Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, February 20, 2015

Barack Obama reveals his fake battle plan for Iraq, People are no longer afraid of the radical Barry Soetoro, now Barack Hussein Obama, clearly indicating his Islamic Muslim Militant wishes for his future.

Barack Obama reveals his fake battle plan for Iraq, People are no longer afraid of the radical Barry Soetoro, now Barack Hussein Obama, clearly indicating his Islamic Muslim Militant wishes for his future. Barack has warned is Islamic Friends as he tells them the battle plan?  Barack sends the warning and ISIS ISIL will pull back to fight again,

President Barack Obama has never loved America, in fact, president Barack Obama has no emotional attachment to America or it's history of freeing millions of people from tyrants and dictators.  Barack Obama has proven to be dishonest and divides which proves he does not love you, or your neighbor or the nation.  Barack Obama is a very distinctive black mark in American history and will go down through the ages as the militant radical extremist socialist that almost destroyed America before American citizens and their U.S. Constitution destroyed him and his legacy. The White House Security Breach by Islamic Extremists is fiction but you must wonder as the reader, what if? Secret Service and Russian Special Forces fighting it out on the White House lawn, beheadings in Washington D.C., fires started and shots fired. The Islamic Extremists were killing Christians again but this time the blood didn't flow into the sands of of the Barack Obama red line in Syria or Iraq as  the blood soaked into the ground of Washington D.C. the place of liberty and freedom around the world.  While the agent was trying wake up the President other agents across the nation were also rapping on doors in the middle of the night. America was attacked, in several places at once as the drunken president watched T.V. from the bedroom in the White House. 

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