Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 19, 2015

Rachel Dolezal NAACP There is no Negro blood flowing inside Rachel Dolezal so you must wonder why she didn't pretend to be a Communist Chinese Girl or maybe take up the ancestry of the North American Indian Savage?

Rachel Dolezal, How Can Your Pretend To Be A Negro Woman?

Thinking about Charleston South Carolina shooting and the nine people being shot to death makes you wonder about Rachel Dolezal?  What in the world would make a middle class white girl want to put on the black face?

Rachel Dolezal, the pale white showgirl and black faced actress unfairly kept the truth from her friends and NAACP associates to seemingly gain her rightful place as a Negro woman.  How dare she pretend to be black?  How could she spit in the natural face of a black woman and keep her straight face? Rachel Dolezal does not understand the pain and suffering of the black woman.  She does not understand the harsh history of slavery, beatings and starvation but she pretends to understand.

There is no Negro blood flowing inside Rachel Dolezal so you must wonder why she didn't pretend to be a Communist Chinese Girl or maybe take up the ancestry of the North American Indian Savage?  

There is a reason that Rachel Dolezal wanted to be colored, white by nature but she carried a black heart so she set out to deceive every human being that she knew or would know in the future. Her black mask hides something deep inside her as she planned for years and acted the part in front of friends and associates. 

Notoriously the white Rachel Dolezal was pretending to be a Negro and her shocking story bitterly conflicts with the Negro community. 

Rachel Dolezal had motives befitting the urban gangster or the corrupt city  politician, she was looking for and demanding accommodations befitting her fake status as a Negro Colored Woman paving her way to fame and fortune.
The White Girl Rachel Dolezal fooled everybody, including the NAACP,  and the fantastic lie is being ignored by the champions in the media so you can expect Rachel Dolezal to continue her invisible colored life and not to disappear in shame.
No One Reports A Missing White Negro


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