Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The only man that cannot talk to God might just be Barack Obama and a revolutionary religious teacher proclaims Barack Obama, based entirely on the facts and happenings of his administration, compared to other presidents with identical powers, just another human being, without any special powers. God does not offer weak men great powers and Barack Obama has discovered that telling people that he's a Christian is not the same as telling God. You see, God does not listen to Barack Obama.

The only man that cannot talk to God might just be Barack Obama and a revolutionary religious teacher proclaims Barack Obama, based entirely on the facts and happenings of his administration, compared to other presidents with identical powers, just another human being,  without any special powers.  God does not offer weak men great powers and Barack Obama has discovered that telling people that he's a Christian is not the same as telling God.  You see, God does not listen to Barack Obama. 
The religious teacher thought Barack Obama was just misunderstood but it seems Barack Obama has been designed by God for a very unusual reason, says the noted Psychologist turned religious teacher.
Jesus wants people to duplicate every good work but Barack Obama only duplicates the failures before him.  When you look at attracting wrong doing people Barack Obama believes in the teachings of Mao, Hitler, Stalin and others found in history.
Barack Obama is on some long search for the truth which has always escaped him and using his rented power from the people he's trying to overpower the people that fuel his office.
As the power of Barack Obama fades and his own insignificance comes to light the Living God, using the mighty forces from heaven, will cripple Barack Obama, failing health, no happiness and no financial success much like Hillary Rodham Clinton is now discovering.

Barack Obama has been cast on earth to cast a shadow so that the normal man may see evil and find Jesus.  The highly interesting, revolutionary and fascinating story of Barack Obama will be mostly cast aside and mostly struck out of history books by the power of God and for the hope of man. Barack Obama has become the example of what not to be, that is his truth. 

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