Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wendy Davis, the Texas Talker. You should remember that Wendy Davis is nothing more than a Barack Obama that wears panties. Wendy Davis stood up and talked for endless hours and that's the exact same way that the national media peddled Barack Obama, the hard left black radical. Wendy Davis, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton may just be the new pussy riot of politics. Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis exploded on the national political scene when she staged a filibuster in favor of abortion. Since then, she has become something of an icon to the left regarding the contentious issue. Planned Parenthood loves Wendy Davis because she supports the murder of minority unborn children.

Wendy Davis, the Texas Talker.  You should remember that Wendy Davis is nothing more than a Barack Obama that wears panties.  Wendy Davis stood up and talked for endless hours and that's the exact same way that the national media peddled Barack Obama, the hard left black radical.  Wendy Davis, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton may just be the new pussy riot of politics.  Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis exploded on the national political scene when she staged a filibuster in favor of abortion. Since then, she has become something of an icon to the left regarding the contentious issue.  Planned Parenthood loves Wendy Davis because she supports the murder of minority unborn children.  

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