.”
Pacheco also reported that Border Patrol agents
face retaliation if they talk to the media about the problems at the
border. He said “I risk my career” by
speaking out, and said that he has previously been written up for communicating
with the press.
President Obama’s lawless actions are creating a constitutional crisis, and Congress must respond. When the President substitutes his singular judgment for the collective wisdom of 535 Members of Congress, it is dangerous and arrogant. Each time Congress is unlawfully bypassed, he succeeds in cracking the foundation of the world’s greatest democracy. When those decisions endanger American lives and threaten our national security, it is unacceptable.
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