Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, October 3, 2014

EBOLA Washington D.C. Centralized Socialist Government Hit Hard Hundreds of thousands have died in Africa and medical science in Africa still remains close to the witch doctor stage without outside help. EBOLA is being identified thousands of times per day now in America and there is no end it seems. The economy collapsed several months ago as the economic engine of the nation ground to a halt as thousands and thousands died from exposure to EBOLA despite HHS government services. FEMA has opened hundreds of massive human shelters which were really internal jails to hold sick people away from healthy people. The military ran the FEMA compounds and it has been reported that hundreds have been shot by the troopers trying to escape to the outside. Once the Negro Project came to surface and the minorities realized that the EBOLA serum did not work on Black People the riots started across the nation which caused Marshall Law to be installed across America. Radical black leadership, some say including the President and his supporters fed the fire by stating that the CIA and NSA, DIA, FBI, DOD,CDC, had all conspired and unleashed the EBOLA virus by design to reduce the black populations around the world.

The human guinea pigs in Africa are not isolated no matter what the CDC Center for Disease Controls may tell you through the Obama controlled Media groups like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and the print media like New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and many others. 
The dreaded disease of EBOLA is not isolated and deliberately exposed human beings are traveling to the United States to gain access to the suspected cure all drug based on Tobacco compounds.  The world discovered the ACA ObamaCare and hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have crossed the border each and every month.  Some say that over five million illegal aliens crossed over in just the last six months looking and hoping for free health care and to cure them from EBOLA.  
Hundreds of thousands have died in Africa and medical science in Africa still remains close to the witch doctor stage without outside help.  EBOLA is being identified thousands of times per day now in America and there is no end it seems.  The economy collapsed several months ago as the economic engine of the nation ground to a halt as thousands and thousands died from exposure to EBOLA despite HHS government services.  FEMA has opened hundreds of massive human shelters which were really internal jails to hold sick people away from healthy people. The military ran the FEMA compounds and it has been reported that hundreds have been shot by the troopers trying to escape to the outside.  Once the Negro Project came to surface and the minorities realized that the EBOLA serum did not work on Black People the riots started across the nation which caused Marshall Law to be installed across America.  Radical black leadership, some say including the President and his supporters fed the fire by stating that the CIA and NSA, DIA, FBI, DOD,CDC, had all conspired and unleashed the EBOLA virus by design to reduce the black populations around the world. 
Recent reports by the Public Health Services CDC have revealed that the Muslim terrorists are deliberately exposing themselves and crossing the open borders in the south to make war on America.  The DHS Department of Homeland Security has had hundreds of Border Agents simply walk off the job not wanting to donate their lives in some heroic effort to stop EBOLA Terrorists.  
The TSA now simply called the Transportation Sleeping Agency has failed every test and the deadly virus spread quickly from airport to airport carrying the epidemic to every village, town and city across America.
In the city of St. Louis Missouri over seven hundred people died last week and their entire state is gripped with panic and medical science has no real remedy to help them.
The latest scientific methods and the leading bacteriologists are studying the symptoms and looking for new cures.  The EBOLA plaque is upon the land and new patients are laying on blankets outside partially covered inside the parking garage by the hundreds. 
The President has been given the serum and has been inoculated by the protective serum and the doctors hoping that his mixed race might save him.  The laboratory monkeys had died last week and immediately more lab monkeys were purchased from Africa for testing.
The Naval Officer "Stanley" took off his sterilized mask and surgeons rubber gloves and noticed his nose and throat were a little sore, maybe too much coffee and cigarettes.  
HIs coughing gave him additional incentive to work on EBOLA but he knew he would become the patient now, EBOLA impossible to control he would become just another doctor to die in the secluded laboratory and hospital trying to save the President of the United States.
The death dealing EBOLA virus didn't care if he was a black man or a doctor it was simply his turn.  The Government had killed millions of people by letting people openly travel and these ordinary germs would be World War III. 

The truth never to be told,

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