Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Obamasan in Japan - Atomic Bomb - Dead Japs - World War II Barack Obama G7 Rattling the Radical Barack Obama It's best to wait and destroy him in history by writing the truth what he's done to the world and how he destroyed the American economy,

Rattling the Radical Barack Obama.  Donald Trump has the numbers to take charge of the GOP Republican Presidential Convention in Cleveland Ohio and the entire world is waiting.  

Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin, The Radical Islamic Jihadist in Iran, Syria, Iraq and other parts of the world are rattled to their evil core.  

Bomb The Jap Devils
Kill Them All

Donald Trump plans on bringing back the traditional America and tossing aside the Progress Socialist B.S. Democratic strategy of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton along with people like Van Jones, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and all the other cowards on the government payroll. 

Barack Obama is playing the G7 Game and he's talking about the other world leaders being rattled by Donald Trump.  

What the radical Obama doesn't understand he is by far the worst president in the history of the United States and is hated by millions of honest and legal citizens.  

If American could jail Obama he would be behind bars today but the smartest of the smart understand they don't want the radical to be a symbol of some great Black Lives Matter or Islamic movement inside America.  

It's best to wait and destroy him in history by writing the truth what he's done to the world and how he destroyed the American economy, released Islamic warriors during a time of war, negotiated the release of a U.S. soldier that committed treason against America, left the U.S. border open to allow millions of beggars, thieves, drug dealers, gun runners and whores inside the country, to gain welfare benefits, he has released thousand of convicted criminals, and allows illegal aliens to hide out in the open and once in a while kill some innocent citizen like Kate.  Sure, Donald Trump is going to rattle the tree and all the nuts will drop to the ground.. you can name them. The Obama administration is secretly preparing to transfer up to 24 prisoners out of the U.S. military detention center Guantánamo Bay in Cuba by the end of the summer

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