Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mr. Franklin Goes To New York City

Mr. Franklin knew he was being followed, there was no longer any doubt.  His true story would never be told if he ended up dead on the shores of the ocean.  His little band of patriots moved quietly and softly through the estate woods, worried about the full moon and the natural light that might give them away.

The American citizens had been trained to sleep walk through their lives and they looked up watching for roaring jet fighters, screaming rockets and foreign troops landing on the shores of America.

They didn't know that it was their own centralized government and their crippling regulations that assaulted their freedoms.  Without any warning the centralized government had changed everything in America and launched federal Marshall Law that allowed the government to take control over the  rail centers, airports, factories, farms, power stations and even the local grocery stores and schools.

The current administration in New York City was using the deadliest weapon of them all, sabotage. 

Mr. Franklin knew about war, the danger of death by rifle shots, car bombs and masked men with knives.  On many occasions when he was younger he walked the fields in Syria when America fought against the new Russia and the old Soviet Union.

He had killed for his country and watched as other men had died for America but this was very different.  The opening blows came with the radical left taking power in the old capitol of Washington D.C. by popular vote.   As found in history the dictators killed for power or killed for votes.  Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the American president had a great deal in common.  The major political conflict inside America lasted for years and the lines had been drawn and the most votes won the country, if only by half.

The ability of the U.S. to fight never truly returned and the enemies of liberty and freedom took full advantage.  The Syrian war was about fighting the Russian bear and the indicted President of the United States remained in luxurious office within the new capitol complex in New York City.  He was the first President since Franklin Roosevelt that was bound and determined to serve for life.  Accepting all serious blows from the political right the President was serving his eighth term in office and was described as the destructive dictator.

After the Syrian war had waged for years the battle for Israel intensified as Iran was nuclear armed and fielded armies that approached over two million men.  When Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Russian and North Korea combined forces the danger of another world war was constantly debated. 

Now Mr. Franklin knew that the situation had changed even though he wasn't sure how and when.  He knew that the American people were ready to fight and that meant with guns and bullets to remove the dictator and restore the Constitution.

The centralized government had mushroomed all across the United States and Marshall law kept everybody guessing and hiding in their homes.  The U.S. military had divisions of the federalized national guard all across America and their job was to guard vital infrastructure of the nation.

The winds of freedom and liberty were blowing and as it swirls and hisses and brings people to life Mr. Franklin and others could hear the clamor for total revolution.

The noise for liberty was so loud it couldn't be heard.  The strange feelings had arrived and the men and women were whispering about the deadly centralized government.  It was those whispers inside the homes and on the factory floors that grew to a silent clamor for a return of independence, liberty and freedom but Mr. Franklin understood to rush to freedom.

Good men were waiting and their women knew in their hearts that the whispers in the milling crowds could not be held down forever.  Underground newspaper sprung to life all across America and tiny printers churned out one page calls for action and the weapons of revolution were being gathered. 

The government had taken the powerful weapons but they had failed to kill the heart of good men.  They failed to burn all the history books and the teachings of the founders of America and maybe this night, Mr. Franklin wasn't sure, but the attack against the centralized government was at hand.

The man would carry a briefcase and he would walk the halls of New York City's grand central station and during the rush hour he would never be noticed.

He would look ordinary in the crowd of men and women going to work that same morning because that's exactly what he would be doing.

His jammed briefcase would be full of hundred thousand dollar bills which were only used by government officials to easily move large amounts of cash.  Every ten bills equaled a million dollars so this man was at that very moment is the richest man in New York City.

This same innocent looking man would enter the centralized government complex in New York City and ride one of the many elevators down into the halls of Congress.  He would be escorted by government guards the moment he entered into the foyer of the Complex and step onto the marbled and polished floors.

After entering the halls of government deep underground he would be taken to the railroad center to board the small but efficient passenger train with connections to the branches of government.  He would pass the Capitol station and the Supreme Court Station and would exit at the White House Station.

The man would know that the White House was the place of deadly Communist germs that had been dispersed across the free nation and this death spreading form of government was brought about by the man he would meet in only minutes, the President of the United States.

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