Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Baltimore now feels like the underworld and the amazing truth is that Baltimore has been gangland for a long time, with secret gun deals, drug traffic, whores and their pimps but now the deadly weapons are out and people are dying.

Soon there would be six and he was alone. He was afraid to walk down the busy street in Baltimore but the honest, law abiding citizen as the insurance adjuster didn't have much of a choice, it was his job.
Baltimore now feels like the underworld and the amazing truth is that Baltimore has been gangland for a long time, with secret gun deals, drug traffic, whores and their pimps but now the deadly weapons are out and people are dying.
The gangsters and thugs on the street corner didn't seem afraid of anything and there wasn't a cop car around anywhere.  It was only a few weeks ago that the drug store was looted and almost burnt down to the ground and he tried literally to keep his arms stiffly at his side as he walked.
His insurance company had the policy and that means he had to go and take more pictures, take some measurements to complete the insurance claim file.  The boss had told him it was a million dollar problem, so do it right.
He felt out of place with his tailored coat but he had to wear a heavy coat to hide the gun he had nestled in one of his pockets.
He was watching the four men walking down the street on the other side walking in the same direction, he felt like he was being followed, stiffly he kept walking, head down, just glancing up to check his bearings once in a while.
He could feel the muzzle of his pistol touch his right leg as he walked and it gave him some comfort and confidence.
Two other guys were now walking behind him, he turned and glanced and now they were six men at least paying too much attention to him.
The palm of his hand slid down and he touched the pistol grip which made him feel better, his illegal gun concealed but ready to pull if any of these guys started something.
He saw her and she was waving, the lady worked for the drug store that was looted as their property manager on the East Coast.
She was innocent-looking enough and well dressed as he waved back and gave her a smile.  He was just twenty yards or so away from the burnt out drug store where black men had transformed themselves into a formidable force and fought with the police, turned over police cars and tossed rocks.
The cops had brought in armored automobiles for tanks, tear gas for some kind of poison barrage but the black radicals kept pushing, looting and burning and hundreds of people were hurt in just a few hours.
The thugs were organized and they had weapons but the big boys like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Barack Obama and even the new lady at the DOJ Lynch were racketeering the entire city of Baltimore some would say?
The lady he was meeting seemed to fall to the sidewalk but, she was pulling a pistol and started firing which made him jump right to hide behind a dented metal trash can.

He could hear the bullets and the crew to his left opened up and were shooting back with withering speed but the woman was giving battle and one of the thugs went down.  The terrible power was loud as the six men were firing revolvers generally in the direction of the lady now laying flat on the sidewalk.

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