Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Jeremiah Wright Daughter Jeri Wright Corruption Federal Fraud Conviction Jesse Jackson Jr Barack Obama Hillary Clinton BUSTED Jail Time Barack Obama Long Time Friend Jeremiah Wright, daughter federal jury conviction.

Barack Obama Long Time Friend Jeremiah Wright, daughter federal jury conviction.

On Friday, a federal jury took less than two hours to convict the daughter of President Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of fraud.
Jeri Wright was found guilty of a fraud scheme that siphoned thousands of taxpayer dollars intended for a not-for-profit work and education program known as We Are Our Brother's Keeper.
Prosecutor Timothy Bass said Jeri Wright lied "over and over" and went on a "spending spree" that included traveling to Las Vegas, buying vehicles, and remodeling her basement with cash from the money laundering scheme.
She was found guilty on all counts.
"If you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held accountable in a court of law," said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, Jim Lewis.
We Are Our Brother's Keeper, owned by former Country Club Hills Police Chief Regina Evans and her husband, scored a $1.25 million state grant that was intended to offer bricklaying and electrical training, as well as GED preparation. Wright took up to $11,000 from checks worth more than $30,0000, and $20,000 deposited back into the Evans' accounts. Both Regina and Ronald Evans, Jr. have pleaded guilty to fraud.
Wright's sentencing is slated for July, but she says she will "definitely" appeal.

"I didn't do anything," Wright said while leaving the courtroom.

The 1965 bill by bastard Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) dramatically increased immigration from 9.7 million in 1970 to 40 million by 2010. Immigration has doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980, according to the report.

Coulter said giving legal status to more illegal immigrants would doom Republicans to generations of losses, and said the increase number of immigrants helped President Barack Obama defeat Republican Mitt Romney in 2012.

“I also don’t think you can remind people enough Democrats have not been winning people through their dazzling arguments,” Coulter said. “They have changed the voters and in the 2012 election, if the country had not changed, by force, on purpose, by people trying to harm this country, i.e. Ted Kennedy, Romney would have won a larger landslide against Obama than Reagan won against Carter in 1980, because he won 4 points more of the white vote. Back in 1980, the country was nearly 90 percent white now.”

Eagle Forum released a compilation of polling data that showed 75 percent of Hispanics want more government services, 68 percent of Muslim immigrants want bigger government, and 55 percent of Asians support more government services. That’s compared to just 37 percent of white voters who support more government and 52 percent who want less government. Meanwhile, 41 percent of the general public support more government compared to 48 percent that support less government.

“Republicans are fools to support any kind of amnesty or continuing to import millions of foreigners who reject conservative views and are going to vote for the Democrats,” Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly said.

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