Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mother Jones, the Communist Rag, almost a blog - wants the Lion killer Walter Palmer shot, skinned and beheaded for sport...

Mother Jones, the Communist Rag, almost a blog - wants the Lion killer Walter Palmer shot, skinned and beheaded for sport... or maybe they said that Cecil the Lion was killed by Palmer as shot, skinned and beheaded or maybe it was a Christian story from Iran, Iraq or Syria?  

There are so many beheading stories today that readers are being confused by the silly dead lion killed off by the cash paying dentist Walter Palmer.  Even as we all worry about Cecil the Lion not to worry as Planned Parenthood, with the full support of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are butchering little Negro's and bagging up body parts for sale. 

Prematurely, blindly and without sufficient examination of law Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood hope that you focus on the dead lion and not the killing of hundreds of thousands of Negro's, by abortion.

With hypocrisy and arrogance Hillary Clinton wants to be your president but continues to support the killing of future voters, import illegal aliens from Mexico and make side deals with the Muslim Brotherhood as they behead Christians but not to worry.

The HuffPost and Mother Jones will tell you what to think about so don't worry about the death panel tribunals of ObamaCare or the importing of missile delivery systems into Iran or the firebrand of John Kerry cutting secret deals with Iran.

The arrogance of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and their imbecility and lack of talent continues to amuse foreign leaders, which does include Putin of the good old Soviet Union days.

The vile authors at Mother Jones never miss a chance to confuse and grab some cash from idiots but they too will be totally annihilated by the Clinton Thug Administration.

On July 1st, Cecil the Lion was killed for sport. The beloved lion was among the most famous animals in Zimbabwe.

Cecil was killed by American dentist and sport hunter, Walter Palmer. He was shot, skinned, and beheaded. Palmer is believed to have broken multiple laws in the slaying of this animal and deserves to be prosecuted.

Add your name to tell wildlife officials Walter Palmer should be tried or extradited for the illegal killing of Cecil the Lion:

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