Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Illegal Aliens Direct Revolution Inside the United States - Donald Trump - If you have a close buddy, and illegal alien his sudden and horrible deportation is a intensified catastrophic confused and foggy result of the lawless government of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, a terrible experience for all.

The illegal aliens, illegal immigrants and the DNC Clinton Obama national campaign disgrace has turned in to civil unrest and combat , but there's more.

Donald Trump is in the process of reclaiming America for honest and legal Americans so the mental hells of the 11-25 million illegal aliens fall to the DNC Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Barack Obama and the rest of the pitiful shit heads.
The newest and most effective way to eliminate illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, VISA overstays and streamline the entire process is to go after every employer, right now, the first executive order by President Donald Trump.
The nerve wracking truth is that illegal aliens are illegal, they broke state and federal laws which makes them criminals on the run.
Illegal aliens have become simply routine in the Obama Clinton America and was accepted as another addition to cheap low class un-educated welfare ridden labor, supported by taxpayers.
Go to McDonalds and wonder, how many are illegal aliens, receiving welfare?  You don't have to go to McDonalds to support them, your tax dollars are hard at work.
Sure, Illegal Aliens, Illegal Immigrants and VISA overstays are disheartened, terror stricken and are now stuttering just like a bank robber cornered on main street.
They have broken U.S. Federal Law, but Obama Clinton didn't care because a stupid non English speaking wetback, working for minimum wage and hiding in Pedro's garage faces the badge of law, in the end but they vote Democrat before they are deported.
The illegal alien is protesting now, rioting, burning down private and public property and their mask like brown faces are drawn, full of anger but it's really fear.
Everything was fine under Barack Obama and would continue with Hillary Clinton, they didn't care about the law.
The illegal alien, illegal immigrant and the walk in Islamic Muslim terrorist is now having spasms, they're going to jail, held for deportation, bused out of America.
Yes, we will have human pitiful cases, but they must be removed.  The borders will be guarded and the border soldiers will have orders to shoot drug dealers, human smugglers and violent illegal aliens offering altercations.

If you have a close buddy, and illegal alien his sudden and horrible deportation is a intensified catastrophic confused and foggy result of the lawless government of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, a terrible experience for all. 

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