Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Donald Trump will save the black American community, but why does Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton want to murder millions of Negros? The Barack Obama un-constitutional government continues to act against the laws of the land, creating the environment of lawlessness and continues to fail in accordance with its own laws, and other standing law, which is highlighted by ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act, Illegal Aliens and open borders, brought against the people by organized crime, deceit and manipulation by such actors as M.I.T. Jonathan Gruber and many members of the liberal progressive socialist democratic party (DNC). Other criminal actors like Lois Lerner IRS are insurgents against the constitution and most likely broke hundreds of laws working against certain groups and individuals. The growing public anger, short of violence, was noticed during the November elections. The people still living under the laws of the land voted power away from Obama soldiers. This lawless government, corrupt and influenced, can bring about a stronger law against the people known as MARSHALL LAW. The lawless Barack Obama insurgent government can enact Marshall Law, a very tough law to meet any emergency deemed. By regular legal processes radical President Barack Obama has already signed Marshall Law orders, and by law, Marshall law is in effect within the United States this very day, yet enacted. You can quickly become a detainee of the Barack Obama government with the loss of all legal rights under the U.S. Constitution. Guantanamo GITMO prisons are now built and available to hold deemed citizen criminals, by the hundreds of thousands. The FEMA reeducation and consolidation camps stand ready this day to receive, house, feed and guard hundreds of thousands of citizen criminals without lawyers, judges or any other typical legal process. Hundreds of millions of ready to eat meals are already purchased and in storage this day and ready for distribution. Many in America, are so terrorized by Barack Obama at this point they dare not help themselves. Millions of people are unemployed and huddle together in the homes of parents and friends to survive. More millions are under-employed and barely survive the Obama economy and have been forced to spend their entire life savings, enroll in welfare programs creating a weakness inside the population and a criminal strength, centralized at the White House, under the elected authority of Barack Obama. The organized insurrection against the peoples rights starts at the White House and the Communist Socialist Liberal Progressives Democrats that have gained or have been given power. Over 99% of your government is appointed by the 1% that were elected. The members of the U.S. Congress 435 + 100 Senators uses the media to influence everything your read or watch on T.V. Barack Obama, the lawfully elected President of the United States no longer allows his picture to be taken by the peoples press. The people know that Barack Obama is inept, but few realize that he is extremely dangerous to the U.S. Constitution and the survival of the United States. The enormous SNAP food stamp program, food for the hungry, is really a government sponsored authoritarian operation "Operation Starvation" which enables the Barack Obama government to deny food at any time. A food denial program once under scrutiny is the most evil thing a centralized government can do against its own people. A chemical gas attack can kill a localized few thousands but a food denial program (SNAP) can isolate and kill tens of millions of people within a few days. If a group of people were deemed terrorists inside of America, would you allow them to starve until dead?

The Murdering of Negroes -
Planned Parenthood
The Black and White Women and Planned Parenthood

Why does Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton 
want to murder millions of Negros?
Obama, Clinton, Soros, want total control of the black American populations, birth to death,

It's a terrible plan and truth is that if you don't reduce the Negro population, the U.S. economy cannot support the adult Negroes which require free housing, free education, free food, free transportation, free health care, free communication services.  It was decided by Sanger, which Hillary Clinton fully supports that it's fine to reduce the Negro population to eliminate future economic and cultural problems. 

The Barack Obama un-constitutional government continues to act against the laws of the land, creating the environment of lawlessness and continues to fail in accordance with its own laws, and other standing law, which is highlighted by ObamaCare ACA Affordable Care Act, Illegal Aliens and open borders, brought against the people by organized crime, deceit and manipulation by such actors as M.I.T. Jonathan Gruber and many members of the liberal progressive socialist democratic party (DNC). Other criminal actors like Lois Lerner IRS are insurgents against the constitution and most likely broke hundreds of laws working against certain groups and individuals. The growing public anger, short of violence, was noticed during the November elections. The people still living under the laws of the land voted power away from Obama soldiers.

This lawless government, corrupt and influenced, can bring about a stronger law against the people known as MARSHALL LAW. The lawless Barack Obama insurgent government can enact Marshall Law, a very tough law to meet any emergency deemed.

By regular legal processes radical President Barack Obama has already signed Marshall Law orders, and by law, Marshall law is in effect within the United States this very day, yet enacted.

You can quickly become a detainee of the Barack Obama government with the loss of all legal rights under the U.S. Constitution. Guantanamo GITMO prisons are now built and available to hold deemed citizen criminals, by the hundreds of thousands. The FEMA reeducation and consolidation camps stand ready this day to receive, house, feed and guard hundreds of thousands of citizen criminals without lawyers, judges or any other typical legal process. Hundreds of millions of ready to eat meals are already purchased and in storage this day and ready for distribution.

Many in America, are so terrorized by Barack Obama at this point they dare not help themselves. Millions of people are unemployed and huddle together in the homes of parents and friends to survive. More millions are under-employed and barely survive the Obama economy and have been forced to spend their entire life savings, enroll in welfare programs creating a weakness inside the population and a criminal strength, centralized at the White House, under the elected authority of Barack Obama.

The organized insurrection against the peoples rights starts at the White House and the Communist Socialist Liberal Progressives Democrats that have gained or have been given power. Over 99% of your government is appointed by the 1% that were elected. The members of the U.S. Congress 435 + 100 Senators uses the media to influence everything your read or watch on T.V. Barack Obama, the lawfully elected President of the United States no longer allows his picture to be taken by the peoples press. The people know that Barack Obama is inept, but few realize that he is extremely dangerous to the U.S. Constitution and the survival of the United States.

The enormous SNAP food stamp program, food for the hungry, is really a government sponsored authoritarian operation "Operation Starvation" which enables the Barack Obama government to deny food at any time. A food denial program once under scrutiny is the most evil thing a centralized government can do against its own people. A chemical gas attack can kill a localized few thousands but a food denial program (SNAP) can isolate and kill tens of millions of people within a few days. If a group of people were deemed terrorists inside of America, would you allow them to starve until dead?

The Obama Crime Wave The Tea Party United Against Barack Obama

The Obama Crime Wave

The Tea Party United Against Barack Obama

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


Planned Parenthood is killing America
Bengahzi the murdering of Americans
IRS Lois Lerner the force of government to stop the Tea Party
Fast and Furious the running of illegal guns to drug cartels in Mexico
DHS Border Patrol Open Borders the rush of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens
CBP Customs Border Patrol Total failure to secure the border.
Syrian Red Line the killing of hundreds of thousands of people by Obama's refusal to help
Crimea Invasion and Putin the expansion of the old Communist Soviet Empire
VA Veterans Administration Death Waiting List for cash bonuses and awards
NSA Spying against FOX news reporter Rosen
Solyndra Solar Scam the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars with no results
Keystone Pipeline never to be build so wealthy friends can haul oil on their railroad
Federal Reserve the creation of trillions of fiat-fake money destroying the dollar
Barack Obama whispering a secret deal to Soviet Union Russia Putin
NSA Spying against AP Associated Press
Welfare Food Stamps over 50 million people being fed daily by the government
ObamaCare the ACA Affordable Care Act Communist Socialist control over medical care
Iran Nuclear Program given time to build a complete nuclear weapons system
Iraq Premature Troop Withdrawl and Obama's failure to protect the investment in blood and money
ISIS and other Islamic Caliphate members allowed to build a nation of terrorists
Planned Parenthood funding by Obama allowed to kill hundreds of thousands of Negros
Illegal Aliens by the millions allowed to remain inside the United States without deportation
Main Stream Media bribed and bought and paid for by Obama and controlled by the FCC
LGBT Gay Marriage Movement against the wishes of the American people

Unemployment Under-employment raging across America
False Government Reporting and broadcasting half truths and lies-staged White House briefings
Bundy Cattle Ranch as BLM raids the lone rancher who was late paying fees
DHS Department of Homeland Security TSA airport security abusing individual rights
The Lying Obama President Obama clearly a liar and continues to lie to the America people
Dictatorial Power Obama ignores Congress and uses Executive Orders against the people
DOJ Department of Justice is racial - radical - and resists the Constitution
NSA National Security Agencies spying on each American and others around the world
IRS Lois Lerner IRS Commission Koskinen corruption destruction of records
EPA Gina McCarthy War on Coal - Closing Power Plants - Surging Energy Prices
DHS Jeh Johnson Open Borders - FEMA domestic camps and prisons
Bergdhal Taliban Five (5) Terrorist Trade from GITMO for the Traitors Return
NSA Snowden Security Collapse allowing the discovery of illegal government activity
Caliphate Formed Islamic Muslim Taliban Al-Qaeda ISIS Army Syria Iran Iraq


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