Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Unemployment Welfare Barack Obama Unlimited Power Unmitigated Disaster Buffoon Unemployed Real Number 43% - 43% percent Un-employement Rate

It is clear now, there will be war if you are not ready to surrender your freedom.  Progressive Socialism has taken the United States to the brink of total disaster. 

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, They have created 19 trillion dollars of fake fiat money which has destroyed the world economy and your personal wealth.   Unemployment; the real rate of unemployment is almost 50% per leading experts. Big Business, Big Government, Big Media, Big Unions have combined into a giant progressive socialist model that must be destroyed before it destroys you.  Vote. 

The government of the United States was broken up by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson Sr., Jesse Jackson Jr., George Soros, Bill Clinton, Valerie Jarrett and thousands of others, on purpose. They have taken unlimited power and they are an unmitigated disaster and the buffoons are ready to take everything. 

43% percent Un-employement Rate

They are profane, ungodly, obscene and are creatures that have squandered the lives and fortunes of millions of honest American citizens.  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton pretend to feel your misfortunes, lost jobs, lost homes and welfare food but now they cry for the blood of the Republic.  They want America to die a horrible death and their atrocious designs are mostly complete.

By design, the founders of the United States, under our Constitutional Republic allowed for a centralized government of the people to be an agent for the states and not their masters and that the free institutions would be operated by elected officials and not as some imperial force over the free people.

In every home now there is a low voice at the dinner table supposing that America is lost, the borders are open, minorities are violent and the Islamic terrorists are marching toward America. 

We have bore witness to the evil illegal aliens.  We have seen the images from Syria, Iran and Iraq and the Islamic Muslim enemy is on the march and some encamped on our southern border waiting to strike.

We now understand that Progressive Socialist Democrats are making rapid strides concerning the absolute destruction of the United States and step by step the government of the center steals the peoples wealth and liberties.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are a great misfortune to the republic and with a little imagination you can see America as a new North Korea, China, Syria, Iran, Iraq or even Russia.

They have conspired against your country, against you and your children.

The deadly progressive socialist disease steals away individual wealth and liberties and gradually but surely saps the wealth from every citizen of worth and then re-distributes the hard earned wealth to other classes of people that refuse to exercise their free will and toil for their living.

Welfare is the suppression force that stops the rebellion.

94 million men and women are not working.

47 million men and women would starve without government free food.

The jobs are gone to China, the place of slave labor.

Government reports are continually faked to keep the truth away.

The bitter argument now is that we must become slaves of the state and obey the ruling class that is corrupt, lawless and as unprincipled as any villains found on wanted posters around the world.

The people chose the ballet box and removed the total authority of Barack Obama under the constitution and laws to suspend his actions of destruction.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others have determined that you will not have a free speech voice, you shall not enjoy the free press and your rights will be held by a centralized government and only shared with the evil loyal few.

The Constitution gives power to Congress which is empowered by the people.  All good men understand that due to the invasion of millions of illegal aliens there is now a centralized government rebellion using minorities of color to destroy towns, cities and villages around the United States.

The United States has been invaded, without any lines of defense the invasion continues and yes, there is a war at hand.

Are you ready to defend your liberties?  Our founding fathers inaugurated the revolution in 1776 to rid us of kings and rulers so you could escape and your children could prosper within free enterprise, private property rights, free speech, free press and elect your own government officials.

You are now subjected to tyranny and not a government of the people.  Our elders fear the dreaded death lists offered by ObamaCare and our youth struggle with no jobs as your government carefully scraps free enterprise with schemes like ObamaTrade as the progressive ideas only create sheep and not men.

As the stars and stripes are being threatened from all corners of the minority group take notice of their lack of character and their offensive behavior.

Certainly they are cowardly, sneaking around in the shadows and lighting fires and shooting their pistols at honorable police officers.  These hell deserving assassins must be taken off welfare rosters and we must jail the criminals no matter where they are found.

Sink or swim,
live or die,
survive or perish,
I owe my allegiance to the United States Constitution,
and I respect the government of the people but,
now it is controlled by the worst men and women,
and they lie about their dastardly deeds so be

ready to resist them, bitterly. 

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