Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bundy Cattle Range War Extended Power Storm Warning Guns God and Government. The New York Times, The Bundy Comments, The Media is disgraced again by not telling the entire story and in fact the New York Times, it seems, just wrote their own story with Bundy as a backdrop. The Democrat Socialist Progressives love the New York Times story and that was the point. Given the potentially devastating consequences of speaking the truth about the Negro the Black Radical President Barack Obama, DOJ Radical Eric Holder, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first black first lady held silent on the BLM and the EPS in conjunction with the Clarke County Sheriffs department having shoot outs with citizens.

The New York Times, The Bundy Comments, The Media is disgraced again by not telling the entire story and in fact the New York Times, it seems, just wrote their own story with Bundy as a backdrop.  The Democrat Socialist Progressives love the New York Times story and that was the point. 

Given the potentially devastating consequences of speaking the truth about the Negro the Black Radical President Barack Obama, DOJ Radical Eric Holder, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first black first lady held silent on the BLM and the EPA in conjunction with the Clarke County Sheriffs department having shoot outs with citizens. 

The Bundy Attack by the government forces cannot be changed.  The illegal aliens crossing the borders to serve as economic slaves can be changed.  The spending of billions of dollars to engage the Negro to help them along can be changed.  The frivolous and wasteful projects of a centralized and socialized Barack Obama can be changed in November 2014.  Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder, Harry Reid and hundreds of others cannot explain the corruption of the Obama administration, and that will change.

The Bundy Cattle War, The Bundy Range War, The Bundy Cattle Raid in Nevada is a practice run for the government forces.  The government agencies, BLM, FBI, EPA, DOJ, and Clarke County Sheriff's department was waging a coordinated attack on the rascal Bundy because he owes the government money which he disputes.  The gun-slingers from the BLM, Bureau of Land Management should understand that killing one U.S. citizen is not a practice run and killing hundreds of his cattle will really piss off McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King.

We now have Obama, ready to use military action against North Korea.  Obama without electricity is a nice thought because he would be reduced to pot smoke signals. 

Here is the full text of Bundy's comments:
…" and so what I've testified to ya', I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn't have these things, and they didn't have them.
We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don't want to go back; we sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don't want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.
Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.
When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn't have nothing to do. They didn't have nothing for the kids to do. They didn't have nothing for the young girls to do.
And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?
You know they didn't get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that's all government, that's not freedom.
Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they're here and they're people – and I've worked side-by-side a lot of them.
Don't tell me they don't work, and don't tell me they don't pay taxes. And don't tell me they don't have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they're together, they picnic together, they're spending their time together, and I'll tell you in my way of thinking they're awful nice people.
And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party.

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