Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Who Will Kill Bundy? Who Will Bury The Truth? Who Will Protect The People? The far-flung rackets of Barack Obama and his illicit selling of America land to the Chinese Yellow Menace came to a stop as the elaborate BLM, FBI, ATFE, EPA, DOJ rackets and their activities became public today. The racketeers at the BLM Bureau of Land Management, EPA Environmental Protection Agency in combination with the other agencies are grabbing millions of acres of land all across America. It is thought that members of Congress, at the highest levels, have "Hot land deals" and stand to make tens of millions of dollars dealing with the Chinese Yellow Menace.

Restricted access was the beginning as the Clarks County Sheriff's department used every unscrupulous method to corner the Bundy Cattle Ranch hands and supporters as uncovered by special assignment reporters from Texas, Oklahoma and Nevada.  The truth, at some point, the story at some point, will be told as Barack Obama and the White House put the brakes on the Bundy Cattle Ranch Raid, some may say.  It seems that the EPA and the BLM has for many years been taking the land from the people.  It was shocking to see local police officers use extreme force against an old rancher that owes disputed fees.  You should wonder who will kill Bundy, how will they explain his murder, who will protect him?
The far-flung rackets of Barack Obama and his illicit selling of America land to the Chinese Yellow Menace came to a stop as the elaborate BLM, FBI, ATFE, EPA, DOJ rackets and their activities became public today.  The racketeers at the BLM Bureau of Land Management, EPA Environmental Protection Agency in combination with the other agencies are grabbing millions of acres of land all across America. It is thought that members of Congress, at the highest levels, have "Hot land deals" and stand to make tens of millions of dollars dealing with the Chinese Yellow Menace.  Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and Eric Holder move against the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States and you could watch it happen at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. 
The Agenda 21 plan, first drafted in the United Nations and supported by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton and now the radical Barack Obama is full of amazing secrets and methods to take private property, wealth and land, away from honest hard working citizens and remove the actual borders of states and even the nation.  If rancher Bundy was a black man, things would be different.  The radical Barack Obama whispers in Putin's ear and now Crimea is lost to Communism.  The Iranian Islamist Muslim Radicals will have a nuclear bomb soon and Israel will be destroyed.  You can watch it happen. 
This gigantic conspiracy came to life as the BLM and the Sheriff's department came to the fields of the Bundy ranch with guns, helicopters and military support to remove the Bundy cattle and in Chicago gangster style force rancher Bundy to conform or die on his land.  It takes months and millions of taxpayer dollars to plan a military police operation and the men and women of Clark County that helped shove around rancher Bundy should be terminated today, fired, kicked out and maybe deported to North Korea where they would fit in better.  
The Bundy Cattle Ranch Scandal will go down in history as the Scandal that ended the Barack Obama Administration, even Syria with 200,000 dead, Crimea in Ukraine over taken by Soviet Union era Putin, the Hillary Clinton Benghazi 9-11 murder of Americans, the socialist ObamaCare takeover of free enterprise, the NSA spy scandal and the IRS illicit destruction of the U.S. Constitution pales and will remembered as child games compared to the Bundy Cattle Ranch Scandal that used the force of the federal government, local and state governments "racketeers", local, state and federal political representatives to take private property under threat of death because rancher Bundy owed money which he disputes.

Americans were shocked to learn that the federal government will kill citizens because they owe disputed fee's even as it may be well known that the radical Al Sharpton may owe the federal government $1.9 million dollars in taxes.  The average citizen was shocked when they discovered that the Sheriff's department had no intention of protecting their citizens in Clark county even as many knew that Jesse Jackson Jr. sat in prison for federal crimes.  The White Man - Bundy- Rancher in Nevada is well outside the protected class of the black radical Barack Obama and Eric Holder.  Al Sharpton can owe millions, Jesse Jackson Jr. in prison, hundreds of IRS employees don't pay their federal taxes, but Bundy can be shot and killed, cattle taken and destroyed. 

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