Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, November 14, 2016

O.K. U.S. Embassy Should Move To Jerusalem, if Israel Agrees, Palestinian Ambassador Blasts Donald Trump, not much of a splash for all the tough talking...Oh by goodness, the dumb ass Riyad Mansour, some nut case Palestinian Ambassador to the corrupt and bankrupt swamp called the U.N. United Nations is upset. The ding bell Palestinian ambassador threaten Donald Trump, I guess he doesn't get cable in his Palestinian cave but Riyad Mansour, with all his might...

One Shoulder Launched Missile;

Palestinian Ambassador Blasts Donald Trump, not much of a splash for all the tough talking...

Oh my goodness, the dumb ass Riyad Mansour, some nut case Palestinian Ambassador to the corrupt and bankrupt swamp called the U.N. United Nations is upset.  

The ding bell Palestinian ambassador threatened Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton most likely had the Ambassador make the push at the U.N.

I guess he doesn't get cable in his Palestinian cave but Riyad Mansour, with all his might... One chick from the Army of Israel, using a shoulder launched U.S. supplied missile could settle the Palestinian dispute.. o.k. maybe to missiles... but no more.. 

warned President-elect Donald Trump that if he dares to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the Palestinians would “make life miserable” for the United States at the United Nations. Now Riyad should understand that he just threatened all Americans, and thanks to freedom, we could show up in New York at the United Nations and discuss his threat against the people of the United States, maybe bring a few boys from Texas, Alabama, got knows a couple from Chicago would do the trick...

Now the Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour, might just be responsible for Donald Trump de-funding the ass wipes in the United Nations, all together.  We pay most of the U.N. bills for these little bastards to sit down, or stand up.. and they're about worthless, except for cocktail parties.

He is going to unleash all his U.N. weapons against the United States and Donald Trump, I hope Donald can sleep tonight.

Jerusalem, a great place for a brand new American embassy, and we could even have a garden named The Riyad Mansour Garden, of course the U.N. should and must pay for the garden.

Relax Riyad, Donald Trump is a good man, and knows how to deal with terrorist little sissy's like you...

O.K. Executive Order 1, Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,


“If people attack us by moving the embassy to Jerusalem, which is a violation of Security Council resolutions, it is a violation of Resolution 181 of the UN general assembly that was drafted by the U.S. … it means they are showing belligerency towards us. … If they do that nobody should blame us for unleashing all of the weapons that we have in the UN to defend ourselves and we have a lot of weapons in the UN,” Riyad Mansour said.
Mansour conceded that such a move could not be passed as a Security Council resolution because of the U.S. veto. Nevertheless, he warned Trump, “Maybe I can’t have resolutions in the Security Council but I can make their lives miserable everyday with precipitating a veto on my admission as a member state.”
Mansour warned that he would “reopen the whole Pandora’s Box” of verdicts in the International Criminal Court of Justice on the issue of Israel’s security fence and the settlements.

He added that “it is illegal to defy Security Council resolutions that the U.S. is party to that the unilateral action by Israel annexing East Jerusalem is illegal and it is null and void. If the U.S. administration wants to defy international law they are doing something illegal.”Oh 

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