Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

New York Times “Are they going to interview Juanita Broderick? Are they going to interview Paula Jones? Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?”Bill Clintons Sex Slaves Chained to the Wall inside the Clinton Mansion - Fictional Reporter blasts the New York Times - New York Times Newspaper Donald Trump Michael Barbaro Megan Twohey won't write about the sexual rapist Bill Clinton and his handler Hillary Clinton - Why Not?

Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, the two New York Times junior reporters have a lot to learn about the American public and journalism.  It was clear in a few hours that the real people didn't agree with the New York Times article about Donald Trump and his personal and professional dealings with women.  The shadows of Bill Clinton and all his sexual assaults make the New York Times look like a bunch of dumb asses, don't you think?

“Are they going to interview Juanita Broderick? Are they going to interview Paula Jones? Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?”

They are secrets in the basement of the Clinton Mansion, a lot more than a computer server. 

 The pervert Bill Clinton
 The perverted Hillary Clinton, blush with a new lie
 The enabler Hillary Clinton holding her nose about Bill
 The victims of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

As Hillary Clinton, spends millions of dollars, spanking Bill Clinton's sexual partners the New York Times, junior achievers, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey decided not to tell the whole truth, not to offer both sides of some disputed image of Donald Trump.  You can imagine the victims of Bill Clinton chained up against some wall waiting on uncle Bill to come home as Hillary Clinton watches T.V. upstairs in the Clinton Mansion.  Hundreds of stories will be told before Clinton ever steps foot in the White House again, most of them in front of a federal judge, then off to prison she goes. 

As Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey showed they have no truth convictions and could care less who disagrees it was clearly a hit piece against Donald Trump, bought and paid for by the New York Times. The two chumps took on Trump and they lost.  The liberal nut jobs ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and others will enjoy the piece because it helps pull the wool over the voters eyes. 

A reporter should winnow out the truth and put it on paper, without the distortions of their own values and beliefs.  The ladies are coming forward now to dispute the New York Times Donald Trump article as a distortion of what they said.

The New York Times is a whore for Hillary and Bill Clinton so most people ignore what they may write about, but really,  Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey need to learn a lot about exciting journalism because sensational they're not. 


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