Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

No Nieto - Wetback Mexican Pedro is going home, one way or another - The American people know where the illegal aliens work and live and we already have laws that will deport them and we have also removed radical Barack Obama who was lawless. At every level, federal, state and local the government officials that do not enforce the immigration laws of America are subject to Federal Laws and the prison terms specified. Nieto, don't plan on going to San Francisco for dinner this weekend, the sanctuary city, no place to hide.

The Brown Menace, Mexico.  Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto really thinks they he will make U.S. deportations a part of all deals with the United States.  Smile Enrique, Pedro is coming home so you can take care of him, lock him up or whatever. 

The American people know where the illegal aliens work and live and we already have laws that will deport them and we have also removed radical Barack Obama who was lawless.  At every level, federal, state and local the government officials that do not enforce the immigration laws of America are subject to Federal Laws and the prison terms specified.  Nieto, don't plan on going to San Francisco for dinner this weekend, the sanctuary city, no place to hide. 

NO, Nieto, you're very wrong and you're thinking like a wetback so take a step back.  

If you don't want these Mexican Citizens and we don't want your criminals it's your problem and there is no deal waiting on the table. We can and will crush your economy in 90 days and your country, your drug cartels, your military and you Nieto will be totally destroyed, not hurt Nieto, destroyed. 

The citizens of Americans have elected a new President Donald Trump with a clear mandate, purge the United States of all illegal aliens and the majority are poverty ridden, disease ridden, crime ridden, under educated Wetback Mexicans.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is used to radical criminal Barack Obama and that could care less about America but Nieto things have changed and you've already lost.  If you can absorb the terrible economic damage, stand your ground Nieto, bang your fist on the table, start making more anti-Trump speeches and you'll wake up inside your own civil unrest, stepping to a full Mexican revolution with people hanging on poles.

Enrique Nieto, the game is up.  You're taking the illegal aliens from your country back, we're building a wall so their not coming back, so deal with it today.


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