Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Guantanomo Bay Cuba; Barack Obama; Bowe Bergdahl; John Kerry; Taliban; Terrorist Swap; Cash Bribe; Afghanistan; It happened last night. Something happened at Guantanomo Bay Cuba GITMO last night and it was against the law. It was a cleanshaven Marine that had dinner behind closed doors with somebody from the White House, munching the excellent meal the Marine suddenly realized that this would be his last meal at GITMO and this was his last supper. The Marine and his White House friend enjoyed the pleasantries but the Marine also felt the cold gust breathing down his neck coming from Barack Obama.

Guantanomo Bay Cuba; Barack Obama; Bowe Bergdahl; John Kerry; Taliban; Terrorist Swap; Cash Bribe; Afghanistan; It happened last night.  Something happened at Guantanomo Bay Cuba GITMO last night and it was against the law.  It was a cleanshaven Marine that had dinner behind closed doors with somebody from the White House, munching the excellent meal the Marine suddenly realized that this would be his last meal at GITMO and this was his last supper.  The Marine and his White House friend enjoyed the pleasantries but the Marine also felt the cold gust breathing down his neck coming from Barack Obama.

A TOP SECRET report, some exclusive report, revealing the details of the Bowe Bergdahl Taliban 5 Terrorist swap is about to made public, abruptly leaving this one Marine very alone in a very mad world. 

This extraordinary spy drama reveals a fantastic story that closely resembles Benedict Arnold as President of the United States by the name of Barack Obama.  The Marine noticed the sudden change of a friendly dinner as the wooden soldier from the White House delivered the faceless message from top ranking officials, including the President of the United States.

The Secret Service waiting on the other side of the door, behind the mask of national security were there to escort the Marine off the island where he was masquerading as a Marine. 

At the height of dinner, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton's name came up and in Washington D.C. these two names meant warnings.  The so-called Marine had proved his worth as a communist and did what he was told inside GITMO.   We can only guess, that between the soups and the nuts the fast talking White House messenger glibly talked about the success of the Bergdahl Taliban deal.  

Some breathtaking scoops to follow, espionage stuff, operatives that have infiltrated the White House and GITMO, some secret hierarchy, living and breathing, this is your tip-off. 

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