Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton is discredited, Hillary Rodham Clinton, her biggest secret.

Hillary Clinton is discredited,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, her biggest secret.  Why do the largest New York City's banks, the largest banks in the world, give Hillary Clinton millions of dollars in cash?    Can the sun, moon and all the planets pierce the veil which shrouds the years ahead and tell people their future?  Can you become President of the United States, and we warn you, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her life a total tragedy, crimes swirling around her, believes in talking to the dead, alignment of plants, astrology  as a science.
Dwight Garrison was only federal manager on the actual construction site today and he knew it would be a distressing report once he completed his inspection.  Dwight Garrison paced the construction site and the three provincial agents marched along behind him and seemed to act like toddlers following their father around like good little boys.
Dwight Garrison had called on the construction site not three weeks ago because of reported delays and construction problems.  Dwight Garrison worked directly for the Federal Property Administration (FPA) that was based at “The Highest Point” that was once known as Washington D.C.  Dwight Garrison was the senior federal FPA manager assigned to the sizeable construction project he was inspecting and his staff members were taking notes and pictures using the Electronic Government Devices that everybody called simply the “Gadget”.  

Hillary Rodham Clinton talks to dead people, she spent time inside the White House with plain old hocus-pocus, believe it or not Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to be president now.
Fervently, Hillary Clinton will do anything for power including reaching out to the dead and seeking advice.  Devotees to the dead and astrology have signed a contract with the devil and when you research Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler, Moa, Stalin, Putin and even tycoons have sold out their soul for power, influence and control over populations.
Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, their far-flung criminal enterprise collect money from all over the world to gain favors inside the American government, to read and hold Top Secret Documents from deep inside government vaults.
Hillary Clinton held a stockpile of top secrets as secretary of state and knew the secrets of rulers around the world and even the sex secrets of Hollywood stars.
Dwight Garrison and his staff of six people gathered up the three local provincial agents and had been walking the construction site for over three hours with no end in site.  The massive construction project had been designed and engineered at “The Highest Point” inside the Federal Property Administration (FPA) department of manufacturing-business and production and was over budget and off schedule.
The provincial county agents and their managers had direct authority and control over the project and reported directly to the provincial governor.
Many people desired the old days back but their hopes and desires were always made in private to close friends and trusted family members.  The United States had been altered and the entire United States only consisted of only six organized states that made up the new federation of the NAUK North American United Kingdom.  Each of these six regional states had a provincial governor that held total jurisdiction and was appointed by the Head of State.

Top names in business and finance charted a course with Bill and Hillary Clinton a long time ago, even foreign governments.
You could be a visitor in the Clinton White House for a cash payment and sleep in the Lincoln bedroom.  Carefully the Clinton's have created a legal yet illegal enterprise by the name of the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton had all the insider information, successfully she sold the secrets, in a speech, whispering to Islamic leaders, it was always about the cash deal.
We can all see now that Hillary Clinton is dishonest, her health and vitality is gone, the devil taking payments.
Hillary Clinton thinks God and Jesus Christ is all some kind of superstitious mumbo-jumbo.  The only influence she will sell or take is driving by cash or power over the people. 
So today, Hillary Clinton is running for president.  There are powerful forces inside our political system, it is driven by cash and not the cosmic forces offered up to Hillary through dead people.

The sovereign monarch Head of State replaced the position of President of the United States which was the self-governing concept found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution which had been absolute only twenty three years ago.
The Head of State of the North American United Kingdom and known as the PRINCIPAL had the unconditional and unlimited authority over all the people and all of the property considered fixed to the kingdom.
The ancient idea of a Congress with a Senate and House for the people was annulled and vacated by the new directives and decrees set forth by the PRINCIPAL.
The PRINCIPAL that replaced the Constitutional idea of a President was appointed for life by the delegates of all the provinces which were known as the counties years ago. 
Millions of colored people will vote for Hillary Clinton, her truth remaining obscure to the Negro and Latino populations.  Startling housewives that are almost bankrupt will vote for Hillary Clinton, they also supported Barack Obama as they sought hope and change even while their careers were ended, their health care cost went up and the love affair with socialism is fading as their children are wildly in college debt.

Fantastically Hillary Clinton has not already been placed in a holding cell waiting for a federal trial.  Teachers want her jailed, nurses want nothing to do with her, only the slow thinking Negro and Latino, that want taxpayer funded programs.

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