Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Obama Clinton Bondage Slavery Democratic Party It puzzled me about the black radicals. I was astonished to discover that the Negro was still following the Democratic Party illusion about helping people of color. It made no sense to me but I also realized that the majority of black men and women had very little education which invited the Democratic Party right inside their homes. Black people thought he was exciting and very dramatic but they cannot find a job. I really wonder if the black man wants to work because they seem to enjoy the role of child-like man being lead around by the boss-master.

Do you realize that millions of Americans are starving to death, some in the streets? Do you realize that millions of people, black and white, slave under the lash of wall-street mongers?  Do you know that a Senate Democratic Majority Leader in 1977 was a member of the Ku Klux Klan?  Do you know that this man of the Democratic Party did everything possible to stop the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The real question is why didn’t you know?

It puzzled me about the black radicals.  I was astonished to discover that the Negro was still following the Democratic Party illusion about helping people of color.  It made no sense to me but I also realized that the majority of black men and women had very little education which invited the Democratic Party right inside their homes.  Black people thought he was exciting and very dramatic but they cannot find a job.  I really wonder if the black man wants to work because they seem to enjoy the role of child-like man being lead around by the boss-master.
The college asked me to write the paper on the American Negro and I suggested that they get someone else, maybe a professor from Harvard or Columbia could do a better job?  They pushed for a couple of years so here I type the real history of the Negro as judged by the horrible truth of history.  They wanted me to explain the olden times of lynching and shooting’s and all the abuses of slavery and even freedom. 

They didn’t want the Hollywood film version for consumption they wanted the real picture of the African Negro in America and they wanted my every thought to be supported by actual recorded history of the United States of America, and even before.
There was much drinking and shooting in the deep-south before the civil war and most of the guns were aimed at the “nagger” so if you had to kill a few to keep the thousands in line it was anything but wrong.

But that isn’t the picture I wanted to paint.  I’ve studied the slavery of American Naggers for over 30 years and on occasion you find the truth to be told.  I can tell you know that it’s a horrible and repulsive truth but now is the time for the unspeakable to be spoken.
The Black Negro “nagger” in present times is little better off today because of the white illusion.  The democratic white man illusion has been keeping the black man down for hundreds of years and the real truth of black slavery has been hidden so well that even a black man or a black woman cannot read their own real American history.
My white students think of America only as they know it today.  They think of technology and Florida orange juice and California sunshine.  They walk about on plush carpets and the rest of the country is only a short flight away. The young adults put on their McDonalds uniform and go to work for minimum wage and they glimpse at new cars, swimming pools and master degrees.
They have never met a movie star but they still tweet them all the same.  They think of French fries and never think about the French Revolution and they wander around the United States almost like a visitor and not a citizen. Our youth today meanders and rambles around with secondhand impressions of their own country and their teachers and television teach them some version of history. 
My black students roam around in their own glittering dreams not much different than the white students, both girls and boys.  They worry little about floods, hurricanes and riots but if you remember, we didn’t worry either.  The main stream press doesn’t help them learn the truth because the realities of the facts are simply too upsetting for young minds and the staggering history of the world is full of appalling and unspeakable truths.
The political parties of today are jammed packed full of warmongers, wall-street thugs, union strikers and debauchery of all kinds.  Consequently 99.9% of U.S. Citizens do not know the truth about their own country.  The white kids don’t know and the black kids have never been taught.  The white kids have been taught about the civil war and the black kids have been taught about the lynching parties.  And in fact this iron curtain around the truth was constructed on purpose because if the white’s and blacks ever learn the total truth the propaganda will stop and the liberty and freedom will start.

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