Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton's plight is desperate so get ready for anything. The Clinton's believe in getting even, but America wants revenge now for the repugnant crimes against our U.S. Constitution.

The root of the entire matter concerning illegal aliens, is the fact that they are illegal aliens, subject to immediate deportation.
There is a crisis in the community of illegal aliens, fake marriages, extended VISA holders hiding inside America.
The illegal alien is an undesirable risk to the United States so they will be removed, as the honest American understands.
America was being paralyzed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the people without any moral conscience now have the law on their heels as their socialist dream remains unsold.

Hillary Clinton's plight is desperate so get ready for anything.
The Clinton's believe in getting even, but America wants revenge now for the repugnant crimes against our U.S. Constitution.
The great city of New York City, NY has over 750,000 illegal aliens and destroys the prosperity of legal citizens, but not Mayor Bill De Blasio, he survives off the crawling feeble DOJ FBI and corrupt White House but in the early morning hours he's starting to feel the heat.
Scared and white, eager and tense, the wretch's Bill De Blasio, Rahm Emanuel defy federal law and their cities will remain Sanctuary cities, against the law.
Both these law breakers should warn their citizens that property taxes in both cities will at least triple when the federal dollars stop flowing, they can never be replaced.
Worst of all, the mayor's open the doors for extreme riots, destruction of property, killing in the streets, but worst of all, the cities will fill with crime, crumble to dust.
Both mayor's have now set the conditions for extreme violence.
In the moonlight this morning, behind locked doors, the people of Chicago and New York City will look for an officer of the law before they step outside.

Like a burglar, they buy a gun, hide it in the house, take it to work, and they are no longer going to just sit around, Donald Trump is the President and the deportations must begin.


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