Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Does This Look Like Elizabeth Warren? Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren - Cowboys and Indians - I don't buy she's an Indian because I cannot see any of that beautiful copper hued skin and features but don't get me wrong, she can be an Indian if she wants and Donald Trump can be president and Barack Obama can be missing that Negroid coloring or pitch black skin.

Hillary Clinton's Wampum turns on the Wooden Indian Elizabeth Warren.  As a newspaperman I've always whiffed around politics but on a hunch I took one heap big leap into the fistfight between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which isn't going to be a fair fight, so hide the children.

Indian Arrowukas
Does This Look Like Elizabeth Warren?

Hillary Clinton is a fraud and a criminal and of course her government work for the people has always been a hobby and a funnel machine for cash money.  You can sell access to the President of the United States, if he's your cheating husband, for cash money.

Over the years people wanted to get close to the Clinton's and Elizabeth Warren just might be the perfect example.  Elizabeth Warren is the fake Indian just like you would see in Hollywood and she did it all for cash and power.  She needed to be an Indian to get all the free stuff, college, grants, loans etc so she decided to become part Indian Savage to get taxpayers to pay her way.  Sounds like a Clinton.

Over the years she took her wooden self and went to carving out her heritage as a real life Indian Savage so she could get free stuff.  People of course challenged her claim but how far can you go, talking bad about Indian's is bad enough but really Elizabeth, you give Indians a bad name.

We have white woman who claim they are black and we have a mixed color president that claims he's black and Hillary Clinton claims she's honest so what's the big deal about another fake Indian?

Elizabeth Warren is a life-sized model of a fake Indian girl with a papoose of money on her back filled with government cash, one way or another.

Just like any good Hollywood movie the Indian is now in a life and death struggle with the White Man Donald Trump.  The redskins are rising and Elizabeth Warren is leading the charge against General Donald Trump.  Elizabeth Warren understands that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement concerning the illegal president Barack Obama but what's another Clinton scandal, let's go after Trump for Clinton, without Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is using the wooden Indian Elizabeth Warren simply for negative advertising against Donald Trump like the wood Indian outside the Cigar Store or Antique dealers.

Stand her up and let her talk.  Dust her off once in a while and give her a few lines and let the fake Indian talk.  Now Elizabeth Warren is no way Sitting Bull but you could consider her Twitter Bull as she beats up on Trump as everybody laughs at her lying ass.

She (Elizabeth Warren) is now known as Chief Big Mouth, I guess some half breed Indian who plans on plundering the Donald Trump camp at times pretending she's a white girl and then back to being an Indian.  It's hard to surprise the American people after years of radical Barack Obama but Elizabeth Warren is on the warpath and plans on killing off Trump voters one twitter message at a time, lots of work.

Oddly enough her chief, Hillary Clinton, will most likely wind up in prison for treason against the United States but why would an Indian care, really.

So Elizabeth Warren took out her ax and hatchet and started chopping away at Donald Trump and tried to chisel him down to size.  She spent a great deal of time on Twitter, which is a shame as she works for the people, nothing else to do, I guess.

The Clinton whittlers could have done better, but an Indian is an Indian so she can be a fake Indian if guys can go into the girls bathroom at Target.  I don't buy she's an Indian because I cannot see any of that beautiful copper hued skin and features but don't get me wrong, she can be an Indian if she wants and Donald Trump can be president and Barack Obama can be missing that Negroid coloring or pitch black skin.

You know that the Clinton gang has used turpentine and shellacked their Indian called Elizabeth Warren with a few coats of paint but you cannot change her socialist communist black heart. 

Hillary Clinton's Indian is on the rampage.

Elizabeth Warren is a creation just like Hillary Clinton.

With no spontaneous interest in having Hillary Clinton as president they had to do something for publicity and there's nothing like cowboys and Indians.

Watch out for Clinton redskins, hatchet in hand with one hand shading their eyes waiting for you on Twitter with bright paint war stripes liberally doused across their faces. 


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