Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Net Neutrality - Big Brother Big Government Bigger Fraud FCC Tom Wheeler - Obama Junkie - Tom Wheeler has decided on Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality sounds really neat until you realize that Obama wants it, really bad. Net Neutrality will put the entire internet under strict centralized government control. The Washington D.C. Obama cult

Net Neutrality - Big Brother Big Government Bigger Fraud FCC Tom Wheeler - Obama Junkie - Tom Wheeler has decided on Net Neutrality.  Net Neutrality sounds really neat until you realize that Obama wants it, really bad.  Net Neutrality will put the entire internet under strict centralized government control.  The Washington D.C. Obama cult is using the Franklin Roosevelt 1934 Communications act to take control over the internet and the five person FCC panel has three Obama junkies, you just lost the internet.  

You can expect your Barack Obama government to spend hundreds of millions of your taxpayer dollars fighting off court cases, appellate cases and other court decisions that will be handed down.  

The Obama Cat government is playing with the mouse (internet user) always sure that most are too dumb to care.  It's not about Netflix it's about controlling the content on the internet to stop you from talking, reading, writing and gathering like minded people to stop the centralized socialist takeover of the government.  

The FCC will become the ruler of the internet which means the socialist president Barack Obama will become the ruler of the internet.  Congress, again, stands silent and simply stands around doing nothing as Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama continues his rampage against law and order and our Constitutional Republic.  Barack Obama has made himself KING of America and he has millions of radical militant minority supporters.  

As you starve and cannot find work the internet is being removed, Iran is gaining a nuclear weapon, terrorists in NYC and the damn mayor of NYC is a hard left socialist.  When you wake up, remember you have been warned for years now by some of the best minds of the world.  Israel is coming to talk to you about Iran, listen.  Learn and then teach others. 

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