Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton ABC News Hard Choices Liberal Joke Won't Talk History Her cruel Hillary Rodham Clinton face was painted softly during her interview, that fascinated but fake look of concern and interest as she peddled her book on ABC but she is broken. There is no beauty inside Hillary Rodham Clinton, she is cruel and spends her time dancing and driving for more power. Her heart is a bare room.

In the liberal progressive tradition, Hillary Rodham Clinton, writes a book that says nothing.  The book deal was the story and not the contents but  "Hard Choices" bleeds of liberal hard left progressive hype and B.S. and as expected Hillary has no plans on talking about her real life history.  The so-called historic female idol of the liberal left, the girl version of radical black Barack Obama,  wasn't very hard to read during her ABC softball interview.

Nothing was her fault, no more about Monica on Bill in the White House, just elect me president and Benghazi, what's the big deal. 

The dinner table with the fair-skinned daughter, Bill and Hillary must be full of escapades planned for the future and trying their best to hide their past.  This family has so much dirt they are a disgrace to American history but watch the unions, the teacher unions, the big companies, the big media and the lonely housewives support the want to be tyrant, at any cost.  The under-educated brought you Barack Obama and the hate America movement and now Hillary. 

The most corrupt couple in the history of American history "the Clinton's" don't spend a lot of time reading the bible, too much time hiding the truth, talking for cash and making big deals for the future.

Hillary Clinton didn't want to talk about all the sexy girl problems of the past or the amorous escapades of her drunk with power husband.  She hides from serious matters but the serious side of Hillary is evil.  Her book is little more than short stories and poetry of her future ambitions that she made up as she went.

As the typical lesbian flapper that story won't be told.  Her connections to NAACP, CPUSA,  Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, black radical communist Barack Obama and his totalitarian administrative state will remain in the shadows, not to be found inside the Hillary Book.

Hillary loves the idea, and has flirted her entire life with a touch of anti-Semitism, total Fascism kind of like Nazism.

She wants power.  Unconstitutional power.

Hillary is a germ.  The people that give Hillary power are germs.  She has millions of fellow travelers and none of them are honest.  She will paint the capital red but in a soft way, flirting with absolute power, and watching and listening to all her enemies, the list.

Hillary Clinton knows about the NSA domestic spy rings, the IRS Constitutional espionage against the Tea Party and understands phone taps, planted documents, correspondence rifled and copied.   Recall her affairs with power and become afraid.

Her cruel Hillary Rodham Clinton face was painted softly during her interview, that fascinated but fake look of concern and interest as she peddled her book on ABC but she is broken.

There is no beauty inside Hillary Rodham Clinton,

she is cruel and spends her time dancing and driving for more power.

 Her heart is a bare room.

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