Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, November 25, 2016

FUXK SOCIALIST - Jill Stein, Elizabeth Warren - working closed doors deals for Hillary Clinton, funded by George Soros is trying her best to have recounts in several states, the plot is clear now. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton + Barack Obama wants a recount of the presidential election, without their fingerprints. A President Donald Trump will destroy the DNC Democratic Progressive Socialists inside America, starting with Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, con artists like Jill Stein and even poor old Bernie Sanders, the fucked Socialist. Elizabeth Warren is also pushing inside the DNC Democratic Party to force the Electors to turn traitor and vote Hillary Clinton. Insiders say this evil plan was hatched by Barack Obama about 60 days ago, just in case, Hillary Clinton Fuxed up the elections, which she did, again.

Jill Stein, working closed doors deals for Hillary Clinton, funded by George Soros is trying her best to have recounts in several states, the plot is clear now.  

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton + Barack Obama wants a recount of the presidential election, without their fingerprints.  

A President Donald Trump will destroy the DNC Democratic Progressive Socialists inside America, starting with Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, con artists like Jill Stein and even poor old Bernie Sanders, the fuxked Socialist. 

Elizabeth Warren is also pushing inside the DNC Democratic Party to force the Electors to turn traitor and vote Hillary Clinton.  

Insiders say this evil plan was hatched by Barack Obama about 60 days ago, just in case, Hillary Clinton Fuxed up the elections, which she did, again. 

Illegal Aliens, Illegal Immigrants, Deportation is the only long term solution. Yes, deportation is harsh but Pedro has stolen several trillion dollars from the U.S. Treasury will the help of DNC GOP Elites and their Big Business Donors.

There is no such thing as cheap labor because the taxpayer pays the difference through welfare programs, food stamps, section 8 housing, free bus rides, ObamaCare...

Big Business and their friends in Congress want low cost labor to increase their profits, we want Donald Trump to deport every single illegal alien illegal immigrants, and starting with deporting the criminals are fine, but they all must go.

Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi George Soros DNC Democratic Socialist Party fights back, Barack Obama, last ditch,Article (1.) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

lame duck President, is promoting a new narrative of fake news is bad, and the real news faked by the main stream media is best as he fits his liberal progressive socialist agenda that just about destroyed America.

The DNC Democratic Socialist Party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has been destroyed by the people.  Barack Obama, once again, is not satisfied with the legal outcome so he's now promoting a new narrative of fake news is bad, and the real news faked by the main stream media is best as he fits his liberal progressive socialist agenda that just about destroyed America.  

Barack Obama has not asked for the violence to end, violence against Donald Trump is his narrative, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.  Most agree, that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have failed the nation and the national presidential election proves the point.  

The closed door, pen and phone, executive order president Barack Obama has shamed the nation, his legacy will be written in stone. Barack Obama has no agenda for the people and he will leave office as President and historians have already deemed through facts that Barack Obama will be recorded as the worst President in American history. 

Let it be known that Barack Obama is not and never was a so-called Constitutional Scholar at any higher learning institution, anywhere.  He lied about his Constitutional educational background and his legacy will show and indicate he is anti-Constitution and has little or no knowledge of the Constitution or its application. His guarded college transcripts, papers and grades have been removed from public view to hide his radical anti-Constitutional thoughts, plans and actions and hide forever his Marxist, Communist leanings.  

Barack Obama is merely a street organizers with anti-American backers just like Hillary Clinton and her corrupting Clinton Foundation. 

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