Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saudi Arabia Goes To War against Iran, Syria and Iraq - Secret Committee Votes Yes - United States by Executive Order pulls all support from Saudi Arabia and Israel - Israel Stands Alone Against Iran - EMP Bomb Explodes - GITMO Bulldozed - Mosques Burns in New York as Crowd gathers to protect Police Officers in New York City

The committee would vote today, it had been three days of listening to secret testimony and witnesses behind curtains hiding their identities. We had taken notes that had been shredded and all the voice tapes had been incinerated and the videotapes met the same fate.  We started off learning about Communism but used up most of our time trying to learn about the culture and wisdom of Islam. Saudi Arabia Goes To War against Iran, Syria and Iraq - Secret Committee Votes Yes - United States by Executive Order pulls all support from Saudi Arabia and Israel - Israel Stands Alone Against Iran - EMP Bomb Explodes - GITMO Bulldozed - Mosques Burns in New York as Crowd gathers to protect Police Officers in New York City 

Millions around the world thought that the Cold War was over but naturally Russia, Cuba, North Korea, China and many other places disagreed with the world's assumption.  The Communists were striking out against America in places like the Ukraine as China was threatening their neighbors and North Korea respected nothing about civilization.

This working group had been meeting in secret for almost six years now and had attempted to strike back against America's enemies but were losing even as every member was a world class winner.

This meeting, like all the others, could be considered treason against the United States by many citizens but naturally the members of the committee saw the betrayal of the U.S. Constitution by members on Capitol Hill, Supreme Court and even the White House as disloyalty against the citizens of the United States.

The last military scientist had just finished speaking about an EMP Nuclear Electromagnet Pulse Bomb and what this powerful weapon could do to every village, town and city in America if properly positioned and deployed against America.

The scientist gave his testimony behind the locked and guarded steel doors and quickly retreated through a personnel door to exit and return to his normal life outside in the cold sunshine in upper state Virginia.

James Bricker thought the nuclear scientist was the last person to give evidence but the meeting was still open as the chairman stood and opened the rear door once again.  Under the sacred oath of this covert secret committee, the presenters would  swear with their right hand held high and their left hand on the bible that they would only tell the truth.

The surprise speaker that reached the stage and podium without any notes in his hand did not smile and James Bricker could only imagine the sly logistics it took to get this man inside the hotel basement. 

It was Army General Reber Mays and required no introductions as he fiddled with the tiny microphone on the pedestal stand.  The Army general had received a great amount of public sympathy when he was relieved of his command and forced to retire the year before.  He was the Army brass that was in charge of the now closed and bulldozed GITMO Guantanamo Bay Cuba Terrorist prison on the island of Cuba.

When the United States failed to renew the GITMO lease and hung the gone fishing sign on the front door the last living Castro brother flattened the prison with dozens of bulldozers and leveled the notorious terrorist prison. 

The public story was that General Mays had refused direct orders from the Pentagon to release the last twelve Islamic Jihadist Warriors from the prison in Cuba.  The last twelve were known as the Barbaric Twelve as they were repulsive to any sane man or woman  and were surly bound for the pits of hell, shocking the devil.

The Army General looked up and out upon the committee, his glance was the perfect pause before he spoke;

"With his charm and arrogance the President has decided once again to fail the people and their Congress, with every public sentiment against him, he plans to remove all U.S. forces out of Saudi Arabia by executive order."  the general looked at our committee chairman and then back at the seated committee members.

"You may be aware that Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Afghanistan,  against Israel is best described as a non-nuclear bloodbath and the only thing holding Iran back is Jordan and Saudi Arabia at this point with the help of United States military forces."  the general looked to his right and then to his left and gave his audience enough time to soak up his message.

"The President with his intelligence and blindness has already ordered the removal of all U.S. ground forces from Saudi Arabia and Jordan without delay and does not even pretend an honorable withdrawal."  "At long last the President with his low awareness and insensitivity will cause the total destruction of the state of Israel."  as the general turned he looked haggard and almost broken as he continued.

"Israel has suffered and tens of thousands have been killed but now all of them will be slaughtered and the butchers will kill the boys and rape the girls in public view."  the general wasted no time and put his chin a bit higher and kept speaking.

"You will find in the New York Ledger and Times in the next twenty four hours the Presidents conclusions as he makes another executive decision." 

"His observations conclude that Israel is the problem, like others in the past have blamed the Jews, this president and his cousin Hitler have found their modern footing with Muhammed."  the general was about to continue but interrupted himself and stepped back from the podium and walked to the exit door behind him and was gone as fast as he came into view moments before.

The committee delegates with voting rights numbered 56 plus the chairman, and most of them stood up behind their small wooden handmade "candy desk"  like they have in the U.S. Senate on Capitol Hill.  The candy desk drawers were designed years ago to hold candy during long Senate sessions and still served today as the delegates crammed the small drawer with everything any person could imagine.

The delegates chitchat was nervous as they knew the call to vote would be next that would allow the three days of hard work to end in some result that would move their secret agenda forward and accelerate their programs.

The voting committee would create the ten items to be voted this day, a simple yes or no vote on secret ballots.  It was a pure democratic vote with the majority winning and the Chairman could break any tie if needed.

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