Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, February 20, 2015

NBC and its gang of socialist are having their fun by going after Fox News host Bill O'Reilly after Brain Williams was caught, over and over, lying out his ass. MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and even CNN will exploit the B.S. to draw fire off the failing NBC network that sponsors Al Sharpton and Brian Williams. Bill O'Reilly reportedly laughed when he heard the made up news from the NBC gang. NBC had its parent has decided that a bigger lie covers up a smaller lie so here they go. Watch FOX News and Bill O'Reilly.

Mother Jones and Brian Williams hit O"Reilly, NBC and its gang of socialist are having their fun by going after Fox News host Bill O'Reilly after Brain Williams was caught, over and over, lying out his ass.  MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and even CNN will exploit the B.S. to draw fire off the failing NBC network that sponsors Al Sharpton and Brian Williams. 

Mother Jones, the Communist Paper traveling at the speed of light on the internet has really good articles mostly about nothing, so they had to make one up about Bill O'Reilly. Mother Jones sponsors great phones and other products from extremist hard left groups and owners to gather money to destroy America.  Mother Jones, is not motherly. 

 Bill O'Reilly reportedly laughed when he heard the made up news from the NBC gang.  NBC had its parent has decided that a bigger lie covers up a smaller lie so here they go.  Watch FOX News and Bill O'Reilly.  White House staff is charging full speed ahead and is now in the process of purging people that have lied and are on the verge of being caught.  It is said that George Soros, the aged Billionaire without a living dream sponsors such nonsense with cash payments in backrooms and Bill and Hillary Clinton may be helping.  Hillary Clinton is never in the news now as she does not want to answer up for Russia and the Ukraine war she helped start with her reset, yet alone Benghazi Libya and now ISIS, ISIL, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA and AQAP taking over Yemen.  Her legacy is now frozen in facts of war, leaving her desperate and hidden.  Anything to move that spotlight away from Barack Obama and his taxpayer funded Islamic Muslim Extremist rally's in the White House. 

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